was really funny watching her drink the whole carton in ten minutes. She was oohing and aahing about how great it tasted.

I continue with my task, trying to organize all the items that have been scanned, placing them in the correct files and relabeling everything so it actually makes sense.

The phone buzzes on my desk. I pick it up, but I don’t say hello till I hear his voice bark into the phone.

“We have a conference with Denis and his team at three. I need all documents printed and labeled so we can see what is going on.”

“Isn’t it better if I just do a slide show with PowerPoint? That way, you can display it bigger instead of on the table,” I suggest, smiling to myself.

“I wasn’t sure if you knew how to do that, since you haven’t been in an office environment in a while. I didn’t want to expect anything.”

I take the phone from my ear, ready to smash it on the desk. “I think I can manage it. If not, I can always use YouTube; they have tutorials.”

I look into the office and see him staring straight at me. All I see is his jaw getting tight. “I hope you can manage that one.” And he slams the phone down.

I quickly place it down in its cradle, smiling to myself. Score one for me.

But my mood doesn’t last long. He sends me an email.

To: Lauren (Latest PA)

From: Austin Mackenzie

Subject: Lunch Order

Please order me a pastrami on rye and a grilled chicken salad, dressing on the side.

I want this by noon. Try not to mess this up. She’s expecting it to be perfect.

Austin Mackenzie

My eyes glare at the screen, thinking if she wants it to be perfect, she’s starting with the wrong date. I don’t have time to answer when another email comes through.

To: Lauren (Latest PA)

From: Austin Mackenzie

Subject: Conference with Denis

Although I don’t think you can bring anything to this meeting, you need to be there to take notes.

Try not to flirt, since he is also considered a co-worker.

Austin Mackenzie

My blood is boiling. I want to reply with a simple ‘fuck off,’ but instead I think of something better. Oh yeah, I’m going to give him something better, alright.

I place the order at the deli on the corner. At eleven thirty, I start to get up, but I’m stopped by a woman walking down the hall.

She is wearing a brown trench coat tied at the waist. The trench coat falls to her mid-thigh. Her short blond bob of loose curls bounces with every step she takes. Her blue eyes shine. Her black Louboutins click-clack against the floor as she approaches.

“May I help you?” I ask while walking around my desk. She gives me the once-over.

“No, thank you,” she huffs and continues walking straight into Austin’s office. “Darling,” I hear her purr. “It’s been forever.”

I look into the office, seeing her walk around the desk and sit on his lap. I don’t know what he says, but I hear giggling that has me rolling my eyes.

I hear my phone ring. “Hello?”

“I’m going to need that lunch later. And would you close my door?” he says and then hangs up before I can answer.

I’ll close his fucking door. I walk in and hear them whispering, the bottom half of the desk covering whatever he is doing. So gross. It’s the middle of the day! My heart is beating so fast. I try not to look up, but he looks up right before I close the door. Something flashes in his features, but I don’t get a chance to figure out what it is before the door closes. I hear the blinds start to shut. I’m not sitting out here while he fucks in his office.

I walk around the desk, grabbing my purse, and leave to go to lunch. I guess I’ll be having the grilled chicken salad, dressing on the side.

I pull my phone out of my purse and shoot Kaleigh a text.

He’s fucking some woman in his office!

Your boss?

No, the fucking tooth fairy! Who else would I be talking about?

Barf. Make sure you use Lysol wipes on the surfaces you sit on. You don’t want to be catching cooties.

Do people still use the word cooties?

Ummm. Yes.

I walk out of the building to the hustle and bustle of lunchtime. Once I make it to the deli, I pick up the order and eat the salad there.

I’m almost done when my phone buzzes. When I pick it up, I see ‘Asshat who hit…’

Where are you?

I look at the clock and notice that it’s only been twenty minutes since I’ve been gone. Wow, I guess he’s a wham bam thank you ma’am kinda guy.

I’m at the deli having lunch. I didn’t think you would be finished so soon. My bad.

I don’t pay you to think. Bring me my lunch.

I smash my phone down on the table. That’s it. I’ve fucking had it.

I walk over to the Walgreens across the street. I pick up a bottle of Dulcolax. “You don’t pay me to get your lunch either, asshole,” I grumble to myself while I walk back to the office. Once I make it there, I go the other route, picking up a water bottle from the kitchen.

I take a quick look around the kitchen, checking to see if anyone is coming this direction. When I see no one is there, I take out the Dulcolax and open the package.

I start reading the dosage instructions on the package when I hear someone coming. I shove the box and the bottle into my purse. When I turn around, I see Steven walking in.

“Hey. Are you having lunch?” he asks, going to the fridge and grabbing his bag.

“Nope, just finished. I’m picking up a water bottle for Austin. I just got his lunch.” The fact I’m lying and that I might be caught is too much.

My neck starts to burn, and I’m pretty sure he can hear my heart beating it’s so loud.

“Oh, he hates

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