going to cream you so good.” At this point, people are starting to arrive. They’re looking over at Lauren, who now has her hands covering her face.

Barbara comes out of her office, walking with purpose right over to us. The moaning starts again, and the screen flickers to life. The first guy is now pounding into the second guy while ordering him to “jerk that cock while I fuck your ass.”

“Lauren, dear, I don’t think this is the time or place for this. Perhaps you should do this in your own place.” She pushes her glasses up higher on her nose, “Oh, that is some scene, right?” She giggles a little.

Lauren turns around, her cheeks blazing pink with embarrassment. “I don’t watch this. It was on my screen when I turned it on, and I can’t seem to shut it down. I closed the screen.” She clicks the X in the corner, but another screen pops up, titled ‘Please Cum On My Face’ with a girl on her knees surrounded by ten hard dicks all shooting off their loads at the same time on her face.

“See? I can’t shut it down,” she says as she places her hands strategically over the computer screen in an effort to block out the video. “It won’t stop!” I see some tears in her eyes.

She looks over at me, and for just one second, I feel bad, but then I remember that I almost died yesterday in my bathroom, and I just smirk at her. The tears are blinked away, clearing to show a murderous rage in her eyes that is aimed at me.

“I’m going to call JP in tech support to come over here and get this situation taken care of,” Barbara says while she picks up Lauren’s phone.

“JP, can you come to Lauren’s desk? She seems to have been watching porn, and it’s taking over her system.”

“I was NOT watching porn! It was already on when I got here,” she insists adamantly.

Barbara puts her hand over the phone. “Sure, sure, dear, whatever you say.” Then she turns back to her conversation with JP. “Oh, she has tried clicking everything, but it seems she must have stumbled onto the wrong site.”

I don’t know what JP is saying, but Barbara nods her head and laughs. “See you soon.”

She hangs up the phone. “He’ll be right over.” She looks at me then Lauren. “But for now, he says to not click on anything else.”

“I didn’t click on anything to begin with,” she says, throwing her hands in the air, her tits bouncing with her movements.

She stands up and walks around her desk, and I finally see the full effect of today’s outfit. Her skirt isn’t tight, it’s loose, almost flowing, and whenever she moves, it brushes against her thighs. Her creamy, perfectly toned thighs. She almost killed me, I quickly remind myself.

“Well, this is awkward, knowing what your assistant’s sexual proclivities are. You really shouldn’t view that type of material during working hours, though. I should probably sit down with you and discus this.” I shake my head and look down. “I don’t think I can let this slide. I’m so sorry, but I’m going to have to let you go.” I don’t even finish saying what I want to say.

“What the hell are you talking about? You can’t fire her for that. It’s discrimination! You can’t tell her what not to do on her own time,” Barbara says.

“It’s not her time, she is on the clock.” I put my hand on my hips, glaring at her.

“Austin, it’s not even eight yet. Technically, you aren’t paying her yet.”

I look at my watch and see that it is just a couple of minutes before eight. “Oh please, she doesn’t even want to be here.”

I look at Lauren and see that her head is tilted to the side. She looks back at her computer and then back at me “Where are all my Post-it notes?” She turns and looks me straight in the eyes.

I shrug my shoulders with what I hope is my best ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about’ expression. “Maybe the cleaning staff threw them out.”

“What are you talking about? You know the cleaning staff only comes in on the weekend, Austin. I mean, they come and empty garbage cans, but they don’t do the full cleaning until the weekend,” Barbara puts in her two cents.

“Really,” I hear Lauren say, putting her own hands on her hips. “Fascinating, since someone touched my desk two days ago.”

I don’t have time to answer before JP shows up with a briefcase. “Okay, where is the porn monster located?”

Lauren points to her computer, where she goes to tell him that she hasn’t touched anything. It takes him a few minutes to get everything cleared up. “There, that should do the trick. It really wasn’t that bad.” He chuckles and looks at me. “Remember last year when I had to totally reconfigure your hard drive when the same thing happened to you?”

I look at Barbara and Lauren, who are both looking at me now. Barbara is smiling, while Lauren is glaring. “Thank you for all your help, JP. Now that the problem is fixed, perhaps you can start your day,” I say to Lauren.

“Oh, I'm going to start my day, alright,” she tells me with a twinkle in her eye, and I somehow know that she’s just upped the ante.

Chapter 9


The rest of the day goes by without anything happening. That night before I leave, I take out four pieces of tape, folding them in half, and stick them under my mouse.

Take that, Asshat. I glare at him through his blinds, but he doesn’t see me.

I send him an email before I go home, just letting him know I’m leaving.

I’m still so fucking embarrassed. The whole office was talking about the new PA watching porn at her desk before the start of the workday.

Steven didn’t even say hello to me when I saw him in the

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