wished he would go away.

Bite, blood, kiss.

“I think you and I both always knew I would end up standing before you this way,” I admitted dully. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that Gabriel was the one who was no longer breathing.

“Indeed,” Jasmina murmured. “And are you ready to join Violet Memory?”

I debated on the wisdom of saying no or that I didn’t care. I went for an in-between response. “I guess.”

“You are Gabriel’s Eternal, and he is your sire. These circumstances have granted you the honor of entry, but first, any who opposes Kara joining us must speak now. Once she joins, she will always be a part of us. Are there any objections?”

There were shuffles behind me. Whispers of clothes scraping delicately against skin.

“It’s because of her that June is dead,” a man said.

I refused to turn around to see who had spoken, but Gabriel bared his fangs and glanced over his shoulder, one arm hovering protectively behind me.

“And Gabriel killed Felicity and Emma because of her!” someone else protested.

“Gabriel killed them because of their own stupidity,” Thomas scoffed. “If he hadn’t, I would have.”

Many voices spoke at once, and although I could discern the individual words, I was too busy fighting the dam trying to burst inside of me to truly concentrate.

Christopher’s voice rose over the others. “Felicity and Emma’s blood is on their own hands. June died because she fought to help one of our own. To say she died in vain dishonors her ashes.”

The discord faded, and Gabriel turned to the crowd. “Direct your anger to me, not to Kara. She is the victim in all of this. If anyone wants to confront me about her joining, step forward now.” His voice became iced razors. “I hate to be kept waiting.”

Minutes passed, but none met his challenge. I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding.

“I suppose that settles things,” Jasmina said. “We have rules you must understand before you join us. Listen well.

“Violet Memory prohibits the killing of pregnant women and humans who are thirteen and under. When you hunt and kill, you are to do so discreetly. Without getting too technical, use common sense. Do not leave bodies lying around, and do not just hunt around Lystelle. Branch out. We have many cars and even private planes at airports at your disposal. Blood bags are always here for your thirst, but I understand the call of the hunt. Do not torture your prey extensively; you will lose yourself if you do so often. No rape, and no sexual torture. You may bring one human home at a time; claim them if you do not want to share. If any member tries to take a food source as precious to you as a claimed human, you may kill them after I have proof of their theft.

“Secrecy is obvious. Don’t go blathering to the world that vampires exist. We do not wish to be made known. Many centuries ago, there were wars not only between covens, but between humans and vampires, and the endless battles created some of the most formidable vampire hunters to ever exist. It was a bloody time that must not be repeated.

“There are many other covens and wandering vampires in the world. They are welcome on our lands as long as they do not create problems. If you come across them, show them respect. It is very rare for other vampires to cause us trouble, so do not concern yourself with them.

“We have money and many stocks. While you are not required to make a contribution, it is welcomed. If you have a hobby that brings in money, share your fortune. We all benefit.

“If you have a conflict with one of your family members, bring it before me before you act. Respect and treat everyone the way you wish to be treated. You do not have to live here, but you are expected to return and stay here for at least one month every five years. You are also to attend any events or parties held in Violet Memory’s name.”

I cracked my knuckles. “Is that all?”

She actually smiled. She reached into the nightstand drawer and pulled out a scroll. “For the most part. Here is a more detailed list. If I were you, I would carefully read the part about blood sharing with another member when engaged in a certain activity.”

I came to her and took the scroll, unrolling it and reading the small print.

“Any questions?” Jasmina asked as I rolled the scroll back up.

“I can only kill three humans a month? Bummer,” I said.

Thomas laughed, but Jasmina didn’t look amused. “I long for sleep. Are you ready or not?” Jasmina asked.

“Where do I sign?” I asked.

Her lips turned up at the corners. “You don’t. You drink.”

I swallowed, pain making my cells throb. While not drinking blood went against every instinct, the thought of doing it again made me recoil in despair. The human Kara hadn’t been snuffed out completely, but I had a feeling the more I indulged in blood, the smaller she would become.

And if I ever killed, she would be gone forever.

Jasmina’s fangs snapped out, and she lifted her wrist to her mouth. She gently pierced her skin, allowing a single drop of her blood to fall into an onyx goblet.

One by one, the vampires approached the bed and did exactly as she had done. Inola went before Thomas, and Gabriel went last.

When Gabriel’s blood hit the air, I couldn’t hold back the hiss that escaped my throat. My focus zoned in on his blood. It was beautiful as it welled, hypnotic as it fell. It dropped into the blood-filled goblet silently.

I closed my eyes and forced my limbs to stay in place.

Bite, blood, kiss.

“Come, Kara Alyne Deuel. The time has come. Drink, and become ours,” Jasmina said.

I shook my head, back and forth, back and forth. If I moved, I would bite Gabriel in front of everyone.

“You fight your very nature. It

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