The discharge is accomplished using a shaped high yield nuclear exciter explosion to ignite and launch a low-Z material (a low-Z material provides for minimal loss of destructive coherence). The result is essentially a powerful plasma-state spear of energy. The THOR shell is essentially an updated version of the well-known Casaba Howitzer.
Stellar Intelligence Division: Also known as SID, a division of Solcom. The SID assists Solcom with the gathering and analysis of a wide variety of information pertaining to stellar systems other than Sol. The SID has investigative and quasi law enforcement power.
SSC3: Also called an S3. See Supershark C-3.
STOP team: Space Force Tactical Operations Porters. Special operations squads with a high port tech to specialist ratio. The minimum ratio commensurate with a STOP team is one port tech for each non-port capable specialist.
SUGAR: Shielded Upgraded Ground Assault Rig. An example would be an Abrams M1A3 supertank with shielding.
Supershark: A second generation relativistic speed kinetic missile incorporating design characteristics of stealth and afterburner tank to develop greater acceleration and delta-v. The second-generation missile has the capability to jettison the main fuel tank while retaining a small secondary tank to allow vector change thrust, adding to stealth characteristics. The missile can reach a relativistic speed of 75% light (.75C). Eventually the 2nd-gen missile supplanted the 1st-gen missile and has since just been called a shark.
Supershark C-3: Also known as SSC3 or S3. It is a third-generation weapon capable of opening a warp bubble to achieve faster-than-light <FTL> speed. FTL is reached almost instantaneously upon opening a bubble. The missile relies on intense gravitational effects to destroy the target. Note, C for speed-of-light capability; 3 for 3rd generation weapon.
THOr shell: THOr is the acronym for Triple H Ordnance. Triple H: Hot; High-energy; High speed. A THOr shell is target programmed upon launch at which time it utilizes active scanning to track and discharge.
The discharge is accomplished using a shaped high yield nuclear exciter explosion to ignite and launch a low-Z material (a low-Z material provides for minimal loss of destructive coherence). The result is essentially a powerful plasma-state spear of energy. The THOR shell is essentially an updated version of the well- known Casaba Howitzer.
Timeline Drop: The timeline project was authorized by the Solar League. It was reauthorized by the Star League Ministry. The intent was to develop and maintain an accurate history of the interstellar war with the Empire. Several secure journals with accurate historical accounts of the war were chosen to receive historical information via a Timeline Drop as such information became available. Event information is embedded in a best-effort to provide a sequential timeline order of events.
Timeline Project: The timeline project was authorized by the Solar League. It was reauthorized by the Star League Ministry. The intent was to develop and maintain an accurate history of the interstellar war with the Empire. Several secure journals with accurate historical accounts of the war were chosen to receive historical information via a Timeline Drop as such information became available. Event information is embedded in a best-effort to provide a sequential timeline order of events.
Transit-space: Empire term for the transition space (wormhole) between teleportation gates.
Trollkin: Mr. T’s last name.
Tube: Also see Plasma Tube. Shoulder fired plasma bolt weapon.
Turkskee: We pronounce it ‘Turk-skee’. The actual pronunciation is difficult. Steve’s people are from Turkskee. They are Turkskeeans. Turxskee is a colony world of Crimson located about 150 light years from Cygnus Prime; 50 light years from Crimson; 1,550 light years from Earth. Contact was lost between Crimson and Turkskee because of the invasion of Crimson by Cygnus Prime. It was many years before Prime moved to take Turkskee due to their low level of industrial development and disposition.
Viper.: This is the operational for all phases of the space assault portion of the first invasion of Cygnus Prime by Earth. It includes the Jasmin gate project and the actions of the Prime Space Action Group, involving three separate strike groups.
NOTE: This synopsis was developed in the early days of discovery, prior to a more thorough analysis and subsequent classification as Top Secret, level 5.
OPERATIVE: Viz. AKA Elizabeth. AKA Liz.
GIFT: Cloaking. Viz is rendered undetectable throughout the entire electromagnetic spectrum.
Conjecture. This is a type of filler plasmonic cloaking. Specialized nanite factory-produced metamaterial is used to create a dipole moment causing destructive interference across the entire electromagnetic spectrum. The result the dipole tuning is a comprehensive invisibility.
There may also be quantum effects that assist with cloak field spread. A cloak field is activated by cognitive interaction between the operative’s brain and a systematized nanite array. The nanite array footprint is extensive, involving the brainstem and cerebellum, in particular the frontal and parietal lobes.
The nanite array has more than one operational type. Two of the operating nanite colonies have been studied to date.
One variety displays limited AI characteristics and appears to be involved with communication and system control.
The other major variety under study has many subcategory types. These are factory bots capable of high rates of replication. One subcategory assembly bot colony seems to produce the filler metamaterial.
Nanite. AKA nanobot. Small machine approaching the size of 1-nanometer. DARPA and other agencies have been working to advance this technology.
Nanite Array. An organized, systematized colony or colonies of nanites that display characteristics of design and purpose.
Viz commented on her gift not long after discovery. My nanites are at least partially powered by using heat. Even a smallish human body, like mine, can power a whole lot of nanites. There is an energy cost that I am willing to pay. The metabolic increase means I really need to have a couple of extra cookies a day. I’m willing to take it for the team.
I’m not just invisible to the eye. The effect is comprehensive, including radar and scanners Pretty cool, huh? I can be so totally invisible.
The cloak of invisibility can also be extended to others just by simple contact.