smile holding Ryder's face and I sign. He kisses the tip of my nose, my face and, finally, my lips.

- How are you feeling? - he asks, bathing again.

- Thanks to your miraculous bath, I feel great! - I answer, laughing. Ryder returns the smile.

- You're welcome! - he says convinced.

- You really are a...

- An arrogant idiot!

I let out a laugh when I realized Ryder was imitating me.

- Yeah, but he's a cute little idiot.

Now it was Ryder's turn to let out a laugh.

- How about we eat something and take the day off to watch a movie? - says he's running his hands through my hair and kissing my forehead. - You need to rest before work, so I thought we'd take the rest of the day off.

I sign by agreeing to the proposal.

- All right! All right! - I say by biting his chin. - But first, I think I'm gonna want another VIP treatment in the tub.

- You don't have to talk again.

With a sigh, Ryder takes my lips in a burning kiss and we make love again.

Chapter 14


- How can you be so skillful with company reports and have such a hard time making an explanatory slide?

Brooke asks in fun tone while snarling throwing the pen on the glass table.

- Ryder, that presentation is tomorrow and that should be ready by now.

- Don't laugh! - I mean with irritation. - I can't get along with that thing.

- Ryder, you need to get used to using the power point. - says she keeps laughing. - Where do you think you will create the slides to present to investors or clients?

- Who says I'm gonna create something? - I ask, shoulder to shoulder.

- Aren't you? - she says, still smiling like a mockery.

- I'll hire someone to do it for me. - I answer by making a face. - I hope you will accept this role, because I can't think of anyone better than a job and pleasure.

Brooke lets out a laugh and slaps me on the arm. I was getting used to that little way of her, brute but affectionate.

I shake my head, sighing. We were in the living room of my apartment, sitting at the dining table, finishing the project. Actually, I've always been very skillful when it comes to accounting and running my grandfather's company, but in presentations, it was a denial. There was just one slide left to finish the job and I couldn't concentrate. We had already stopped twice, once to watch a documentary on finance, once to make a snack and relax.

- Now we send it to Keller and we'll be free of this thing. - I mean, while Brooke opens his email. - I could have sworn we couldn't finish in time.

- Well, it's not completely finished yet. - she says smiling. - Or, have you forgotten that we have to make a presentation before Keller's lecture?

Brooke gets up, goes to the kitchen to get some juice. I keep watching your bare feet walk slowly while I make a face. Going to Brooke, I grab her and kiss her softly.

- Hey!

Brooke scolds me with a pinch on my arm when I start squeezing his ass. She laughs at my face as I pass the hand where she pinched it.

- That hurts! - I mean by making another face. Brooke lets out a loud laugh. - Is that right? Are you going to stand there and laugh at my misfortune?

Laughing, I'm starting to tickle the sides of her abdomen. Brooke throws himself on the ground, shrinking, trying to escape, but I kneel beside her and kept making her laugh. Your hysterical laughter echoes all over the apartment. Brooke manages to get rid of my attack and, going to the armchair, grabs a pillow, playing against my head.

- So you want war? - I say pulling the other pillow and hitting Brooke, who falls, but manages to get up next and runs towards the stairs, trying to escape from me.

Laughing, I run after her. Brooke stops in the middle of the way to throw another pillow. I grab the air and the game back to her. Approaching her with two strides, I grab her waist.

- Got it! - I say laughing and lifting Brooke in my lap. She twitches and laughs and tries to let go, but it was too late.

- Please stop making me laugh! - she asks. - My tummy hurts.

Smiling, I tickle her a little more, and then I let Brooke go. She pushes me to laughter while she tries to catch her breath.

- Now that we have the rest of the day off, would you like to take a walk? - I ask.

- A walk? - she asks by frowning. - Where to?

- Well, I thought we'd walk through the park and get something to eat.

- I think it's a great idea, but that's for later. - she whispers, biting my lower lip. - For now, how about you give me a massage?

I smile at her and hold her in my arms.

- It will be a great pleasure!

Without stopping kissing Brooke, I put her on the couch and make love for long hours. In the early evening, after spending a long time playing a game on Xbox and a simple lunch, we went for a ride in Central Park. Brooke was a lot of fun and reminded me how pleasurable it was to walk hand

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