- Ryder?
A female voice calls out to me, making me to and looking in the direction of the one who called my name. It was Tea, one of Aron's friends and one of the girls I've dated. She, like others, tried something more serious, but I made it clear that it was just fun. It wasn't much of a surprise when I realized her confused and upset look when she gazed at our intertwined hands.
- Hello, Tea! - I smile friendly to her. - I believe you've met Brooke, my girlfriend.
- Yes, I do. - she says in a voice full of grief. - I thought you weren't dating.
- You know I do too? - I sign with an ironic smile. - I think I've been waiting for the right girl to get back in the game.
I take a break smiling at Brooke and kiss her softly.
- Brooke is special and I'm in love with her like I've never been with anyone before.
Tea loosens a counteracted puff, then crosses her arms and looks down on us with disdain.
- Wow, I just threw up in my mouth! - Tea shoots in a debauched tone. - I always knew you were a loser, Ryder. That mysterious way of yours, it was to hide its side full of bad taste.
Throwing her hair, she shrugged her shoulders and turned to go in the opposite direction. Brooke takes a step forward, letting go of my hand.
- Tea? - Brooke calls with determination. - Could you do me a favor?
- What favor? - she asks, turning her eyes.
- Tell Tiffany and all her friends in common that Ryder now owns the place. He is no longer an abandoned puppy that you are always fighting to see who will take him home. - it fires seriously. - Let me know, too, that I can take good care of what's mine.
With a puff, Tea walks again and walks away. Smiling, I grab Brooke by the waist and spin in the air.
- That's my girl!
She laughs at me kissing. I look in the direction we stopped and see the lights of what looks like an amusement park.
- I've got an idea! - I mean, putting Brooke on the ground and pulling her towards the park.
- Ryder! Go slower! - Brooke laughs and almost stumbles while we run. - Where are we going?
Brooke breathes deeply when we arrived at the entrance to the amusement park that was right in the middle of Central Park.
- Is that a park? - she asks incredulously. - I only went to a park once when I was a kid with my drool.
- I come here sometimes with my mother when she's not painting or exposing her works. - I say smiling. - Do you see any pranks in the toys?
- Ten to one, that I beat you at any one of them. - she says, taking my hand.
We ran inside like two children who had just won a candy and spent the rest of the night laughing between games and games. It was late when we went back to my apartment, took a shower and ended the night watching a movie. We slept hugged on the large sofa in the living room, where we woke up the next morning to go to college. That night was Brooke's presentation and she was very nervous.
The theater was full when we arrived for the performance. With a little of my massage, I managed to get Brooke to relax and introduce ourselves without any problems. She was a perfect dancer and she knew it. I was happy to do what I did. We were applauded by all, standing up. Brooke had been disappointed to see that his parents had not attended. I made up for her sadness with a walk and her favorite food, which happened to be my strawberry omelets.
The week went by fast until Mr. Keller's lecture day arrived. We were applauded in the auditorium when we came up to speak in the gallery. Not everyone was satisfied with our partnership, but we didn't think much about it. That day, Mr. Keller had been surprised by the evolution of our project and had fulfilled his promise. He gave us a letter of recommendation stressing each one of our achievements and making clear how proud he was to have two exemplary students. I myself was embarrassed when he would announce his compliments to the entire auditorium.
We decided to sail this weekend to celebrate our good performance. The classes were at the end and next week the list of trainees would be released. I found out Brooke couldn't swim, but even though she was a little scared, she had a lot of fun. On Monday morning, we walk into the hallway holding hands. All eyes have fallen on us. People hadn't gotten used to the fact that the most promiscuous guy on campus was dating the most accurate girl.
- First place! - I say smiling at Brooke's name at the top of the list of graduates.
I wasn't surprised by that achievement. What surprised me was seeing my name in second place. Not that I was fighting for anything, but I was proud and certainly, my grandfather, wherever he was, he was also very proud.
- How about a celebratory lunch? - I ask, hugging his shoulder and starting to walk towards the exit of the building.
- Sushi?
- That's perfect!
As soon as we took a few steps and