fight with my father. My mother must have convinced him to look for me.

- The road north is there, my friend. - he pointed in the direction of the path leading to the border. - I just hope you brought plenty of coat in that saddlebag. A small tent will also be needed. You know the road is long.

- It's not in me to run, Bruce! - I sighed. - If you came all this way to stop me from doing it, you wasted your time.

My voice came out unintentionally rude.

- My goodness! You've been kinder, my dear. - he debated. - I thought the fame of the rabid wolf was only for the battlefields. You've always been a very diplomatic lord, by the way.

I took a deep breath.

Bruce was right! I've always been fated to kindness and courtesy. I have often been surprised by my cruel attitudes towards my opponents. Sometimes I fear myself for my breakups.

- I'm sorry I had to make you come looking for me.

- Don't be! - he said smiling at me. - You know I'd eat grass with mead if she asked me to.

I frowned on Bruce's food suggestion. He loved to eat and ate everything that suited him. It would be very easy to poison him with food or drink.

- Bruce, sometimes I wonder if you're a man or a cow! - I said with horror. - All you think about is food?

- So you offend me! - he said with fake sorrow. - Who says cows live thinking about food?

- If they don't live, they should. Then we could name one of those races after you.

He rolled his eyes and we both laughed.

- Do you really think the idea of an alliance with Loch MacBride is that bad? - Bruce asked about changing the subject. - Roy has no heirs who can serve to sustain an alliance with the English. I think it's really hard for him to get anything out of Phillipe. He would have to work hard to offer more than the promise of victory to the allies.

- Yes, I have to agree that my father's idea was brilliant and very strategic. Although I can't stand Ravenna, a son with Annabel will put an end to Roy's tricks. - said looking at one of the trees.

- So what are you worried about? - Bruce made a theatrical gesture by placing his hands on his chest. - Don't tell me you're afraid of a woman?

I let out a laugh and then I made a face. I wasn't afraid of any woman, except of course, of my mother. She was a splendid queen. Cultured, diplomatic, gentle and a formidable mother.

- I'm not afraid of any woman, you know that. - I answered. - The problem is Ravenna. If she gets her social status back, I'm sure she'll help Roy in whatever way is necessary. You know how much she cherishes her half-brother.

Bruce let out a laugh by squeezing my shoulder.

- My dear fellow, I have seen you leading over a thousand men armed with your swords, shields and courage. You've never lost a battle, Alistair. He's the most feared leader among the clans. Ravenna is the one who fears him, not the other way around.

I looked at Bruce making a face. In fact, he was right. I shouldn't worry about Ravenna. I was a prince and would soon become king. If she took a false step, I could arrest her for treason and throw her into a dungeon.

The whispering of horses and the screaming of a woman made me carry my hand to the sword.

- Help! Help! Help! - she screamed when the horse went by. - Somebody stop that animal!

We were a few meters away from the trail the animal was following. It was a fork that would lead to a clearing. He was running wild while a woman tried, unsuccessfully, to control him. Two other horses have been fired on. In one of them there was a woman with light hair and she tried to reach the other one who was ahead. A knight was following the trail of the first woman with determination.

- What was that about? - Bruce asked by taking his hand the beast stuck in the saddle of his horse.

- Cover the north I'm going south! - said pointing in the direction he was supposed to go.

I signalled to Bruce and he went off in the direction I was pointing. I went the other way, going after the three horses. If I was right, I'd surround them and save whoever was in danger.

- Freeze! - I shouted at the man.

He looked back with the beast in his hands and prepared to shoot me. Without thinking, I took the lead and got the animal to take him down. The woman who walked in front of him came up on a curve just ahead. By surprise, Bruce showed up and jumped on her horse making them both go down.

- You fucking, miserable bastard! - the woman screamed.

- All right? I asked.

Bruce nodded, but the woman growled.

- Christ! Somebody stop that animal! - I heard the other one scream again.

- Idiot, miserable! - the woman responded by filling Bruce with slaps.

- Go, go, go, go! - he said holding her hands. - I'll take care of this one!

I ran towards the animal, which was frightened by something that came up in the clearing and pushed the Amazon down. I jumped off my horse as soon as he stopped. I knelt beside her and pulled the hood off

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