I didn't like that observation. She stared at me with begging green eyes. His breathing was panting and heavy. I softened my expression so I wouldn't scare her any further.

- I'm sorry if I implied I'd hurt you somehow. - said almost breathlessly because of his closeness.

Her eyes caught me again with their intense glow. I didn't know if it was fear or something else.

- I'm Alistair MacCalister. What's so funny?

She rolled her eyes out in a surprised and frightened way.

- Aideen MacBride. - she whispered.

I was surprised, I couldn't contain the words that came out of my mouth.

- That's not possible! You don't look at all like a witch. - he said. - Maybe a witch, but not a witch.

She blinked and blushed. I liked the way my words affected her. Maybe she was ashamed that she didn't recognize me, but I preferred to imagine that the blush was because of my presence.

- I'm sorry, Your Highness! - she choked. - I really didn't mean to hurt him. I've never done anything like this before. I ask you not to punish me so severely, but I will accept any punishment.

I took a deep breath, only then did I realize I had a MacBride in my arms. If she was there, then there was a entourage that should be next to her. Where were they anyway?

- Calm down1 I do not intend to punish you in any way. Besides, it was just a scratch. - I sighed with a smile afterwards. - I ask you not to be afraid of me, for it is not in me to frighten you. I'm sorry if I gave you that impression.

I released her returning the dagger and Aideen stared at me.

- Just don't hurt yourself, okay?

She hesitated for a few moments and looked at me suspicious.

- Come on, take it! - said pointing the gun at you. - You can trust me. I'm not gonna hurt her.

She frowned on my forehead looking down on me.

- I don't usually trust people.

- Why shouldn't I?

- Because they're capable of horrendous, stupid things on their own behalf. - she answered in a shaking voice. - They're capable of hurting innocent people if they have the chance, without any remorse.

I was surprised by your firm statement, but you smile. I've never talked to anyone so direct before, especially a woman. Men feared me and women used to be very restrained. I was even more curious, because there was something behind those words. Something I couldn't decipher.

Bruce appeared behind us, mounted on Odin. Another horse accompanied him with a man tied and disagreed, leaning over the animal's back. The reins were stuck in the saddle Bruce was riding on. The woman I saw knocked down was on the horse with Bruce, trapped in his arms. She seemed very angry because of that situation and very unhappy with Bruce, who squeezed her so she wouldn't run away.

- The other horse got away! - ...he fired, making a face. - I managed to tie the knight up. I believe I am a guard of some clan, but I have not yet been able to discover the girl who is nervous and has a dirty mouth, and she does not stop offending me.

He pointed to the blonde who was struggling in his arms. She had the most beautiful hair, silver color I'd ever seen. I stared at her for a few seconds. Where have I seen that hair before? I blinked when I heard her squirming with Bruce.

- Dirty mouth? Nervous? Say that again and I'll rip your tongue out! You big-headed troll!

Bruce rolled his eyes.

- Did you see what I said? That's why I couldn't find anything. She won't stop offending me and I've come to the conclusion that I'd rather she shut up.

I had a laugh. Never before had a woman acted like that with my cousin. On the contrary, they fainted at his feet.

- It's okay! It's okay! If I'm right," he said, turning to face Aideen. - this is one of the MacBride girls.

Aideen stared at me by shrugging her shoulders.

- MacBride? - Bruce smiled with irony looking at the blonde girl. - Hmm! So what they say is true? You're a witch. At least you have the temperament of one.

- Let me go and I'll show you who the witch is! - she grunted

- Annabel! Is that any way to talk to the knight?

A voice raced through the woods and amazed me with its ferocity. It was a woman's voice, and she looked very angry. Then Ravenna appeared in the middle of the clearing. She was riding on a beautiful white horse, dressed in a blue dress and pie. Loch MacBride came right behind her and looked at me seriously, but then looked away.

- Your Highness! - Ravenna's made a move. - It hasn't changed much since the last time we saw each other.

- Your kindness! - I shook my head with an ironic smile. - You, on the other hand, have changed absolutely nothing.

Ravenna looked down on me. She knew I didn't like her. Loch did not outline any reaction to my comment. He looked more like a supporting doll than Ravenna's husband. It aroused more hatred in me. Why did he just let his wife dominate him?

- Aideen, you rat! - she said looking at her daughter very hard. - I thought you were dead.

- Not yet! - Aideen replied with irony.

- You dare answer me? - Ravenna fired in a threatening way.

Aideen suddenly

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