clear she didn't like her future cousin. Although he didn't say much, I sympathized with Bruce's way. Like Alistair, he was quite tall. He had blue eyes as well as Alistair's and the same black hair, however, a little shorter and with straight strands. I had not yet met his younger brother, but I could see that beauty came from the family, because, despite his age, King Brice was still as beautiful as his children. I believe that if she were alive, Cora MacCalister would have the traits of her mother.

I breathed deeply, banishing the thoughts that came to me.

- Don't worry," he said in a soft, but sad tone. - Incredible as it may seem, Alistair is not as rude as I imagined. Considering what you've done for me today, I'm sure the prince will take very good care of you.

Strange as it may seem, I was sure Annabel would be safe with the MacCalisters. Alistair might even continue to hate our clan, but something told me that he would take good care of my sister. That was enough for me and it brought me some comfort to follow the fortune that awaited me.

- You? Defending a man? - she debated approaching. - I must confess that I am surprised by your words and, although I am more secure with this link, I would like it to be you in my place.

- Stop! You know I'm afflicted by the idea of being touched by a man. - I said with a voice embargoed. - I'm glad that's never gonna happen again.

Annabel touched my shoulder sighing with sadness. There were things that were kept under lock and key by both of them that I hated to remember.

- I thought you were happy with that idea from the beginning. - I shot him changing the subject.

- You know better than that. - she said sitting on the bed. - The idea of marrying a stranger gives me the creeps, even if he's so handsome.

- Annabel! - I exclaimed unbelievingly.

- Don't look at me like this, like you judge me by eating the last slice of the blackberry cake. - she pointed her finger at me. - I bet you think the same way.

She laughed taking a break.

- Or he thought at some point, while he was between his arms on the way to the castle.

I narrowed my eyes and tuned my lips when I looked at her. I had to admit that Alistair was a very beautiful man, but still I wouldn't marry anyone like him or anyone else. Even if you were so handsome and gentle and very cultured... Just imagining a man touching me again made me feel nauseous.

- It doesn't matter! - he said, approaching the bed. - What matters is that you'll be safe here and I believe you can be very happy.

She stretched her hand past my face.

- It was you who was supposed to be safe, not me. - she whispered. - I know Mommy sent the soldier to end his life and make it look like an accident. She knew she'd try to escape somehow. So I'm worried I'm gonna have to see her leave with her again.

- It's okay. It's okay. - I sighed. - We know well that I wouldn't survive alone and the proof is that I couldn't control the horse.

We let out a loud laugh. Despite the moment of relaxation, I thought that God had a terrible sense of humor and was using me for his own amusement.

Annabel retired so I could finish getting ready. My mom should be in the salon with my dad by now. I suspected that Annabel's visit was to make sure I came down and I considered not leaving the room that night. From where I was, I could hear people's voices echoing in the main hall. There was laughter, laughter, music and a lot of talk.

Sighing, I contemplated my reflection in the mirror and smoothed the long turquoise dress. My eyes were deep and tired because I didn't sleep well last night. Not even this afternoon, I had managed to get enough rest. I had the impression that sleep was no longer part of my physiological needs. I spent a lot of time braiding my hair. I hated doing that, but in order not to annoy my mother even more and to look like a well-educated maiden, I decided to arrest them. Throwing the braid back, I went to put on the sneakers that my mother had separated, as well as the dress I was wearing that night. One of her control freaks. On the one hand, I even liked it, since I hadn't participated in a celebration in a long time and wouldn't know what to choose to wear. This did not extinguish the fear of being surrounded by countless strangers. What would I do if he appeared there, in the shadows, hidden in a place from where he could observe me and only me, felt his presence? That thought brought me chills and only served to increase my fear of being surrounded by so many people.

- Aideen MacBride?

A male voice called outside my room making me come out of my thoughts.

- Who's there? - I asked in a shaking voice.

- I'm one of the guards! - he answered dry. His voice sounded hostile, as if he knew I was inclined to give up coming down. - I've come to pick you up and make sure you're present in the lounge. My lady's orders, your mother.

I shook my head from side to side in anger. I was outraged by my mother's attitude. She had the courage to send a guard to make sure

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