I got down. Not that I didn't think she'd be able to do that, but it was surreal what was going on.

- Yeah, tell my mom I changed my mind and I'll stay here! - I replied harshly from inside the room.

There was a moment of silence.

- Your mother warned me about this and gave me express orders to act in the event of refusal. - he took a break before continuing. - Unfortunately, you leave me no choice.

I froze my forehead turning towards the door. There was a second of silence before she was violently opened and the guard came in. I recognized him. It was the redhead who was escorting us with the one who was knocked out in the woods.

- What do you think you're doing?

Before I said anything, I saw myself being pulled off the ground and in seconds I was on the guard's shoulders.

- Get your hands off me! - ...I screamed on his shoulders. - Don't touch me!

- I'm so sorry! - he said in a tone of false regret. - I have orders to take her by force if necessary.

- How absurd! Let me go now! - I ordered a punch in the man's back. - Put me down! You can't do this! That's embarrassing!

Ignoring my appeals, the guard continued to walk down the corridor towards the stairs. Everyone was in the hall and no one heard my screams or appeals. At that moment I missed a dagger to defend me from that barbarian. They always did exactly what Ravenna told them. His hands were right over my legs, making it impossible for me to kick myself. With the other he held my back steady so that I would not move. As we were about to arrive at the front door, he made a sudden stop as if something was stopping him from passing.

- What's going on?

I recognized Alistair's deep, firm voice. He seemed to be angry, but still, a little relief came over me.

- Are you hurt?

I realized that the question had been directed at me and then I snorted trying to raise my body to look over the guard's shoulder, but I was unsuccessful.

- Not at all. - I answered frustrated. - I'm perfectly good at walking, even though I look like a bag of potatoes or an animal slaughtered on this asshole's shoulder.

- I'm sure the position is quite uncomfortable for you. - Alistair said in a loud voice. - Why don't you let the lady go and let her walk on her own legs?

The guard was not intimidated by the question, answering it firmly and decisively.

- Sir, with all due respect! I'll have to ask you to get out of my way, because I'm following orders.

- Whose orders?

- Ravenna MacBride, sir!

I heard Alistair growl. When I looked under the guard's arm, I saw him approaching dangerously. His face was transfigured and he seemed to be very angry. I saw that his huge hands were closed and he was squeezing them very tightly.

- Ravenna MacBride doesn't run this fiefdom. - he said between his teeth. - Now, I suggest you do as I say and put Aideen down.

Hearing my name said by him gave me the creeps. Not the creeps of fear, but of a strange pleasure. I didn't know why my body reacted like that, but it was such a good feeling that I preferred not to question it.

- I'm sorry, but no! - the guard said and made mention of moving.

- All right! All right! You'll be sorry for that. - Alistair said in a calm voice. - Hold on tight, Aideen.

There wasn't much time for some reaction from the guard. Before he could do anything, I heard a slap and the man's body bent to the ground. I drowned out a surprised scream when I fell on the guard from my stomach. Before I knew what was going on, a pair of huge hands held my arms up as if I were a feather.

- Are you all right?" asked Alistair, evaluating me with concern.

- Hmm! I think... Yeah. - I stuttered backwards by going up against the wall. - Thank you!

I felt dizzy, so I leaned on the frozen rocks. I didn't know if it was because of the upside down position, the fall or if it was Alistair's presence that had confused me.

- Still afraid of me? - he asked when he saw my scared look. - You know I'd never hurt you, right?

- I'm not sure about this. - I said don't shake. - I believe you killed him.

Alistair smiled with the abrupt change of subject.

- He's not dead, just disagreed. - he said smiling. - I don't have that much strength to kill a man with my fist.

- I don't think so, but with a sword, I think so. - I said impulsively.

I didn't want to offend him and I didn't know where I was getting those words from. Something in Alistair left me safe to share my thoughts. He took a deep breath with a more closed face and nodded.

- You're right about that, but I would never do it without a good reason or if there was no alternative. - he justified it. - Why do swords scare you so much?

- It's not the swords, Your Highness! - I answered coldly. - But yes, the instincts of the men who wield them.

Again Alistair arched his eyebrow by surprise.

- There are not only men in my army and she wields a sword with much more

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