Making a sign for them to accompany me. Bruce, Alec and I went after my father. He was furious and before he withdrew, he tried to contain Ravenna's fury, which spat out marimbondes.

- What's gotten into you to break the deal like that? - Alec asked.

- I didn't break any deal! - I answered dry. - If you think about it, I'll still marry a MacBride.

- Yeah, but with the wrong MacBride. - said Bruce sarcastically amending it.

I snorted by folding my arms.

- Who says she's the wrong one? - I argued. - Is it just wrong, because I chose her and not our father?

- Are you all right? Bruce said putting his hand on my forehead. - I believe you have a fever.

Bruce's ironic tone and Alec's laughter made me angry.

- Will you stop! - I exploded by slapping him in the hand. - I'm not feverish or sick, you idiot.

Turning to Alec, I reprimanded him with my eyes.

- Stop laughing, Alec! - I ordered it by making a frown. - Looks like a hyena showing her teeth.

I opened the door to the salon and walked in. My father waited with a frown and very angry.

- I want to know what came over you to do that! - daddy has been pissed off. - My offer to Loch was to marry him to his firstborn. Why did you decide to challenge the clans like that? Have you gone mad?

I took a deep breath before I got close. Alec and Bruce got further away. Alec, of course, decided to get distracted by a fruit whip. I looked at him with a frustrated look.

- What's that? What's that? - he said by shrugging his shoulders. - Come on, I'm hungry!

I turned my eyes and my mother shook her head smiling at Bruce. He wasn't really good at it when it came to food.

- My father, in the first place, I didn't challenge or want to disrespect any of the clans. That includes you. Second of all, I'm not sick and I'm not crazy either. - I took a break. - You didn't make any deal with Loch, you went to Ravenna who sold me as a husband.

- How dare you! - my dad got mad. - Boy, I'm still your father and the king, above all else. Therefore, I demand respect!

- Respect? - I've ironically retracted. - You should respect me before you demand respect from anyone.

- Come on, you little brat! - my father bragged advancing on me with his fist up.

- Brice! - my mother screamed. - Before being your subject, Alistair is your son. Just remember that.

The firmness of my mother's words made my father stop where he was. He took a deep breath trying to calm down and sat on a nearby chair. I took a deep breath putting my hands on my waist.

- My father, I did not offend the MacBride clan by the simple fact that there was no firstborn. - I argued. - Or do you forget that Aila is now in a convent? If the proposal was made on top of a marriage to her, I wouldn't have arguments for getting away with it.

I paused and approached him, kneeling at his feet.

- I just used my right of choice. If I have to spend my life with a woman, let her be chosen by me...

- The middle one replaces the firstborn.

- Yeah, but Annabel's still not the firstborn. - I fired with arrogance. - If Aila was available, Ravenna would have traded on her. Instead, he demanded an absurd dowry for his favorite daughter. Don't you think that's a little odd?

My father held his breath and leaned back on the chair. He kept staring at me thoughtfully.

- Maybe you're right, but that doesn't mean I'm any less angry. - he concluded. - May I ask why you chose Aideen?

How do you say I was attracted to the little green-eyed girl? That her way of expressing herself aroused in me an insane desire to take her in my arms and kiss her until I could no longer breathe?

- I believe there's a good reason behind your choice. - said my mother. - You know how impulsive Alistair can be, but remember that your son inherited a great strategic sense. I'm sure he has a good plan.

My mother was calm as always and tried to be as diplomatic as possible.

- Plan? What plan? - my father returned it. - Alistair is only good with a sword in his hand. When it comes to politics, he doesn't know what to do.

- Politics? You want to talk politics with me? - I asked with ironic air. - You broke the deal you made with me the moment you pulled me off the battlefield. You know very well about the promise I made to Cora.

- That again, Alistair? There are other ways to fulfill your promise. - he ironized by taking a break. - Grow up! You're twenty-eight years old. At his age, he was tired of wearing a crown on his head and commanding these men.

Grunhi lowering his head. I looked at my cousin and my brother. They were trying to disguise the laughter. You bastards!

- Calm down, honey! - my mother said. She looked at me, smiling. - Why is it so important to you that you're the youngest?

The question was repeated. I let my shoulders fall off and got up.

- Because she's beautiful! - I fired. - she's smart, she's sensitive, and I really liked her. He doesn't

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