look like Ravenna at all and he's got a mind of his own. She fascinates me in a way I never thought would happen to me. Satisfied?

Looking in the direction of Alec and Bruce.

- If I hear a joke or laugh from one of you, I'll break your bones! - I threatened by snapping my fingers.

Bruce almost choked on the grapes he was eating and Alec started whistling. My mother laughed and then shook her head.

- Brice, I must confess, the youngest has also caught my attention. She's discreet and silent, although her hysterical scream surprised me. - she smiled at me. - Who would refuse a man with such a sweet and lively soul, like our son?

Alec had a laugh.

- Quiet! - fired my mother in a loud voice. - Don't you dare mock your brother.

- Yes, ma'am! - said Alec and Bruce in unison.

My dad took a deep breath like he considered himself.

- My love, I wouldn't be acting wrong. After all, it would still be a MacBride. - she continued. - Isn't that what matters? You'd both be winners in this fight.

My father closed his eyes and I smiled.

- Lowenna! - he whispered.

- Be reasonable, my darling! - she argued. - If not for your son, for me.

I remained silent, for I knew that battle was already won by me. My mother always tried to find a way that would bring both of us a satisfactory answer. If I had to negotiate with someone, I'd certainly like it to be with her. Not that she dominated my father as Ravenna did with Loch, but she always tried to argue so that he would consider all the possibilities.

My father opened his eyes by raising his head.

- All right! All right! - he said, at last. - Take the MacBride to the throne room.

My father sighed and went on to the throne room and sat next to my mother. Alec and I stood next to him waiting for Ravenna's entrance, who was the one we were most interested in. Soon Ravenna came in with her shrill voice. She was extremely angry.

- I hope your son has regained his mind and retracts his offense. - she said bluntly.

- I haven't changed my mind, Ravenna! I didn't offend them either, I just used my right of choice as my firstborn. Unlike you, who didn't even touch Aila's name during negotiations with my father. - said making her hold her breath. - Where is she, by the way?

- In a convent in Gretna Green! - she replied with a harsh response.

- Did you hear that, my father? - said looking in his direction. He just watched our verbal clash. - What did I tell you about Ravenna taking advantage of this deal to get money?

- Don't take advantage of anything! - she argued in his defense. - you offend me greatly, Prince Alistair.

- Save your arguments for your husband. - I said ironically. - To him yes, you can deceive with your words.

- Come on, you little brat! - Loch said rough. - How dare you talk to my wife like that?

- Quiet! - my father ordered. - My son drew my attention to something I hadn't realized. An eldest son only replaces a firstborn in case of his death. Is your firstborn dead, Ravenna?

I could tell when Ravenna held her breath. She looked at both daughters and denied it with her head.

- No. She's just unavailable, because she took her vows recently.

- I didn't know that. - Aideen said. - Why didn't you tell us?

- Because it wasn't relevant. - said Ravenna between her teeth. - As you have heard, Your Majesty, my firstborn is not available for this agreement. That's exactly why I didn't mention her.

- But she's not dead! - I fired with satisfaction.

She stared at me in anger.

- Alistair! - my mother reprimanded me.

- Although it's very cold, I have to agree with my son. - said my father.

- Majesty... - Ravenna tried to argue, but my father raised a hand.

- Alistair claimed the right of firstborn. As a father, I must disagree because he wants to bypass an agreement in which he could not miss the word. - Ravenna smiled victoriously, but I knew there was still a "but" and waited until my father had finished. - As king, I must respect the traditions, so whatever Alistair decides will have my blessing.

- What's that? What's that? - Ravenna spit. - You can't do that!

- I can and I will! - my dad said it was taxing. - Either that or you can return the dowry money, which has already been paid, and we put an end to this agreement.

I hid a laugh when Ravenna looked at him the other way around.

- What's your decision? - my father asked her.

Ravenna looked down on me and answered.

- Your wish is an order, Your Highness!

- Alistair? - my father said. - It's your call.

Smile at Aideen's gaze. She stared at me scared. I didn't know what triggered so much fear. I did not consider myself an ogre and had been kind to her every time I met her. I was determined to prove that to her, because Aideen was mine. She just didn't know it yet.

- I want the girl as my wife! - I declared emphatic. - I'll double the dowry if I have to.

She shuddered when she heard the proposal. Ravenna's eyes sparkled when she heard my proposal. Before anyone

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