- Your Highness, don't do this! I beg you! - she said in a voice full of despair. - I can't get married!
She begged with her hands together. Her eyes were almost weeping when she asked for it. Those words made me frown and question the reason why she had begged in that way. His words made me more and more curious.
- Why shouldn't I? - I asked confused.
Strangely enough, Ravenna stepped forward and took the floor.
- Aideen is very young, Your Highness! - she said. - Surely you're reticent about becoming a princess or even about marriage, but I'm sure you'll make a great wife.
You bastard! I thought when I heard her arguing for her daughter. I knew if I doubled the dowry's value, she'd reconsider. I should've done that in the first place. I would have spared everyone that stupid talk. Ravenna only cared about the money anyway, she didn't care how her daughter was feeling. At that moment, I promised myself that I would take care of Aideen for all eternity.
- So be it! - my father said standing up. - Let's go to the salon and make this union official.
It was dawn, but Dunhill's fortress was still at a party. The cheerful voices could still be heard from my room. I was dizzy from drinking so much wine and talking to Bruce. I was worried about Aideen, who had gone into tears. I tried to talk to her and make sure she was safe, but I didn't succeed. I knew I wouldn't sleep that night so apprehensive I was.
- If only I could go to her. - I whispered.
Aideen was afraid, but the way she gave in to the almost kiss left me intrigued. The way she begged me not to get married also made me apprehensive. There was something about her that attracted me with a very strong interest. It was not only those fleshy lips that I wanted fervently, but it was as if my soul was crying out for yours. I took a deep breath with frustration. I was so tired I barely had the strength to take off my clothes. I decided I'd sleep in my robes that night. However, a noise in the corner of my room made me raise my hand over the handle of the sword that I had just released from my waist.
- Come into the light, even though that won't stop me from killing anybody! - I commanded with a firm voice.
The slender shadow approached out of the shadows and revealed Annabel, who was wrapped in a long black hooded cape.
- You won't need that. - she said, taking off her hood and revealing the long, silver-blonde hair. - I have no intention of hurting you in any way, even though I know how.
I looked at her surprised and frowned.
- Annabel, you shouldn't be here. - he said by lowering his sword. - Ravenna will have a seizure if she knows she's in my quarters and will be able to overturn our agreement tonight. I wouldn't like it at all if she did that.
- I know that, but it was the only appropriate time for us to talk alone. - she answered with a smile. - When my mother, don't worry about her or anyone else. Nobody saw me come in here.
Annabel's voice sounded serene, but there was a hint of urgency. I gazed steadily, but worried. The silver hair must have been one of her grandparents' estates, since she didn't have traces similar to Ravenna or Loch.
- How did you get in here? - I asked. - The front door is locked.
- I have the strange ability to detect secret passages and follow paths to a safe place, even if I have never seen them. - she smiled sitting in a chair next to where she was standing. - I can get in and out of anywhere without being seen. It was easy to find your quarters, although I was in places that made me very uncomfortable before I got here.
- Too uncomfortable? - I wondered what she would have seen.
- Let's just say others will think twice before they go back to where I was.
I had a laugh. The castle even had tunnels that could lead even to the bathhouse, which was rarely used by anyone other than me. I imagine Alec or Bruce were there tonight.
- Did something happen to Aideen? - I asked in a worried way and taking advantage to change the subject. - Is she all right?
- Yeah, she's fine. - Annabel nodded. - Just scared of the fact that she had to marry you.
- Scared? Why would she be scared?
- Let's just say Aideen doesn't like the idea of being touched by a man very much, and that scares her.
- I see! - said settling down. - Tell her I'll be very kind to her and I don't intend to hurt her in any way. I had already made that clear, but it seems she doesn't trust my word.
- Aideen doesn't trust anyone. You'll have to be very patient with her.
- Why doesn't she trust people?
- These are her reasons, and I'd prefer her to explain it herself, if she so wishes.
- Fair enough!
Annabel sighed, remaining silent for a few moments. She smiled at me.
- Aideen is a very special girl, Your Highness. You'll get a chance to see that. You're not enchanted by my sister for nothing. - she took a break from smoothing her dress. - I just want to