Bruce rolled his eyes.
- That thing is not a woman! That's a poisonous snake! - he said harshly. - I'm glad she's your fiancée, if she hadn't already ripped that tongue out of your mouth.
- And it didn't cross his mind to try to silence her like you so much like to do with the damsels? - I asked ironically.
Bruce rolled his eyes looking disgusting.
- God forbid! - he fired. - If I tried to kiss her, I'd be the one to lose my tongue.
I let out a laugh by slapping him on the chest and made Bruce come with me.
- Come on, I still have time to try to persuade my father to stop this bullshit. - he said. - Then, who knows, you might not claim it for yourself?
- Jesus Christ!
Bruce made the sign of the cross pulling more laughter out of me and then followed me into the castle. I still hoped that this union would not take place and I would hold on to it until the end.
Chapter 04
Dunhill was agitated when we arrived. By order of the prince, the king had made a point of giving me a room where I could be alone. He had a large window that led to Lake Duich. The waters were calm and, despite the torrential rain outside, the landscape was beautiful, even at night. The lights of the surrounding village illuminated and sparkled everything on the shore of the lake, traveling a great distance to the entrance to the forest. The town of Dunhill was extensive, I believe it was bigger than Inverness, which was on a hillside, but it was still a big clan. Sighing, I turned to contemplate the spacious and well-ventilated room. The king did not need to say that Alistair had made a point of keeping me away from the others. I'd know it was his idea, even if Brice didn't say anything. I had noticed that he had found my attitudes strange and I was happy with the gesture. At least I'd be away from my mother for a few hours. Just imagining that I would return to Inverness for an even more severe isolation, as my sister would stay in Dunhill, gave me the chills. I had worked out the plan to scare the horses and run away with Annabel. It would distract everyone and I could go out in flames to plunge into the forest along the trail. Then we'd find a way to survive. Problem is, the horse went off ahead of time. I was too scared to realize that one of the soldiers was coming after me with a beast in his hand. He fired just before I screamed for help, perhaps on the orders of my mother, who preferred to see me dead, but for some sadistic reason, loved to torment me. It's been a long time since I rode. I had already forgotten what it was like to control an animal as big as that. Certainly, Ravenna had given me the biggest horse in the stable on purpose, knowing that I had not ridden in many years. I had already given up hope of survival when Alistair showed up.
Alistair MacCalister, the prince of battles. The commander of the hopeful legions. He wasn't like I imagined, I must confess. I had him as a ruthless, bloody and rude warrior, but until he knew how to be kind. I didn't have the scars I figured he'd have at least not in plain sight. His face was angled with a square jaw covered with a close beard. The traces were strong and the only scars I noticed were on the corner of his left eye and the square chin. A small thin line cut, perhaps made by the tip of a sword. The eyes were deep blue, almost black. The black hair even went just below the wide shoulders. The chest had a few strands of hair over the V-neck opening of her white shirt. His arms were firm with muscles that stretched each time he moved. I felt it when Alistair got me involved, after putting me on the horse. His strength was so great that it didn't take him much effort to lift me to the saddle. That, done with just one hand. It was hard to talk to him because of his height. At various times, I had to bend my neck down so that I could reach his gaze. He was tall as a Viking, even taller than my father. If we were in ancient times, I would say that he was one of the Nordic gods that a little bit of our story told. When I was in the saddle, I was at the mercy of the heat emanating from his body and the hot breath coming from his breathing, at times or again, around my neck.
- So, what's he like? - I heard Annabel ask.
It got me out of my trance when I remembered Alistair. I sighed, turning my gaze to her.
- Different, I think.
- Different how?
- Unlike anything I imagined in a Scottish lord or a warrior. - said by shrugging his shoulders. - Different.
She rolled her eyes smiling, but there was still a bit of worry in her gaze.
- What about Bruce, Duke of Dunvegan? - I asked. - You were rude to him. The man was trying to help her.
- Help me? - Annabel grumbled. - That idiot jumped on me by knocking me off my horse. I almost broke my bones in the fall. If that's helping, I don't even care if he was ready to kill me.
He laughs at your scornful comment. It was