- Jesus! You brought me an angel! - I whispered. - An angel made of porcelain.
The girl was disordered, so I held her face to see if she was breathing. I noticed that the hands were small and delicate, but it was the wrists that caught my attention. They were wrapped in bandages hidden under the sleeve of the blue dress.
- Good Lord! - I whispered. - What was there to get him hurt like this?
Impulsively I carried his wrist to my lips and kissed them with my eyes closed. I was in a second of distraction when I felt a spike in my throat.
- Get your hands off me or I'll rip your neck off! - the girl said in a threatening tone, pulling her hand hard.
- Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. I'm not gonna hurt her! - he said by raising his hands. - You fell off your horse. I was worried, because I was disagreed. I only tried to find out if it was alive, because the fall was ugly.
- Thank you for your concern, but never touch me again! - she ordered. - Now back off!
I made an incredulous face looking at her.
- You're kidding me, right? - I asked with ironic air. - I can take this dagger at any time, because I'm taller and stronger than you, young lady. I've been trained for battles, and I can easily knock her to the ground. Now stop your nonsense and give me this dagger!
Her eyes widened and it was then that I noticed the most beautiful green eyes I had ever seen. They were so expressive and brilliant, I couldn't look away. I was bewitched by its shine and swallowed it dry when I felt hypnotized. She took advantage of my distraction to push me with one foot and then stand up. I collapsed sitting on the floor.
- If you try to touch me, I swear I'll kill myself first! - she screamed, pointing her dagger at her throat.
I panicked my eyes, because I didn't want to see her hurt. I did not expect that threat and something within me turned with the possibility of having his blood on my hands or spreading it on the ground. I jumped up and made gestures to calm her down. I was used to dealing with men threatening others, but not threatening their own lives. That was new to me.
- Look, I wouldn't hurt you if I wanted to. - I said in a soft voice. - I would never do anything against a woman's will. I just wanted to know if you were okay, because I saw her running away on an uncontrolled horse with a man behind you and a woman....
- Where are they? - she asked, looking around.
She seemed scared and worried at the same time.
- The man is lying further back. - I answered. - As for the woman, my cousin accidentally knocked her off her horse and went to help her.
- Damn it! - she whispered in a worried tone.
- Listen, why don't you drop that dagger and tell me your name? - I asked softly. - I'm getting very nervous about the possibility of you getting hurt.
- Why do you want to know my name? - she asked me taking a step back when I moved on. - I'm not kidding! Get back or I'll kill myself in front of you!
The girl was, in fact, making me very nervous about the possibility of getting hurt. She didn't seem afraid to take her own life and I felt like I wasn't bluffing. That really made me very curious. She seemed to be a noblewoman and must have belonged to some very rich clan. Why would such a beautiful girl attempt on her own life? I remembered the bandages on his wrists and the worry increased.
The girl squeezed the dagger even harder against the skin of her neck and made a face when she felt the blade open a superficial cut. Without thinking, I took two steps covering the distance that separated us and grabbed her wrist to prevent her from getting hurt.
- Stop it now! - I commanded you to try and take the dagger. - I won't let you get hurt, you fool1
- Let go of me! - she screamed trying to keep me from getting the object.
With his attempt to take the dagger, the tip passed through my forearm opening a cut from the elbow to the wrist. I felt the skin burn because of the object that was extremely sharp. Linking his waist with one of his arms, I pulled the gun out of his delicate hands. I was upset that he had hurt me, but at the same time I was relieved that I had been able to disarm it.
- That hurts! - I whispered between my teeth. - Did you see what your recklessness did?
- I'm sorry! - she said in a worried tone. Putting her hands on my shoulders, she tried to walk away. - I... I didn't mean to hurt him! Please don't hurt me!
I had a laugh.
- What brave person apologizes after hurting his opponent?
- One who doesn't like pain very much and fears anyone who might hurt her?
My smile faded and I frowned without understanding. Somehow