defeated voice at his retreating back. Asking what I really needed to know. “Have you been with her?” He stops in his place, no longer moving as his body tenses and he stills. Not sure if it was the desperation in my tone or the question itself that finally made him turn to face me, his expression is a mix of displeasure and concern. I can see as he tries to push back the rising anger before coming back to me.

Still not answering my questions, my heart cries out as I try not to feed into the conclusions I have made. “Please Nicoli, I need to know.” My head drops, defeated and no longer able to look at his face as I anticipate his confirmation.

“No, I have not been with her.” My head jerks up at his response, needing to see his face to know if he is telling me the truth. I feel my expression relax slightly before pinching back up as it jumps to another accusation. I can see his features pull in irritation as he adds with slight frustration in his tone. “Nor have I been with any other woman Liliana.” Relief floods throughout my body, loosening the knots in my stomach. Washing away the anticipation of  hurt and heartache I was bracing myself for.

“Why have you been staying out so late? You haven’t even been sleeping in our room.” Not realizing until just now that I was hurt by his avoidance of me. With a look of defeat he closes the short distance and sits next to me on the couch.

“Liliana,” he starts, running his fingers through his hair. “The other night up in the room, I lost control. I felt the moment my rage took over pushing back the small bit of humanity I have. The things I wanted to do to discipline you, make you cower and fear me. I wanted to demand respect, force it from you.” Stopping again he looks up at me, anguish in his eyes. “It wasn't until I saw your tears fall that allowed me to barely see past the darkness that had consumed me. I was ashamed at having lost control and for wanting to do those things to you. I had to force myself to leave, worried I would lose my grip on what small control I had gained, knowing I would not have stopped myself again.” Letting out an airly flat laugh. “You have a way of bringing out every side of me, both the good and the bad. Which is a bit of a problem because I feel drawn to keep you safe."

"I’m sorry I shouldn't have goaded you like I did. I was just so hurt about you and Alice."

"There is no me and Alice, only me and you. She won’t be a cause of any more problems. That was the last time I have and will lay a hand on her. You don't need to worry about that. I can assure you Liliana, you're the only woman I want. I may do a lot of horrible things, but cheating is not one I will do." At hearing his affirmation again my mood improves even more. Feeling lighter as the weight of the last few days begin to lift off my chest, making my heart feel lighter.

"So are you done avoiding me now?" I ask apprehensively. He reaches over slipping his arms under me as he pulls me into his lap, leaning me back into him.

"Are you sure you want my attention again? I hear I'm a bit of an asshole."

"And who called you an asshole?"

"Daveon did among other things right before I lost it and I punched him in the face."

I wince at the memory of it. "Ya I saw it that morning."

"Before you go feeling bad for him, just know he partially deserved it." Not giving me any more information, I don't ask, knowing it's probably for the best. Curled up on his lap, I start to feel content knowing we are no longer at ends with each other. Letting the silence settle only for a moment before I speak again.

"Do you think I can start leaving the apartment?” He looks down at me, his brows pinching at my request before I continue explaining further. “I am just so bored being stuck up here all day, I need to get out of here from time to time."

"I've been meaning to talk to you about all that. You do not have to stay here all day, you are free to do and go as you please. I only require you stay with your guards at all times. They are not to lose sight of you and you are not to leave them. They have also been instructed to notify me anytime you wish to leave or go somewhere."

"They? Will Daveon and Ciro both be watching me now?"

Chuckling slightly, "no sweetheart. I actually need them back to their regular duties. I have been doing what you would call tryouts to pick your guards these past few days with my sour mood.” A twisted menacing grin curls up on his lips as if recalling the events. “Anyway I have chosen two guards to be assigned to you from now on. They won't be inside the apartment everyday, so you will have some privacy but they will be in the building should you need anything. You will have both their numbers and should you need it, there is a button on the door panel that will call the security room."

"Thank you, I have been so excited to go explore the city since we got here."

I feel his body tense up a little. "I need you to understand the dangers that are out there, now that you have been announced as my fiancee. I have said before I have many enemies, that wasn't an exaggeration, both with the Bravta and other groups. You need to stay with your guards when you are out. The Bravata are ruthless

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