and should they ever get a hold of you knowing who you are they will not care that you are a woman.”

“Are they a big problem here in New York?”

“We have seen them here from time to time as they are reaching out further into our territories so you need to be careful and aware at all times." I nod at his warning. Seeming please, he settles back into the couch with me. Laying my head in the crook of his neck, feeling peace for the first time in days.

Without intending to, I fall asleep against him. I feel myself stir slightly as I feel him shifting underneath me. Peeking my eyes slightly, I see he is carrying me up into our room. Gently laying me onto the bed, he turns around to go shower. Reaching out I grab his arm stopping him. "Please lay down and stay with me."

Bending down he places a kiss on my forehead. "Let me get undressed, then I'll be back, I'm not going anywhere Liliana." Satisfied, I let go of his hand, closing my eyes again unable to keep them open any longer. Not long after I feel the bed shift as he climbs in beside me. Lifting my body as if I weigh nothing, he pulls me into him. Wrapping his arms around my small frame, he holds me as I slip back out to unconsciousness.

Waking up half expecting him to be gone, I shift in the bed, feeling his hard body against mine.”Good morning,” he mumbles, eyes still closed.

“Good morning to you too. I'm surprised you haven't left yet.”

“I actually decided to take the day off. I thought you might like me to show you around New York today.” My heart warms at the gesture that he would put his duties aside to show me around. I snuggle closer into him.

“Okay, so what's on the agenda today then?” Feeling my excitement build at getting to explore the city with him. As I wiggle and push closer into him his eyes fly open. Giving me a smirk, he rolls onto his back while lifting me up to straddle his waist. Now sitting atop him with my hands planted down onto his warm chest.

“Well I was thinking we could spend a little one on one time this morning before we head out. Then grab an early lunch. After that I can take you around and show you the city, whatever you wanted to see really. Maybe go shopping and get you anything you might need. Then later tonight I wanted to take you out to dinner, take you on a formal date. That sound alright to you?”

“It sounds wonderful.” Not able to contain the smile on my lips. Reaching a hand up to my hair he wraps some around two of his fingers, caressing my cheek with the back of his hand. As my tongue peaks out wetting my lips his eyes turn down to them, darkening a shade at the action.

Moving his hand out of my hair and down my body he plants them firmly on my hips. Sliding me farther down, I feel his erection as it now throbs between my legs. With his firm grip pushing into my skin, he starts rocking me back and forth, sliding me against him.

Mmmm that feels so good.

“I can make you feel even better.” Opening my eyes I flush. I thought I only said that in my head, not out loud.

"Do you want me to make you feel good Liliana?" Closing my eyes from embarrassment I only nod. He stops moving me against him. "Open your eyes." He demands calmly. Doing as he asks I stare down at him. "Sorry sweetheart but I'm gonna need you to tell me you want it."


"Yes what?"

Groaning, I answer mortified. "Yes I want you to make me feel good Nico."

Satisfied with my response he resumes moving me against him. Leaning up his lips trail from below my ear down to my throat. I place my hands against his hard chest eager to feel his body underneath my fingertips. As I move my fingers over the hard dips and contours of his torso and abs, his own hands move back as he grips my ass hard. Pulling my body upward towards the wall before he drops back down onto bed with me now kneeling over his head. What the hell is he doing? Lifting his head up slightly as he pulls me down towards his face, he places his mouth over my shorts, pressing his lips against my center. I feel the heat of his breath through the thin fabric as he blows hot air out and over me.

"Put your hands up on the wall." He demands with a little more assertion. Reaching forward my stomach tightens in anticipation. Moving his mouth slowly down against me, I wiggle in frustration at his slow light touches.

"Stop moving," he growls into me, stilling me as he continues his tantalizing progression. Desire building alongside annoyance at not getting what I need. Letting my hands fall to his head I run my fingers in his hair.

"Nico I need-" I trail off forgetting my train of thought as he teases me with his fingers just under the edge of my panties below my shorts. Pulling away again at my words, his voice gruff and thick.

"You need what Liliana?"

"More. I need more, please Nico."

"More what?" Refusing to say what I want he looks up to me. "Liliana what do you want?"

"Your mouth Nico. I want your mouth on me." Cringing at having to say it out loud. A mischievous grin pulls on the corner of his lips before he lifts me up at my waist extending his arms over his head. Begin pushed up above him, my feet dropped down to the bed beside him, as I now practically stand over him.

Reaching up he grips my shorts and panties in his fist, yanking them down my legs in one swift movement baring me

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