After the guards get the approval from Nico, they take me out to the shop me and Gianna had visited before the wedding. Heading inside I begin to browse through the displays of lingerie, selecting a few items as I go. Not able to hide my infectious smile at imagining Nico’s expression when he sees me in them. After getting a fair amount to decide from I make my way to the fitting room to try them on and see what I think. As I reach for the handle on the door I notice it is locked. Spinning on my heels to try another one I bump into a woman that was walking behind me, knocking some of my clothes out of my arms. I drop down to pick up my items, muttering an apology at the same time the woman screeches at me. “Excuse you, why don’t you watch where the hell you’re go.-” She pauses. “Oh Liliana, how lovely to see you here. I heard the wedding was nice.” She says as her tone goes flat.
You have got to be kidding. I inwardly groan before looking up at her. “Alice, good to see you too.” I grind out. Standing up I gaze down at the lingerie in her own arms.
“Well, as much as I would love to sit and chat. I need to get going. Just had to pick up a few sexy little numbers for a special man of mine.” She winks as if I am keeping a secret for her.
“Ookay. Ya that's great, glad to hear that.” Maybe now you’ll leave Nico the hell alone. Poor guy whoever he is though. She turns to leave, about to head to the register when something catches my attention. My eyes double back as I see a sapphire hair clip identical to my own of my mother’s pinned in her hair. Something dreadful settles in my stomach.
“Alice.” I call out stopping her. This is just a coincidence, it can’t possibly be mine…
Turning she looks at me annoyed, waiting for me to explain why I had stopped her. “That's a beautiful clip, where did you get it?” I ask trying to hide the anxiety in my voice.
Reaching up she touches it with her hand. “Do you like it? It was a gift from my new man. He is so thoughtful.” She gives me a devious smirk before turning leaving me crumbling at her words. Putting everything into the return bins I leave. No longer interested in getting lingerie.
It’s not what you think. I’ll just ask Nico for my clip back when he gets home. He will have it. I know he will. Standing up straight I walk out of the store and head back home as I wait for Nicoli to get home and put my doubts to rest.
Waiting for Nico is agony on my mind as I continually try to convince myself I am wrong. By the time he gets home my stomach feels sick from all the knots I have woven through it. I wait for him to finish his nightly routine and shower, climbing into bed before I say anything. Wrapping his arms around my waist. “Hi beautiful.” He nuzzles into the back of my neck.
“How was your day?” I ask trying to sound casual.
“It was okay, just busy trying to get things sorted before we leave.”
“Ya.” I pause trying to gather my courage before I lose it. “I had just remembered you still had my mother's clip from our wedding night. Do you mind grabbing it so I can put it away.”
“Oh ya.” Climbing out of bed he goes to his jacket. Placing his hand in the pocket as he rummages around, pulling it out empty, before trying the other. With his back towards me I see as his shoulders tense. “Lil...I think I must have lost it. It’s not here.” My stomach drops and my mouth instantly feels dry. Confirmation slams into me knocking me breathless. He turns to me, his brows pinched. “I am so sorry.”
“Oh well it's fine, don’t worry about it.” I am barely able to get out. Not meeting his eyes. He comes back to me at the bed, reaches down holding my chin up as he looks in my eyes.
“I’ll have someone check with the hotel tomorrow, maybe it fell out in the room.” He ponders aloud. His face turns to worry over my reaction as he finishes. “If it isn’t there I really don’t know where it went.”
I do. My mind spits out venomously. Though all I can do is nod at him. Laying down beside me he rolls over, returning me to his arms. That night he doesn’t try anything, sensing my opposition and seeing that I am clearly upset. Regardless though he seems to fall asleep quite quickly while I struggle to shut my mind off.
Laying there, wide awake, my mind runs an hour a minute. Maybe he really did lose it...but how did she end up with it? She would have had to have been with him to have gotten it in the least. Why were they together? Close enough for her to get it from within his jacket? Or maybe he really did give it to her. As some sort of sick token. Showing her she still means so much to him...enough to give her something that is so sentimental to me.