a proper rich person.

Gorgons were like Sirens and Mermaids; attractive female creatures that lure any male to their deaths with their beauty. They were dressed in human gowns. But beneath those gowns lie a serpent body ready to strike the men’s backs and they are turned to stone in two seconds.

Vaeludar could feel this village was going to be free in half a day; however he knew they were also male Gorgons. So if he was going to face a male Gorgon, he would have to improvise of how to kill the Gorgon if one was living here.

And Vaeludar had many advantages of winning this fight, one of which he has the Crystal Sword. And the second is his great strength, which he received from one of three armor artifacts. With his great strength, he was ready to fight.

Vaeludar strolled out of his hiding place and walked into the village with ease. Once he walked into the village, not many people looked at him or didn’t seem to care. The villagers seemed to going about their daily lives. It seemed there was no fear here, but Vaeludar could smell it; he could fell it in his tight, tucked wings.

Though, a few curious eyes looked at him as he was strolling through the village. Vaeludar gazed at the people looking at him from a large hay house that looked too big for a hay house. Turning his head, he saw peasants walking by other peasants without grinning or saying “hello.”

“I guess I’ll get a warm welcome in a graveyard,” said Vaeludar.

As the cautious hybrid kept walking towards the center of the village, a dozen more curious, but frightful eyes stared at him. Now he was starting to fell a warm presence.

While his head was turned, his body slammed hard into stone and fell. Didn’t feel anything, Vaeludar looked up.

A statue of a screaming man in a panicked state as if the man had seen a ghost of the dead stood in front of Vaeludar’s startling, nerve-blinking eyesight.

Vaeludar knew it; a Gorgon was living in this village or somewhere nearby. He wasn’t going to leave until the creature was dead. He got up and scrapped off the dirt with his right arm. His left arm was tucked under the robe. Walking around the statue, an open field with tall grass caught his dragon vision. He dashed toward the tall, grassy field.

Reaching up to his hips, the grass was blossoming with emerald greens and proper white daisies. Amid the tall grass, about more than three dozen statues stood frozen within fifty yards from where he was standing. Vaeludar heard hundreds of people moaning and groaning at different statues. He wasn’t dealing with just a Gorgon; he was dealing with a Gorgon turning humans to stone for sport, for personal entrainment. Feeling the wrath of a fire-breathing dragon destroying a castle, Vaeludar breathed with heating air.

Bending his right hand towards the Crystal Sword’s hilt hanging from his back and readying it for battle, Vaeludar walked towards the statues. As he passed each one, a small group of people stood by a statue representing a man or a teenage boy. He was ready to let lose his inner fiery core on the dirt. Vaeludar heard “Why, oh why?”, “How could this happen?”, and “Why my son and not me?” from all around him.

Vaeludar was listening to fathers and mothers who lost their sons.

Suddenly he heard a shouting of a clear warning. “Don’t go to her!”

Reacting quickly, Vaeludar pulled out the Crystal Sword. The blade glowed its magnificence bluey cloud, which calmed Vaeludar’s inner anger. Looking at where the shouting came from, Vaeludar dashed into the trees. Pushing and cutting away the plants and vines in his way, Vaeludar ran and jumped among the trees so he can see where he was going.

“That is a deceiving monster!” the voice warned again.

Vaeludar knew he was nearing the sound; he was heading in the right direction.

“Turn away! Don’t look in her deceiving eyes!”

Vaeludar’s wings ripped out and flew amongst the trees to go faster before the Gorgon got its next victim. In order to go fast, he wings smashed through any branches or an entire tree to get there.

“No, don’t try to kiss that monster! No! No! NO!”

Vaeludar halted and listened. He heard loud sobbing nearby. “My boy. My dear boy.”

Vaeludar signed heavily. He was too late; the Gorgon got its next victim. He floated down to he could hear the heavy crying. As he touched the ground, he saw a straight pathway in the middle of the forest. Walking to it, he saw a man hugging a statue. Both had their backs turned to Vaeludar so he could tell how old each person would be. Vaeludar headed towards the crying man.

“What happened here?” asked Vaeludar.

The man kept crying.

“What happened here?” Vaeludar asked louder.

“Beasts. Monsters. Snakes. Claimed lives. My son.”

Vaeludar placed the Crystal Sword back where he got it. “Where is this beast?” asked Vaeludar.

“Deceiving Gorgon! Why did you have to take my son?”

Seeing how he wasn’t going to get any information about the Gorgon, Vaeludar was going have to find the beast before it strikes again. When he took one step, he felt a small slump under his dragon claws. He looked down and saw a large paving that he could tell looked like a snake’s crawling. It was about a yard wide and dug deep into the dirt. The slivering trail went off the path and towards uphill.

“Why is this curse still happening?” cried the man’s voice.

Vaeludar halted. When he heard the word curse, he’s thinking this Gorgon has dark magic given from the Shadow King. He shook his thought away and proceeded to follow the trail. He trailed the trail higher in the ridge. Coming towards the endpoint, the trail went straight toward a ridge of colossal rocks.

About a dozen more statues were standing. Vaeludar could smell the scent of a snake close by. Vaeludar swung out the Crystal Sword again and headed for the

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