The Gorgon whipped her tail again and Vaeludar struck his sword at the whipping tail. His swings were just inches from cutting the tail off the creature. After many missed slashes, the Gorgon halted its attacks.
“Not just a peasant, a warrior,” said the Gorgon. “This should be entertaining for me.”
“Believe me, you won’t find me that entertaining. I have abilities you do not know I possess. I will be the death of you, Gorgon. I can’t be killed by you.”
“We’ll see about that,” she hissed. She lunged her tail forward.
Vaeludar stood his guard and stood like a rock, wanting the Gorgon to strike him. In a direct hit, the Gorgon’s tail whipped at Vaeludar’s heart. But thanks to his indestructible skin hiding under the peasant clothing, he was able to withstand the trying-to-penetrate tail but at the impact that sent him back to the ground.
However, Vaeludar fell with many sounds of ripping and snipping. His wings and legs and tail torn through the clothing and, with great jumping reflexes like a ninja, Vaeludar’s wings flipped him back up. His wings torn through the clothing, the claws of his dragon feet ripped the underparts, his tail snapped from the lower parts.
The townspeople got up in awe but fearfully. The Gorgon snapped in fear and slithered backwards from the straight instant she gazed her snaky eyes on the tormenting hybrid. “W-what are you? You are not human, but yet not a dragon–wait–I do know you. You’re that hybrid. You’re–”
Vaeludar blew a weak but very hot liquid fire, which was very liquidly like molten fire, on his torn disguise. Burning his clothing down to a flat layer ash that fell to the ground, the hybrid strolled forward, flipped his sword to the sky, showing them his naked hybrid body, and announced: “I am Vaeludar, son of Ralenskrit, Slayer of the Five-Headed Dragon, and Liberator of the Northern Region. I am here to liberate this village from you, Gorgon, and find an armor artifact. Prepare yourself, for you are about to meet your creators of evil.”
The Gorgon shook the fear from out of her mind and loudly like a loud girl’s screaming. She charged with great speed.
Vaeludar was ready. Since she took to the land, he decided to take to the air. Land creatures couldn’t try to reach for the air. Vaeludar flew like a blowing leaf in the sky on a windy day and swung around the village like a terrorizing fire-breathing Dragon.
With the magical abilities of the sword and the arm armor, Vaeludar glided toward the attacking Gorgon. With his own rock-like tail, he pounded at the Gorgon in its spot, smashing the creature into the dirt like an asteroid landing into the earth. Vaeludar landed into the seconds after the tail smashed the Gorgon. Removing his tail from the dead-looking Gorgon, Vaeludar signed and turned away.
Then the Gorgon’s tail tied around his neck and squeezed like a snake squeezing its helpless, weakly victim. Vaeludar instantly lost his grip of the Crystal Sword and soared afar. The Gorgon’s tail whiplashed Vaeludar’s choking body in circles and roundabouts like a rollercoaster. The injured Gorgon’s human part of its body slowly crept up the smashed hole Vaeludar’s tail made.
“I’ll show you what I do around here when someone tries my patience.”
“On the contrary,” said a chocking Vaeludar, “you try my patience and therefore tried my strength, Gorgon.” Vaeludar sliced, with the spikes on his arms, the Gorgon’s scaly tail.
The Gorgon felt the pain of the blundering spiked-elbows skinning her snaky scales of her flesh.
Vaeludar flew free from the Gorgon’s grip. His mind reached out to the Crystal Sword was the first thing he did when he broke free from the Gorgon’s grip. The glowing sword soared back into the hybrid’s right hand. Suddenly, shivers went up his back, reflecting his arm muscles to block another ambushing tail attack. His left arm grabbed the tail and with the mighty strength of his Crystal Sword cut off the scorpion-like tail, sparking out a light from the ripped off end.
The Gorgon froze and stopped moving. Her human-looking body fell and he dropped the tail to the dirt.
Vaeludar did not hesitate to move in for the killing blow, but before he was going to kill the monster, he slammed the sword into the dirt and just as the sharp edge of the blade touched the Gorgon’s throat-skin, ready to cut right through it. The hilt of the blade was near the creature’s neck. Vaeludar was ready to make the kill at the almost dead Gorgon. But instead of cutting off her head, he could feel that this creature didn’t have connections or dark magic from the Shadow King.
“What are you waiting for, hybrid? Do it. Kill me! Free this village from me.”
Vaeludar did nothing but withdrew the blade from the creature’s neck. He could feel something inside her mind when the sword’s blade touched her throat; Vaeludar sensed deep desires, a very strong sympathy, and a great hatred of great loneliness. He could feel Gorgon’s feelings are the same exact ones as he had: the feelings of an outsider.
“No, I needed to kill, but no. I am not going to kill you, Gorgon. I don’t need to.”
“What! Why?”
Vaeludar placed the Crystal Sword on the ground and held a figure toward the Gorgon’s head. “This is why,” he said. Vaeludar placed his figure on the Gorgon’s forehead, and thousands of images and memories of Vaeludar’s mind went into the Gorgon’s mind; the mind of another outsider.
They both were part of the same leaf. After a few stirring seconds of showing her his memories, Vaeludar pulled his figure free from the creature’s head. “I’ve been outsider too. You shouldn’t have gone turning these people to stone, just to prove you are something special. It’s time for you to start over and ask these people.” Then he placed his figure on the Gorgon’s heart, showing her the powerful happy memories of the Siren: Merina, his foster brothers and sisters,