Elina is stunned, but he feels so alive, real and vital. His tongue explores her mouth while his hands seek her hips, pulling her closer. Heat for heat, pressing her body into his, Jake takes and Elina feels. Releasing her mouth for a moment, he pulls back to look at her and seeing the lust in his eyes snaps Elina back to reality. Putting both hands against his chest, she drops her forehead to his chest. “Give me a minute, Jake,” she says breathing fast.
“No. I want you and it feels like you want me, too. Look at me.”
Looking up at him, she is afraid, afraid she will hurt him, and hurt them all.
“Jake, you have to understand there is more at stake here than us. I can’t be what you need,” and she pauses stepping away, “You are not who I want.”
Dropping his grip on her, he runs his hands through his blond hair, frustrated and hurt. “Who is he, Elina, this man who has such a hold on you? Where is he when you need him?”
Silent, she stares at him. “I know it’s hard for you to understand, Jake but right now I have to focus on the job I have been given. I never meant to hurt or tease you. You are everything I would ask for …” she stutters.
“Just not who you want,” he finishes for her. “It is okay, Elina. If you change your mind, let me know.” He touches her swollen lips with his fingertips and whispers, “Sometimes reality is better than any dream.” With a turn, he heads back to the house.
Malach reaches for Elina and feels her frustration, anger and fear. He needs to go to her, be with her, but knows it is impossible. The feelings growing between them have no voice, and he will not give it one.
Pacing nearby, Malach tries not to feel what she is feeling, the humanity of the passion erupting between them. He is furious that Jake has her in his arms when it should be him! The heat rolls off the couple and finds its way to Malach wrapping around his body, driving him crazy. Unable to contain his fury, he hears her voice in his soul say, “Are you Shadow or Light? He is not who I want. You are mine, and I am yours, Malach.” Closing his eyes, he feels her hand press against the cross tattoo on his chest in his mind, she whispers, “Be at peace.” He lifts his face to the sky and soars away.
When she returns to the house, Elina finds everyone on the deck, talking and planning. Stepping up the stairs, she is greeted by Hunter and Polly. “It is nice to meet you, Elina.”
She smiles and says a quiet “Hello.” Looking at the man in front of her, Elina notices a tattoo of a dream catcher on his right arm. As she walks closer to inspect it, she pauses when their voices begin to fade away. Hunter sees her stumble and reaches out to steady her just as Elina is struck by a vision stronger than anything she has ever felt. Looking into Hunter’s brown eyes, her eyes begin to glow and she no longer sees him.
Looking around, Elina hears laughter, and chanting. A flash of red runs along a cell wall and it begins to glow amber. Her heart stutters at the scene before her. The Fallen were brought to witness what would happen to them if they betrayed their King. Rough hard hands grab her arms and force her to the ground. Behind her, she feels hands pull her black, feathered wings out stretching them to their full length behind her back and a dark, unseen voice begins, “Brothers, once I lived and breathed to please our creator. I was a mindless drone who never questioned my orders. I made a choice and I paid the price. I promised my followers that we would be free again!” The roar of approval is deafening. Raising a hand, he gestures to his prisoner and says, “Today I show you the arrogant fool who betrayed us all! He chose his own vanity and pleasure over the greater good. I do this so you Do Not Forget the consequences of that choice! Follow me and we shall rule together, free and no longer at his mercy!” Elina struggles to break free, but she is stuck in the body of the tortured soul.
“I will show you the same mercy I was shown for my free choice and you shall thank me for it one day!” Feeling the hands tighten on her black wings, she feels a searing pain down her back. She arches away from the pain, screaming.
Ruby grabs Elina’s arm while Hunter holds the other arm. She tries to free Elina from the pain, calling to her. Linking her mind with Elina’s, she shares the vision with those who reach to touch her. Ronnie links with his wife and they all quickly form a circle, watching the horror unfold before them. Elina’s scream is almost too much for Ruby to bear. Hunter’s voice breaks through and softly he begins to chant.
Through the haze of pain, she hears a whispered question “Are you Shadow or light?” She whispers in a tortured voice “I am Shadow.” The walls suddenly go dark. Louder this time she whispers,” I am Shadow.” A sharp blow across her face splits her lip, and she smiles with a roar “I Am Shadow!” Dropped to the ground below, alone in darkness Elina screams one last time, “I AM SHADOW!!!”
Not sure how long she waits in the darkness, she smells them before they enter. Two strong, male angels with blood, rich and pure call to her. Her teeth begin to lengthen and her mouth waters. When