“Well, it seems to me we need a distraction to lure them away from you so you can locate more Watchers without endangering yourself or the people you are looking for. If the demons happen to find you while you are searching, you might lead them straight to the people we need for help,” Uncle Ronnie states quietly looking around the table. As the realization of that fact sinks in, everyone begins talking at once.
Polly claps her hands together drawing everyone’s attention. “That always works. We need to do what we can to help Elina and unite our people. I would prefer to bring in some outside help if we are going to try to do this. This region is full of Shadows, some good and some not. I have a friend at the reservation named Hunter; he is the medicine man of the village. He could provide the extra protection we need.”
“That sounds like an excellent plan. It will take more than one keeper to fight if we draw a horde of demons to us. The ones I have seen are deadly and powerful. It is always best to have backup. When can we meet him?” Elina asks as she reaches for her coffee cup.
With a smile Polly answers, “Well it just happens that he will be helping me today with our tables at the festival. I will ask him to come over tonight and we can see if he is willing to help.” Excited to be moving in the right direction, everyone begins cleaning up.
“Can he be trusted, how well do you know him, Pauline?” Ruby questions as they clear the table.
“I have known him for a long time. He has a son, and I have personally seen him fight demons alone, he is powerful. I trust him, sister. I would not bring him to your family if I didn’t.”
Taking Polly’s hand, Ruby says quietly “Our family.”
Jake watches Elsbeth closely. He can tell she is nervous about something. “Jake, before we go I want to give you this,” she says holding out a necklace in her hand.
“What’s this, Elsbeth?” As he looks closely, he sees a sterling silver chain holding a silver shield. Carved into the center is a green stone with red swirls in the shape of a cross. “Elsbeth, you made this for me?”
She takes it and slips it over his head, saying “Jake, you have been my protector for so long, I wanted to return the favor. The stone in the center of this shield is a Bloodstone. Legend says it was thought to be formed from the blood of Jesus as it dripped on the green earth solidifying. Locals say it is an aid in healing, strength, and a talisman for protection in battle. It looks good on you,” she says resting her hand over it against his chest. They both jump as a spark moves from her hand to his chest.
“Wow. Was that supposed to happen?” Grabbing the shield in his hand, he is not surprised to feel a hum.
Beth laughs at him saying, “Sometimes that happens. I try not to think about it. Maybe it’s your electrifying personality. Seriously, Jake, if you don’t like it I can make something else.”
Holding up his hand he tells her, “I love it, Beth, thank you,” pressing a kiss to her forehead. “Now let’s go make some money.” Laughing, they walk to the truck and head to the festival.
Hours later Elsbeth’s jewelry trays are close to empty, and her feet are killing her. She needs to get more from the truck and she waves to Polly and the handsome Indian who is helping her. Telling the girls helping her to go get some lunch and have some fun, she puts up a sign that says she will be back in a few minutes.
Walking through the crowded streets, Elsbeth hears the pounding of the drums as the dancers get started. Grabbing a drink, she enjoys the warmth of the sunshine. The warmth of the December sun shines on Elsbeth, warming her up. Ruby and Ronnie are playing horseshoe with some of the local children and Elsbeth gives them a quick wave as she moves off. Jake is helping set up teepees for people to warm up in.
Wondering where Elina is, she heads towards the truck. Elsbeth catches a glimpse of a shadow from the corner of her eye. Her mouth goes dry, and she tries not to panic. Her heart begins to pound out a rhythm louder than the beating of the drums. “They have found me!” Changing direction she sees another shadow to her right, “That’s two” she thinks as she walks faster. “How far away are the others?” The streets are so crowded, she can’t get through!
Breathing fast, she feels her body break into a cold sweat and she knows she is in panic mode. The noise of the drums begins to fade, and she takes a breath to try to scream for help but no noise will come. “Strange” she thinks, as something grabs her arm. A man; he is talking, but she can no longer hear him. Looking into the light brown eyes of the Indian talking to her, she says, “Don’t let them take me again.” Then everything goes black.
“Damn, she’s going down” he thinks as the woman loses all color, and her blue eyes roll back and she falls into his arms.
“That’s no way to get a date, Dad. Scaring her to death, really? Way to go,” Alex laughingly tells his dad, Hunter.
Holding her in his arms he replies, “Funny, now clear a path, will you? Let’s get her to the medical tent.” Hurrying across the street following his son, he has to marvel at his efficiency.
“Watch Out! Coming Through! Beautiful girl here! MOVE IT!!!” he screams and they part like the Red Sea.
The nurse quickly checks her vitals,