back. I feel like a part of my soul is missing, how do I get it back, Polly? Tell me, how you did it!”

“You have to let him go. It’s the only way to protect them,” Elina says understanding and answering for her. “You deserve to be happy, and he will be drawn to the light he sees in you. They become protective of us and the more time we spend with them the worse it becomes.”

“Exactly,” Polly says with sadness in her eyes. “We spent years together; and when I finally forced him away, it nearly killed me. I have not seen him since, but I did what I had to do for both of us.”

“Elsbeth, I believe he is protecting you by not coming. If you call him, he will come, but before you do ask yourself are you so selfish that you do not care for his soul? You may as well rip his wings off and toss him to the wolves,” Polly tells her.

Elsbeth wipes her tears, and looks shocked. “I would never intentionally hurt him. The nightmares are so real and sometimes I feel like I am back in that hell. How did you do it, Polly?”

Taking her hands and pulling her up, Polly says, “Take one moment at a time, one breath, one minute, and then one day you will find yourself smiling again. You could fall in love and have the future of your dreams. They want our happiness as much as we do Elsbeth.”

“Thank you for sharing your story with us Aunt Polly” Elina sighs, “I am sorry you had to go through so much. My situation is complicated and I do not have the same luxury of walking away.” Looking at the woods, listening to the wind blow in the trees, Elina feels weary. Turning back to them she says, “Elsbeth, I believe it will get easier. You have to just allow yourself time to grieve. You have a family that loves you and friends here who will help, just ask.”

Wiping tears, Elsbeth thanks them and Elina decides to try to get some sleep. Watching her walk away, Elsbeth says quietly, “You had a few years with your angel, what about her? How long has she known him? I had moments, stolen here and there. If I feel like this from such little contact, what will she go through, Polly and how will she survive it?”


After a restless night, Elsbeth woke early to get started on her day. Working with the local women and children on the reservation proved to be the perfect distraction for her. The biggest surprise to her was how much she learned from them. The culture and history passed down through the generations was such a gift, and once they trusted her, they shared that knowledge with her. She taught them the techniques and skills required to make unique jewelry. They taught her the myths, legends, and properties of each specific stone. The result was unique handcrafted jewelry with a dramatic flair of colors, textures, and stones.

Looking at the collection she has prepared for today’s town festival, she is excited. It is her best work ever, and the resulting proceeds will go to help the women and children at the reservation. Elsbeth has set up her website with a new page, allowing for worldwide sales for one of a kind native jewelry. They agreed to take shifts during the four day celebration. Polly has a table near showing her painting, photography and sketches designed and inspired by the beauty of South Dakota and the people who inhabit it.

The Pow Wow is a celebration and a time for renewal. Dance contests in traditional clothing, drumming, horseshoe tournaments, food, and craft sales. Most of the locals help set up, clean up and run booths. Large tents have been set up to protect them from the wind and cold. Everyone is excited and Elsbeth hurries, packing up and carrying trays of jewelry to the truck. Polly is already up and finished loading her art.

“Are you excited about today? I don’t need to tell you how excited the girls are to be working with you,” Polly tells Elsbeth.

“I am the lucky one. They have taught me so much and introduced me to many traditional techniques that I would never have learned. I am just as excited for today,” she replies with a smile.

Jakes walks up with another load saying, “It is kind of you to donate a portion of the proceeds to the local women’s shelter, Elsbeth. You should be proud.” After the truck is loaded Jake returns to the house for another load. Elsbeth sees Ruby and Ronnie come out carrying more paintings and supplies. Everyone finishes loading up, then heads in for a quick breakfast.

Elina is in the kitchen with Ronnie and Ruby when they all come in. “Excellent, we are all together,” Ruby says. After everyone sits together, Uncle Ronnie says, “I would like to say a blessing. Let’s all join hands.” Holding hands, they bow their heads as he begins:

“Father, we thank you for food in a world where many walk in hunger;

For Faith in a world where many walk in fear;

For friends in a world where many walk alone;

We give you thanks, O Lord. Amen.” Amen.


“That was beautiful, you old fart. Where did you get that? I know you didn’t write it,” Polly says as everyone laughs.

“Well, sgili, it’s from a church in Canada, It felt appropriate right now,” he responds, spearing a sausage.

“Aunt Polly, do you know of any other Watchers or how to contact them?” Elina asks, changing the subject.

Polly looks at her, “The best way would be to watch from the astral plane. Look for the threads; it would be quicker, but dangerous to do it that way.”

“She would not be doing it alone,” Jake leans over saying, “I will be there to help. We know the demons are tracing us through our golden threads.”

“I don’t have a

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