thing I saw was his body exploding into the burning house. I ran screaming and headed back to my little house to wait.”

“When the police came they determined the fire was accidental, and my husband had died a hero trying to save my granny. In her will, she left me some money she had put aside and a box full of her family books, traditions and family bible. It was our heritage, which my mother had kept at her home. I cherish those books and traditions and because of her I was able to survive what was to come. After the funerals I took that money and books, packed a suitcase, and set off traveling to learn as much as I could about healing.”

“During my travels I began to paint, and photograph old churches. I sold them for money. I found I had a gift for seeing what others could not. I had a fascination with our German heritage, so I went and learned all about healing. I was taught me how to heal humans and animals using herbal remedies.”

Polly moves over to a copper fire pit and begins fiddling with the logs. With the fire burning, they pull their chairs close and Elsbeth covers Polly’s knees with her favorite afghan.

“I saw it on you the first time we met, Elsbeth.” Turning to look at Elina with her wise green eyes faded by time she sighs, saying “I have seen it in you for years, but I was not sure until now.” Shocked Elina and Elsbeth look at each other and back at Polly.

“It was there in Germany, he came to me in my dreams. My owl had followed me during my travels. I would catch glimpses of him and he made me feel safe. One night the dream became a reality. I had hiked up the Wendelstein Mountain in the Bavarian Alps to photograph a historic church built in the mountains. I desperately wanted to catch the church with the sun setting behind it. I packed a bag to camp with my gear in case I got caught by the weather. Impatient, I didn’t want to miss this opportunity so, I went.” Smiling to herself she stops, sipping her tea, lost in her thoughts for a moment.

“I found it and set my camera up, just like I hoped. Those photographs still bring royalties,” she says proudly. “It was so beautiful and peaceful; I began packing up intending to catch the train back to town. That’s when I heard them, the sounds of someone coming. Two men had followed me from the village. Seeing them, I knew what they wanted from me; once you see that kind of evil in a man’s eyes you never forget it.” Elsbeth drops her head and Polly rests a hand on top. “Don’t weep for me, child. Because of it, I met him” she whispers in awe, smiling.

“I fought hard, but they were stronger than me. After they dumped my body in the crumbling church, I thought about throwing myself off the mountain. I heard his call, the sound of my owl. I heard screaming, and then silence. I closed my swollen eyes, and a sudden light caught my attention. I thought they were coming back for me, so I began to panic, backing away. It was not a flashlight, but my owl. I looked up and he was flying towards me; however, this time just before he landed, he shifted. Standing before me was an angel. He was huge, tan skin, long black hair, and yellow eyes of my owl. His wings were striped like the owl’s, beautiful huge and lush. I was terrified, naked and bleeding. I thought I was going to die. He walked towards me and snapped his wings out around us; kneeling down beside me, he leaned his head back in a silent prayer and lifted his hands to the sky. Moving his hands along my body, he began covering me in golden dust. At first it was cold, but my body absorbed it and it warmed me from the inside out. I began to feel drowsy but before my eyes closed I felt him lift me in his arms.” Looking at the stunned faces before her, she smiles, “You girls thought this old woman had no stories to tell.”

“Why have you never told me this before?” Elina asks. “Do Ruby and Ronnie know this?” she asks excitedly.

Holding up her hand, Polly says, “It is mine to tell whom I choose. I see it in you both. You can’t hide it once you have been with them. It changes you, shifts you from the inside out. Your aura changes color. I have only seen it on a few others; it is why I keep to myself. It makes you a target for those hunting them.”

Elsbeth looks at Polly with new eyes. Finally, someone who understands! Reaching out, she takes her hand, squeezing gently. “How do you survive it, the separation? Why does it hurt so?” she whispers with her other hand clutching her chest. Her wide blue eyes are full of tears, and Elsbeth turns to look at Elina, “You are so strong. Does he stay away because I am weak?”

“No,” Elina says “He stays away because every time he’s with you it gets harder to leave.”

Polly leans forward and reaches for the other’s hands. “I want you to understand that it’s impossible for a human and angel to be together. Your love would condemn him to an eternity in hell. We are humans. We can ask for forgiveness and receive it, but they can’t. Would you risk his soul so you can have a moment of pleasure?”

“I didn’t ask for any of this.” Elsbeth jumps up angrily thumping her chest. “I wanted to have my own business, fall in love, get married, and have children. Now I am damaged goods, I am fractured and lost.” Dropping to her knees, “I don’t know how to find my way

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