they realize they are locked in with her, the smell of their panic causes her to smile. Seizing the moment; she attacks without a thought, going straight for the throat of the nearest angel. The blood so warm and rich pours into her mouth fueling her starving cells. Releasing her first victim, she launches an attack against the other. She shoves her clawed nails into her victim’s eyes, and blinds him. Laughing, she bites straight into his throat ripping out his jugular, releasing a river of angelic blood. Covering the gash with her mouth, she drinks her fill. Standing she sees, her naked reflection through the glowing amber walls and is stunned to see Raphaim staring back at her. Fully healed, rejuvenated, he says, “I am Shadow,” once more. “Free me now, Father! I can bring you the Keeper!”


The sounds of a steady chant fill her mind. Her heart begins to slow and she hears her Uncle Ronnie calling her.

     “Come back, Elina. Release him!” he orders. With a snap she finds she is back in her body, and her knees give out. Still tasting the blood in her mouth, she bends over and empties her stomach. Ruby and Polly help Elina stand and get her to a chair. Elsbeth brings water and a cool rag, while the men stand back.

Ronnie goes to get a bucket of water to rinse the deck and realizes his hands are shaking. How will she fight the monster that he saw? Looking out on the deck at his girls, he realizes she already has faced him, and she was only a child then.

Hunter asks the question they all want to know, “Elina, who was the demon in your vision?”

Taking a drink of water, she swishes it around in her mouth thankful for a moment to collect her thoughts. Elsbeth wraps her in a blanket she grabs from the couch. Elina smiles in thanks, grateful for her family and new friends. Jake moves near. Standing beside her chair, he rests a hand on her shoulder, needing the contact. Trembling all over, she pulls the blanket tighter around her shoulders, trying to slow her heart.

“You would know him as son of the Kalona Ayeliski,” she replies, closely watching Hunter for his reaction.

“Kalona,” he whispers, shocked. Staring closely at Elina he moves forward, “You are sure?”

Sorry to tell him the truth, for she sees her questions answered in his eyes. “You are the Gunskaliski?” she asks, already sure of the answer. Nodding yes, Hunter does not reply but looks instead at Polly.

“One of you needs to explain what is happening here” Polly demands.

He begins to grow angry, afraid for his son and all of human kind, Hunter moves closer to Elina, saying in a stronger voice, “What do you mean, son of the Kalona? Is the Kalona Ayeliski free?”

Jake steps forward, blocking him with his large body. Before Elina can reply, Jake snaps, “She is just the messenger, Hunter. Give her a minute. We are all together in this.” Reaching out, Elina takes Jake’s hand, squeezing it gently, tugging him to her side.

“I am sorry, Gunskaliski, the time has come. I do not have all the answers, but I can tell you we are out of time. His son was powerful enough to destroy almost an entire village of Watchers. What do you think the Kalona is capable of?” Hunter decides to calm down and walks away from the group.

“Why don’t we all take a minute here?” Uncle Ronnie suggests. “We’ve just had an experience that should be processed and I for one could use a drink.”

Jake walks away, saying, “I second that vote! Let’s move this inside.” Elsbeth follows Jake. Ruby and Ronnie go inside as well.

Polly moves to Hunter, “Are you alright?” Not sure what to say, he looks at Elina and says, “No.”

Standing on the deck with the blanket wrapped around her, she knows why he’s upset. His life has just altered course and they are all on a one way track, with no end in sight. Elina gets up with a sigh and moves inside, as the others follow.


“Humankind has not woven the web of life

We are but one thread within it

Whatever we do to the web we do to ourselves

All things are bound together

All things connect.”

Chief Seattle, 1854



“I am a Gunskaliski, a demon hunter” Hunter begins softly. “My people are called the Children of the Sun. This demon you run from, he is the son of the Kalona, Are you sure?” He asks Elina once more.

“Yes,” she replies again.

“How can you be so sure?” he demands.

“I have been to the Ketuwah, and I have seen with my own eyes the moment he chose to fall. I was shown the destruction that followed.” Hunter sits hard in the chair behind him as Jake pours a drink and offers it to him.

“Gunskaliski, I am the Keeper of the Light. I was chosen to reunite our people, but your task is different. Am I right?” Elina asks as he takes a sip.

“Yes,” he replies hoarsely. “I thought it was a legend, based on myth, not truth.” Resting his head in his hands for a moment, he replays the history of his people in his mind.

“Maybe you should fill the rest of us in, Elina.” Uncle Ronnie requests. Elina looks at Hunter and waits for him to begin.

His deep voice trembles as Hunter speaks, “The myth or legend has been changed many times in many cultures. The Cherokee call him Kalona Ayeliski or the Angel of Death. Some believed he was the first fallen archangel who became Shadow.” Taking another drink, he pauses and looks at the group around him.

Elina moves to the couch and sits next to her Uncle Ronnie, pulling the blanket closer. He wraps an arm around her shoulder to pull her to his side. Ruby sits in the chair next to the couch and glances at Polly. Elsbeth moves closer to Hunter, drawn in by the timbre

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