“How exactly does that work? He comes, he does some kind of spell and he leaves. Why would that risk his soul?” Jake wonders.
“Because, he does not want to leave Elsbeth, Jake.” Ruby says answering for her, saying, “Every time he is with her the separation gets harder. If he takes what he wants, he will fall and she will go with him,”
The room goes quiet. “If we do nothing, she dies.” Ronnie says breaking the silence. “Her faith was strong enough to save her through an ungodly amount of torture and she will handle being with him once more. The question is not what to do, but rather how to go about getting him here.”
“That is the easy part,” Elina replies. “You need bait. He comes only when she is in danger. This could work,” Elina says to the group.”
“Hunter,” Elina says speaking to his mind, “This is our chance to find out where the missing part of the book is! I can lure a Son of the One here using Elsbeth as bait, and then we can question it!”
With a glance at Elsbeth, Hunter is willing to try whatever is necessary to make sure she is safe. He says, “In order to trap bad dreams or spirits I simply create a spirit web. Trapping is my specialty. It is how I hunt them.”
Elsbeth feels lost in the group of powerful people. She steps back into the room, from the hallway, “What can I do?” she asks quietly. “You are the bait,” Elina replies.
Everyone goes still, and Jake explodes, “Over my dead body! They almost killed her last time, YOU know that!” he snarls, snatching Elsbeth away from the group. “I think it is time we leave!” He pulls Elsbeth, intending to leave.
“She is marked by a Son of the One, Jake,” Elina says firmly. “There is no where you can run, no where you can hide. We have only one option. We will trap a demon, to lure an angel. Only a Son of the Light can remove the mark.” As she is telling everyone this, she feels guilty. She knows she is using them, to find another clue to the books locations. She could call Malach, but that would not bring a demon for interrogation. It is an unsavory but a necessary means to an end.
Livid at them all for putting her in this situation, Jake tells Beth, “There has to be another way. You don’t have to do this!”
“Damnit, Jake, I won’t spend the rest of my life hiding, wondering when they are going to find me! I can’t sleep for the nightmares. I have to find a way to be free of this, and you can’t be with me twenty four hours a day.” Just thinking of seeing Simeon again, her heart soars. Solid in her resolve, she turns to Elina “Tell me what to do.”
“We have to draw as little attention as possible. They are drawn to you and to any energy they feel. I don’t want to lead a horde of them here. Where is a safe place to do this?” Elina asks Polly.
Polly steps forward, “It would be best to go down by the old church or what’s left of it. Once I cast a circle, any demons who try to leave will be destroyed. You will be protected Elsbeth. We won’t let them get you again,” Polly tells her.
Ruby joins her sister, “We will anchor you to one of us. We are gifted in a different way, but no less powerful,” she says looking at Ronnie.
“You will be safe with us and if at any time you want to stop, just say the word and we will get you out,” Ronnie tells her. Elsbeth smiles at her brother because they are now surrounded in a circle of protection and they haven’t even started yet.
Jake takes a deep breath and says, “What should I do?”
Elina looks at Jake and smiles, “You will help me. I need to search for more Watchers. You can help watch for any shadows that may come for your sister.”
“Recon is my specialty,” Jake says with a grim smile.
“I will have to go alone, won’ I?” Elsbeth asks.
Hunter steps forward, “No, I will go with you, hidden from view but close enough to see you.”
“Polly, Ruby and Ronnie can go cast the circle around the church while Jake and I watch from here.” Elina tells her, “Then you will go. I will add a boost of energy to you to draw them in. Elsbeth you will feel them around you; just keep moving and follow the path through the woods, towards the church.” Polly leads Ruby and Ronnie out to collect the supplies needed and they leave for the church.
Jake watches Elsbeth pull on her coat, and step out on the porch. She looks back to reassure him. “I’ll be okay, Jake. Simeon will come to save me, and you will destroy all the demon bastards who appear.” With a determined look, she leaves quietly.
“She’s amazing,” Hunter says to Jake, watching her leave.
“Yes, she is, so make sure she comes back this time, Hunter.”
Nodding in understanding, Hunter leaves, stepping out into the crisp night air. Going to his truck, he opens it and begins to strip off his clothes. Shoes, socks, shirt, jacket are all tossed into the truck. He smears a black paint on one side of his face, and fills his jeans with a few special items. First is a coin his son gave him for good luck, and then a dagger goes in the back of his jeans. Reaching behind his seat, he pulls out a buckskin mat rolled up and tied with a leather thong. Senses alert, he hears Elsbeth walk up behind him.
Intent on Hunter, she asks, “You will be near me, right?”
Looking at the beautiful young woman before him, he steps so close she can feel the heat rolling off his body. “Elsbeth I will be your shadow,