He stands before her in his jeans, with his long, black hair loose; Elsbeth can’t help but smile at the image he presents. His muscular chest glistens in the moonlight. He is the image of a warrior. “Thank you, Hunter?”
“You will think of me when you are with him, Elsbeth.” He says as he kisses her soft mouth. In that moment, he is afraid for her. Not of the demons, but the angel who wants her.
“Hunter, I wish things were different. I wish I had met you first, but I will not lead you on. He is a part of my soul now. I can’t breathe without this need for him. I can’t give my heart to you because it is no longer mine.” Staring intently at him, she hopes she has not hurt him.
He smiles gently touches her cheek gently, “Thank you, Elsbeth, for the truth. I had a love once and she was my world. I never thought I would be able to find that again, but meeting you gives me hope for more. I think she would want that for me.”
“I believe she would too, Hunter. You deserve that. Okay then, when should we start?” She asks, stepping back from his embrace.
“Right now,” bending down to the ground, he unrolls the mat and Elsbeth stands back. Rolled up in the mat is the sacred tools needed to fight the demons. A large wooden stick lies in the center, with feathers of various shapes and colors hanging by leather strings tied with beads. There is a leather shoulder bag filled with various tools, stakes, a hammer and a lighter. Finally, a clear bag full of ancient tobacco and an old black pipe wrapped in a sacred cloth.
“When I am finished offering my prayer to the Great Spirit, I will go into the woods. Wait five minutes, and follow the path to the church. Do not run, Elsbeth. Fear fuels them. I will follow you in the trees along the path.”
From his position on the ground, Hunter lifts his hands to the sky. Raising his face to the moon, he begins to chant. Elsbeth stands quietly, somehow comforted by the rhythm of the words. Hunter stands and fills the pipe with the tobacco, then hangs the leather bag around his neck. He takes off at a run, not looking back at Elsbeth. As he rushes through the woods, he stops every eight feet and shoves a sharpened stake halfway into the ground. He has done this many times before, but never with so much to lose. The urge he feels to protect Elsbeth is strong. As he runs down the path in the woods, he creates a circle of protection using the stakes. Inside the church, the others are creating a spiritual circle, to protect them once they enter the circle.
Back at the beginning of the path, hidden in the trees, he watches as Elsbeth pauses at the entrance to the woods. When she looks back at the house, she hesitates for only a moment before taking a breath and stepping forward. Hunter lights the pipe and walks alongside her, puffing on the old tobacco and blowing smoke in every direction. Hating to leave her, but needing to follow tradition, he continues puffing out the smoke along the path of the stakes he drove into the ground. Soon the circle of protection has a layer of smoke hanging like fog in the night air. Coming full circle once more, he wraps the pipe carefully in the sacred black cloth and hurries to catch up to Elsbeth.
Elsbeth pauses at the entrance to the woods, and lifts her face to the stars above praying for courage. “Father, I ask for courage tonight because I seem to lack it. Help me stand before the threats to come. Give me the courage to fight against the demons and, against the darkness looming before me and the false lights, Strengthen me with your love and grace so I will know the difference, Grant me the courage to fight the fear and persevere, Until I am with you forever in heaven. Amen”
As she steps onto the path, Elsbeth takes a breath and starts her journey. Inside the house, Jake lies on the couch. As he leaves his physical body, his spirit is strong. He sees Elina waiting and they begin looking for the demons that will come. Existing in the spiritual plane is like walking among the heavens. Each glimmering light is a soul. Some are weak, blinking like a light bulb about to burn out while others flash bright like a shooting star. Those are the new lives being created. Elina is looking for a specific thread; golden threads indicate Watchers or Keepers. Her job is to find more and unite them for the battle to come. Elina spies a strong golden thread and decides to investigate. She sends a thought to Jake and tells him she will be back. In a blink, she is gone. Jake watches for Shadows that might attack.
The demons come drawn by the mark of the one who bares it. Slithering under the earth, they burrow beneath, following the scent that calls to them. Elsbeth picks up speed, sensing them closing in on her. Hidden in her pants leg is her gift from Elina, her small black dagger. Feeling the weight of it comforts her. She knows Hunter is with her, and as she walks, she sees the church ahead glowing like a beacon calling her. The call of a wolf breaks the silence of the night and Elsbeth’s heart stutters. An answering howl to her left causes her to break into a run, all around her the answering calls grow louder. Chills break out on her body and she begins to panic.
Elsbeth can see the church, and Polly waiting in the doorway calling to her. As she tries to take a step, the largest wolf Elsbeth has ever seen leaps in front of