teeth and lips.

“Thank you, human.” Turning his now glowing red eyes on Elina, he smiles and says, “Hello Keeper. My father is on his way to meet you. Are you scared?”

Elina feels no pity or fear as she looks at the bloody demon. She wonders what that says about her, is she changing.

“No demon. I’m looking forward to it. Let’s stop that hemorrhaging, I want to keep you around for a while.” Lifting her right hand she creates a flame. Walking around the demon, she sends the fire over the bloody stump, searing the flesh closed. He does not scream but instead throws his head back, red eyes closed as if in pleasure. He arches his back groaning in ecstasy.

“Again, Keeper, Again!” stepping back, Elina shows no reaction. She is not quick enough to stop Jake.

“Allow me!” he says disgusted and grabbing a large football sized rock, slams it into the burned stump. Roaring in pain, the demon arches again unable to move. “YES! More, human, more!” Chuckling loudly he smiles at Jake.

Unable to believe what he is seeing, Hunter pulls Jake back as they watch the demon’s body break out in a sweat.

“MMMMM, Yeeeess that was good.” He says moaning, “It is a pity Elsbeth is not here to join us, I was so looking forward to spending time with her! I was going to show her all the pleasure that pain can bring.”

Hunter releases Jake in a fury saying, “My turn.” He circles the beast he begins to chant, calling on the spirits of the sun. The darkness of the rundown church begins to glow softly at first, like the glow of a candle. Turning its massive head, he watches Hunter and his smile fades. The demon begins to struggle to break free. He cannot stand the brightness of the slowly emerging sun. Frantic he turns away from the searing heat of the sun to seek Elina. He asks desperately, “What do you want Keeper!”

“I need your mind, demon,” Elina says over the sound of Hunters chanting. “Your Father has a book which belongs to me. I want it back. Where is it?” The sacred sun begins to sizzle his skin and the demon begins to screech. Calling on his sons to aid him, he hears the sound of flapping wings fill the night as bats swarm overhead to block out Hunter’s sun. Screeching again, they dive straight at Hunter, forcing the group to defend themselves. The glow fades as Hunter dives to avoid the swarm. The bats can enter the protection of the circle, but not escape. One by one, they explode to dust, as they circle trying to escape the church.

Ronnie grabs one by its feet. Looking at it in horror, he holds the two foot long bat over top of the demon, dangling it.

“What are you doing?” Jake asks Ronnie.

“I may be able to get some answers from this thing. It has a swarm mentality; if nothing else, it will show us the location of their roost.” Jake jumps back, avoiding a claw from the creature as it tries to break free. Ronnie swings it smacking it on the wall, knocking it unconscious for the moment. “That’s how the Marines do it, PJ!” Ronnie says with a laugh.

Hunter gets up and walks back over to the demon pinned to the rocky floor. “I am Gunskaliski, your worst nightmare. Tell the Keeper what she wants, or we begin again.” Looking at the Indian, the demon begins to laugh.

“I am a nightmare, skili. You cannot hurt me!” He watches Elina as she walks closer. Elina studies her captive for a moment before she realizes his body is riddled with scars. Stooping down, she runs her hand over his muscular chest. She watches his muscle tense and jump. Elina looks at Hunter, thinking, “We need to change tactics here.” Curling her hand into a claw, she elongates a nail and runs it like a blade along his arm. Her nail slices through the scarred hide and a ribbon of red blood appears. His demonic eyes grow wide for a moment.

“Yes,” The demon hisses licking his lips. “Cuts are my favorite, slide it slowly through the skin,” he pleads. “I like it slow,” he moans.

Elina says, “Together Hunter,” and wields her black obsidian sword. Nodding his head he says, “We give, you give, demon.”

Looking back and forth at them, he smiles baring his sharp teeth, “Yes, anything. Give, Give, Human!” he roars.

For a moment, they all freeze as Elina takes her sword and lays the blade flat on his massive thigh. Dressed only in a brown leather kilt he moans in ecstasy at the feel of the cold crystal blade on his hot skin. His mouth fills with saliva and his red eyes stare into hers, unblinking. He waits.

“The book, tell me where the book is.” She says sliding the sword further up his bare thigh, then back down in slow torment, careful not to cut him. Sweating with his desire evident, he licks his lips again and moans “In the keep, within the volcano! He keeps it with him at all times!” he says, panting now.

Ronnie gives Jake the bat creature and steps forward, placing a hand on each side of the demon’s head. Closing his eyes, he leans his head back and then says, “His name is Straton, sixth son of the one who fell!” Straton roars enraged.  Elina places a hand on his shoulder and sees through his eyes. She sees an image in her mind of a volcano; she now knows where she has to send Hunter. He must retrieve the book.

“If you want more, Straton, tell me the exact location of the book.” Elina demands.

Straton watches the blade as she lays it further up his body on his chest. She presses it flat against his nipple. The tip digs in, a bead of red blood appears, and his body erupts in chills. “YES, Yes,” panting, “The White Mountain, Keeper!” Elina steps back pulling her

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