mouth closer. She clings to him and he longs for one more taste of her. Her blue eyes meet his brown eyes and she watches, fully aware. Elsbeth turns her head just as his mouth lowers to her and his tongue flicks out bathing her neck, removing all remaining poison, healing her wound. Simeon uses his gift and he sends her to sleep before walking outside to put some distance between them.

Trembling with emotions he should not feel, anger, rage, envy, and lust, Simeon paces outside the cave praying silently for his Maker to forgive his thoughts. Archangels are the Fist of God, called to strike as needed, but they do not feel. He knew his soul was in trouble when he protected Elsbeth, which is why he stayed away. The thoughts, feelings, and emotions he has for her must stop! He will not fall as his brothers did! “I will not!” he rages at the sky above.

Elsbeth wakes with a start terrified and alone. “He left me again she thinks.” Hearing a loud roar, she jumps from the bed, looking around the cavern. Candles illuminate the room. Disgusted and terrified, she remembers how Asa loved to light candles for his “bride.” Looking at the two exits, she sees light coming from one and darkness in the other. She makes her choice.

She grabs a candle and she runs for the darkest tunnel. Maybe she can hide from him, she thinks, whimpering as she runs through the dark. Oblivious to the rocks cutting her feet, she runs far into the mountain looking only for a chance to escape. Stumbling over an unseen rock, she flies forward, slams her forehead on a low bridge of rock, and knocks herself unconscious. As she falls to the cavern floor, she whispers his name in her mind, “Simeon.”

Softly touching his mind, he hears her call him and he rushes back inside to find an empty cavern “Elsbeth!” he roars. In a panic, he looks around. Knowing she did not get past him, he rushes for the other cavern. He shifts to spirit, and flies quickly through the dark space until he spies her prone form on the ground. Touching her softly he finds her heart beat. Reassured, he lifts her once more returning to the cavern.

“I shouldn’t have left you. Forgive me, Elsbeth?” he asks as he gently washes the blood away. The damage is easily healed. Placing his palm face up, he says a quiet prayer and softly sprinkles golden angel dust over her forehead. The jagged wound begins to glow with a soft white light. It stops bleeding as the skin knits closed. The swelling returns to normal and she sleeps aided by a push from him.

Simeon looks up sensing Malach searching for him, so he answers the call. Confidant that she will sleep, he waits outside for his friend.

“Peace, Brother,” Malach calls out as he lands and bows respectfully. Not sure what to expect, Malach is prepared for anything. Simeon approaches his brother, relieved to see him. He reaches out and grasps the arm Malach offers and returns the greeting.

“Peace, Malach.” Glancing past Simeon toward the cave, Malach asks, “Elsbeth is well?” Simeon’s light eyes darken with fury in an instant and Malach steps back from his larger friend.

“No thanks to your Keeper!” he rages. Simeon grabs his head with both hands, as he struggles to control the instant fury. His golden wings spread, showing them for the weapons they truly are. Mixed with dark and light brown feathers at the arches they flow gently towards the tips lined with golden feathers, more blade than downy feathers.

“Brother, she did not expect…” Seeming to grow larger by the second, Simeon drops his hands now balled into fists.

“Bait, they used her as bait to what end? To lure a demon? Inexcusable, Malach!!!” Desperate to vent his rage, he grabs a tree and rips it from the ground with his bare hands. Firing it towards the mountain wall, it explodes into fragments.

Slowly drawing his sword, Malach asks softly, “Are you Shadow or Light, Brother?” Though smaller in stature, his power is no less than Simeon’s. His emerald green eyes are filled with sorrow as he stares into the eyes of his friend.

A shocked Simeon looks at him. “How many times have we asked our brothers that question without knowing the answer?” Simeon asks, all rage gone. Grief fills his soul, “I am Light Brother; I am Light. Peace.”

Slowly Malach approaches Simeon; still holding his sword, Malach tells him “You must understand what is going on, Simeon. The demon Asa marked Elsbeth’s soul. She is dying.” In denial, Simeon shakes his head no, as he looks back at the cave.

“You are sure, Malach?” he asks.

Malach takes a breath and says, “They were luring you today, not the demon.”

Frustrated, Simeon asks, “What are you saying?”

“The demons came drawn by Elsbeth’s mark. She was counting on you to save her. You need to cleanse her soul, remove the mark of the Fallen, and free her.” Smiling he says, “Humans do not think like we do brother.”

Stunned, Simeon realizes how close he is to falling. He left the chosen ones to fight surrounded by demons! As a warrior, his sin is unforgiveable and his judgment clouded.

“I am struggling, brother, these feelings torment me. Am I fallen, Malach?”

“I feel, too.” Malach tells him, “but we are not yet fallen.” Emerald eyes meet brown and they see relief. “The more contact we have with them, the worse it gets. We are marked by the Chosen, just as the demons mark them. You can remove her mark and free her, but you will never be free of yours. I can cleanse her if you cannot.”

In silence, Simeon slowly walks back towards the cave. He turns to look at his brother and says, “I will cleanse her and return her to her family. Then we will battle the demons that put us here! I will make them pay for putting us through this!”

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