Revenge, Malach thinks another human emotion. Malach sees his future, as he watches his brother walk away. His feelings for Elina grow stronger every second, “Who will keep me from falling?” he asks himself as he leaves.
As he sits guarding her sleeping form, Simeon wonders what she dreams of. He lets her sleep for sixteen hours knowing she needs the rest to heal. He reaches out and lifts her long blonde hair, marveling at the soft texture. Leaning close, he breathes her scent in, wondering when we will be able to touch her again. Turning her head her eyes catch his and she smiles slowly.
“Are you real? Or am I still dreaming?” her soft voice asks. Simeon leans back as she slowly sits up and swings her legs over the side of the bed. Taking his time, he looks her over carefully. She is tiny, even for a human. Her ordeal has taken its toll on her, she has lost weight. She can’t be more than one hundred fifteen pounds or so, and she has bruises under her eyes from lack of sleep.
“I am real,” he responds staring intently at her. He knows her mind; the creativity in her astounds him. He sees her compassion; it humbles him and he knows the pain she can endure, for he suffered with her. Sitting on a ledge near the bed, he is eye height to her. Elsbeth approaches him cautiously, and stops in front of him, cupping his face in her hands as she looks closely at him.
“Thank you for saving me, Simeon.”
Uncomfortable with her closeness and fighting the urge to jerk her into his arms he says, “It wouldn’t have been necessary had you not put yourself in danger, Elsbeth.” Hurt flares in her eyes and she jerks as though slapped. He stands up using his size to push her away.
“I need to get you back to the others, so meet me outside when you are ready.” He strides quickly from the room. Astounded, Elsbeth watches him walk angrily away. When she turns in the chamber, she finds a hot bath waiting and her clothes on the bed. Elsbeth soaks in the tub and lets her own anger grow. How dare he? Who does he think he is, judging her? Not all of us can just walk away from danger, or fly away? Angrily she scrubs her pink skin until she glistens then she rises to rinse her body, and finds to her astonishment that Simeon is standing in the doorway. Hunger is evident in his face, aggression in his stance. Breaking into a sweat, he fights the urge to take her.
Afraid, she backs up and loses her footing. Before she falls, he catches her wet, naked body in his arms. Drawing her dripping body to his, he growls deep in his throat at the touch of her naked breasts pressed against his chest. One large hand grips her bottom to pull her tighter against him. His arousal is evident and Elsbeth remembers to breathe.
“Simeon,” she whispers. The scent of her arousal overtakes him and he leans close to breathe it in, scraping his teeth against her throat. Moaning, Elsbeth grinds against him, no longer caring about consequences.
“Elsbeth, I need…” realizing what he’s doing Simeon gently turns and places her feet on the rug. In a struggle for control he wraps her in a large blanket and continues, “I was told to remove the mark Asa left on you.” Confusion in her eyes, he feels the hurt he is causing her, and knows that it can’t be helped.
“Forgive me, Elsbeth; I am struggling here to do the right thing.” Feeling ashamed, she turns her back to him gripping the blanket tighter.
“I understand, Simeon. I feel things for you I know I shouldn’t. I have tried not to. Tell me what to do to make it easier.”
Her sincerity touches him and he moves behind her, “Do you trust me?”
In outrage, she spins around and answers, “Of course I do.”
Smiling like a wolf on the prowl, he reaches out a large hand and asks, “Will you fly with me, Elsbeth?”
Backing up in fear, she shakes her head no with terror filling her mind. “No,” she whispers.
“Why not?” Ashamed of her fear, she spins looking for her clothes. She fumbles with the blanket and tries to shield her body, as she dresses quickly. The scars he sees on her beautiful body fill him with wrath!
“What is that?” he roars. Startled she grabs her top intending to pull it on, but he stops her.
“Simeon, put me down!” she screams trying to cover her body up as he lifts her and walks to the bed. Forcing her on the bed, stomach down, he carefully inspects her scars. Elsbeth stops fighting at the feather light touch of his fingers. Chills erupt and with a wave, he builds the fire in the room.
“Elsbeth, I didn’t know he hurt you so. I would have healed you. Why didn’t you tell me?” He asks frustrated and angry. “Don’t move!” he says desperate to heal her and remove the other’s mark. Softly he trails his fingers over the scars, and she feels heat. Replacing his fingers with his mouth, he heals the skin so that scars are replaced with fresh, pink skin.
“Why do you torture me so?” she asks shivering from the heat and longing for his mouth on hers. Simeon jumps back from her, and watches as she rolls over to cover her body with a sheet.
“Forgive me, but you should have called for me” Simeon states.
Unable to look at him, afraid of the revulsion she will see, she whispers, “You left me, Simeon.” Leaving the bed she grabs her clothes and pulls them on quickly.
“I had no choice, Elsbeth! I would have healed you, took away your pain.”
She spins around fully dressed now; she advances on him seated on the bed. She pokes him in the chest. “The pain he inflicted