When her body begins to tremble, he does what he has longed to do. He leans forward, kisses her soft, pink lips, and tastes his dust on her mouth. It is not the kiss of an angel, but of a man desperate not to lose the one he longs for. He wants to feel and never forget the taste of her in his arms. Her lips part, her tongue darts out touching the heat of his, and she kisses him with the same desperation. No longer aware of where they are or what they are doing, they are lost in each other. His hands slide her dress up, and she feels his large strong hands cupping her bare skin and clasping her closer to him.
“More!” he demands and he slowly lowers the straps to her pink dress, baring her breasts to his mouth. With more dust on her body, he leans down tasting her and she throws her head back moaning in desire. The taste of his dust on her body drives him over the edge. Desperately she clutches his head and drags his hot mouth to her. She screams his name as he suckles her breast, sliding it into his boiling heat.
“Simeon…” she whispers and when he looks up her heart stops. His beautiful eyes once light brown, are now completely black, the whites are gone. They are no longer illuminated from above and his wings have stopped moving. In anguish, he screams as he throws his head back and they spiral out of control falling straight into the water below.
Tangled underneath the weight of his body, she does not struggle. He surfaces desperately searching for her and dives beneath to find her. He grabs her, and bursts from the water landing on the soft green grass below. Coughing, he turns her on her side as she expels the water.
“I can help, Elsbeth,” he says reaching for her. He stops when she backs away in fear, screaming and coughing.
“NO!” Retreating as if slapped, he looks at her and she sees the whites of his eyes have returned. She stands on trembling legs and attempts to cover her body. “I need to get warm.” Helping her to the cavern, he lights a fire and retreats outside to give her privacy. Ashamed of his behavior he paces under the stars not sure how she will trust him again.
Elsbeth removes her soaked dress. She drops it into the fire and watches it turn to dust. Jumping into the cold water in the tub, she washes the remaining dust from her body. “I deserve this” she says to herself; “Maybe it will remind me to keep my distance.” As fast, as she can, she towel dries and dresses in a large sweater and jeans, pulling on boots and putting her hair into a French braid. Hearing him behind her, she spins and faces him.
“I am sorry, Elsbeth. I have failed you. You gave me your trust and I violated it. Will you forgive me?” he asks unable to look at her.
“Simeon, I have dreamed of how you would taste and feel for so long, what you gave me was a gift,” she tells him sighing deeply. “I refuse to dirty it by throwing shame on it.” Looking at the human before him, he smiles a little as she walks toward him saying, “I think it’s best if we do not try that again, though.”
“I have to return you to your people, but first I need to see if I healed you.” Licking her lips nervously, she backs away from him.
“No, that’s a bad idea. I will have Elina check me when we get back.” Stopping his advance, he knows she is right.
“Are you ready?” he asks solemnly. No she thinks, I would stay here forever with you if I could, lost in our own Eden. Instead, she shakes her head yes and softly follows him from the room.
“Slow, Simeon, go slowly. I want always to remember this moment with you.” She whispers as she steps into his arms. Afraid to speak, he pulls her against him and lifts gently off the ground. She wraps her arms around his neck and leans her head on his shoulder as she weeps, knowing this is goodbye. He lands in the clearing below; Elsbeth clutches tightly to his neck and sees her family waiting.
“I would have been yours, Simeon,” she whispers as her feet touch the grass below. She looks at Jake and sees his smile falter at the sight of her tears.
“You are mine,” Simeon says and he snaps out his wings to their full glory. Inhaling sharply, Elsbeth looks into the eyes of her savior and the whites are gone once more.
“You cannot save him, Elsbeth only he can do it now,” Malach tells her from behind. Turning to look over her shoulder, she watches as two more Archangels land beside Malach drawing their weapons.
“No,” she says in horror.
Jake and Elina hurry forward and before they reach her, Simeon cracks the earth beneath their feet creating a barrier between them and her.
“Come to me, Elsbeth!” He orders, holding out his hand to her. No, she thinks not like this. She drops to her knees and begins to pray softly.
“Have mercy on me. Oh God. Wash these thoughts from my soul and make me whole again so that I may do your bidding.” The sound of her prayer hits Simeon, driving him to his knees. Malach uses the opportunity to snatch Elsbeth and pull her back behind the archangels and away from Simeon.
On his knees, Simeon knows the moment Malach touches her and screams in rage. The angels form