friend next time he lays his hands on a woman without her permission. Fucker’s lucky he’s still breathing.”

Security personnel descend on us from all directions, and I realize the entire nightclub has stopped what they were doing to watch us. I bury my face against Rod’s back and hold on to him tightly. After Rod explains what happened, and several other guests corroborate the events, the security guards let us go as they walk away with the other guy under their watchful eyes. I don’t know what’ll happen to him, taken to the local jail, escorted off the property, or released with a stern warning.

He glares in my direction as they walk past me. “Fucking cunt tease. Sensitive bitch.”

Rod lunges at him again, but several of us keep them separated. “Let him go. He’ll get what he deserves. Besides, you already knocked out one of his teeth.”

“I had thirty-one more to go. I planned on claiming every fucking one of them.” The way he assesses my thoughts and feelings with a glance is uncanny. “You’re not okay. Come on, I’ll get you out of here.”

He extends his arm to the side and I duck underneath it without question, sticking to his side like a tattoo. When we reach the fresh air outside, he finds a private cove where we can be alone. He stretches out on the lounge chair and motions for me to sit between his legs. Then he wraps his arms around me and holds me while my entire body shivers uncontrollably.

“Do you want to talk about it?” His voice is soft and reassuring in my ear.

“Not right now. Do you mind just holding me until this mental breakdown passes?”

“Not at all. I’m not going anywhere.”

“Thank you, Rod.” I turn to my side and curl up against his chest. His arms and legs shield me. His lips press against the top of my head, and I feel safer than I have in a very long time.

When my mini meltdown is finally over, I push up from my curled fetal position in his lap and give him a sheepish grin.

“Someone hurt you.”

I nod. “Someone hurt me.”

He inhales a deep calming breath. “For what it’s worth, you’re safe now.”

“I know. You don’t make me nervous the way some other men do. I’ve learned how to listen to my intuition better. I’m not perfect with it, but better than I used to be.”

“Ah, yes, that brings up one other thing. You called me Rod a few minutes ago. So you knew?”

“Did I know it was you behind the mask the entire time at the last costume party? Yes, I certainly did. You thought you had me fooled?”

“Yeah, I guess I did. Then I realized that by fooling you, I’d screwed myself, because you liked Captain America better than you liked Rod Stone.”

“Stone, huh?”

“Yeah, I guess it’s okay for us to exchange last names now. I mean, you seem like a cool lady and all. You’re not secretly a crazy stalker or anything, are you?”

“Never convicted.” I feel a little like smiling again at last.

His chuckle is low and rumbles across his chest. “What’s yours?”

“Nash. It’s nice to meet you, Rod Stone.” I lift my hand to shake his and he takes it.

“It’s very nice to meet you, Daisy Nash.” He turns my wrist and places a kiss on the back of my hand.

He gently tugs on my hand, pulling me back to my spot against his chest, and simply holds me in his embrace. We talk, point out constellations in the sky, and open up more about our personal lives. I think we’re moving into another unfamiliar territory here, and I’m not sure what to do with it. This feels all too real, and it feels so good.

All signs I should be running.

“Tell me about your life, Mr. Stone. Distract me.” I absently trace lines on his hand, skating over his knuckles and tracking along his fingers.

“I’m afraid my life story won’t distract you. It’ll only depress you more and encourage you to fling yourself off your balcony later.”

“Misery loves company. Don’t you know that?”

“Maybe we should stick to one tragedy at a time and see how it goes. I don’t want to break your streak of not leaving a friend behind.”

“I can promise you this one thing, Rod. I’ll stand beside you regardless of what terrible memory you share with me. I’d never judge you or leave you to deal with it alone. That’s the worst feeling in the world, thinking you’re on your own when you’re desperate for someone to understand. A single event can shape and define so much of our lives.”



There’s so much misery in my history, I’m not sure where to start, or if I even want to share this part of my life with her. She knows I have a sister, but no details about my life or my past other than that tidbit. I’m inclined to keep it that way for two reasons. First, that shit is too sad to dump on her at a time like this. She needs to be distracted from her own demons, not tricked into carrying mine along with her own. Second, I find I have to keep reminding myself this is only a short-term fling and will be over when we check out of the hotel.

“You’re not alone either, Daisy. If we allow the hard times to define us, we’re no better than the people who put us in that position. The memories never really go away, but I push them away because I’d rather focus on the here and now. The way I see it, I can either let those ghosts haunt me for life, making me afraid of everything, or I can get out there and live my life despite them. The events from our past may shape us in the short run, but how we continue to react to them is what separates us in the end.”

“I admire your bravery. I’m not sure I’m strong

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