the decisions I make affect my happiness.

The moment our eyes locked in a heated battle of desires, I knew exactly what I wanted to do. The bliss of the present is the only thing that can erase the pain of the past. Even though I partially feel as though I’m using Rod to forget my pain, maybe we can be each other’s saving grace. Since we’ve spent time together, we’ve danced around moving our highly emotional connection to an intensely carnal one. But neither of us has wanted to be the one to make the proposition, until this moment. It’s clear we’re only making each other crazy and spending nights alone needlessly.

His eyes searched mine, and he waited on bated breath for me to make the first move. The signals I’ve sent until this point must have been well received because he allowed me to take the wheel and set the pace. Knowing he cares that much about my welfare only endears him to me that much more. Recognition lit in his eyes the moment I made my decision.

Was that a glimmer of hope I saw in those gorgeous blue eyes?

My lips touched his, and it felt as if I’d touched a live electric wire. The current flowed through my veins and ignited all my nerve endings at once. The kiss started off slow and tender, testing the waters and giving the opportunity for either to pump the brakes. When it was clear that wouldn’t happen, sparks flew behind my eyes and any self-control I possessed disappeared when he threaded his fingers through my hair.

For the last several years, my decisions haven’t made me happier in far too many ways. The reins have been in my hands all along, and it’s my fault for not using them. That changes tonight.

That changes right now.

In our current position, I’m essentially lying on top of him with our bodies perfectly aligned. Every inch of me is on fire from the heat of his body underneath mine, making even this skimpy genie outfit feel too heavy and confining.

He gradually ends our kiss and pulls his face back while sliding his hands down to cup my face. “Daisy, you don’t have to do this. Short term isn’t your style, and this vacation will be over in a few days. I don’t want you to remember me as your worst mistake.”

I gently shake my head at his words. Rod could never be my worst mistake. “You still have three wishes to make, Master. Would you care to rub your genie’s bottle and tell her all about your first wish?”

His eyes darken with pure lust and desire. Even in the dim lighting out here, I can feel the heat emanating from them. “Daisy, I’m warning you—”

With my arms supporting my weight, I push until I’m straddling his hips. Then I lean over to whisper in his ear. “Last chance before I give your three wishes to someone who will use them.”

“Let some other fucker even try to take them. He’ll be fish food before anyone even knows he’s missing. I can’t be held responsible for what I do to any other man who touches you.” One of his hands slides to the back of my head, threading my hair between his fingers again until he has enough to grip tightly in his fist.

It’s funny, but when Rod takes control of my body, I don’t feel as he’s trying to dominate or confine me. His touch, even when it’s firm and powerful, promises nothing but pleasure and thrills. That same move from any other man would send me scrambling away from him.

Rod pulls my head backward to expose my neck, and hungrily licks, bites, and kisses the sensitive skin until goosebumps break free over my entire body. “All my wishes involve your naked body, my name screamed from the top of your lungs, and complete privacy from prying eyes. Although, if you’re feeling extra adventurous, I’m game for making good use of this lounge chair. I can’t guarantee we won’t be escorted off the grounds as soon as we’re done, though.”

“Maybe we should finish this conversation in my room … where I can be as loud as I want.” The bulge in his pants is growing, pushing against the barely there fabric of my genie costume and making it impossible to think straight.

“I don’t know. It would do a lot for my ego to hear all the chants and cheers from the other guests when the manager makes us do the walk of shame out of here.” He waggles his eyebrows and winks seductively.

“All right. You stay out here and do your thing while I go to my room and do mine. We’ll see how the crowd cheers for Hot Rod then.” I stand from my straddled position on his lap and sashay away from him.

My squeals of laughter erupt before I even realize what’s happening. He rushes up behind me, grabs me around the waist, and hoists me with a twist over his shoulder with virtually no effort at all.

“As I recall, you invited me to your room, you very attractive temptress. Now you think you can just walk away and leave me out in the cold alone? I don’t think so.”

“We’re in the Caribbean. It’s not cold out here. And you were the one who wanted to stay outside. How many times do I have to say you have three wishes? Use them wisely.”

He playfully pops me on the ass while carrying me through the busy hallway. Other guests stop and stare before laughing out loud at my predicament. “Don’t talk back to your master, little genie. Every time you get sassy with me, I get another wish added to my account. I’m already up to five.”

“Five? How do you figure?”

“Now it’s six. You want to go for seven?”

I pause for a moment to think about it.

“No, not until I have all the details.”

He barks out a laugh, then picks up his pace. “Where is your fucking

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