room and why is it taking so long to find it?”

“You can put me down and I’ll lead the way.”

“Nope, not a chance.” He stops abruptly but his hand on my ass keeps me secure against his shoulder. “This is your hall. You need to move your room closer to mine, Daisy. This distance is unacceptable.”

“Is that your first wish?”

“No, it definitely is not. Stop trying to trick me into wasting my wishes. Where’s your key card?”

When I hand it to him, he turns his face toward me with a bewildered expression before looking at the key card again. “Where the fuck did you have this hidden in that outfit?”

“If you’d hurry and open the door, I’ll let you search me and see if you can find the hiding place yourself.”

“I’m taking you up on that offer, but it still doesn’t count as one of my freebies.” He unlocks the door and rushes inside.

He abruptly stops again.

The overtly sexual moans and groans and other noises are instantly replaced with shouts and curse words hurled in our direction.

“Oh, shit. Sorry. Sorry. We’re leaving—right now. Don’t mind us. We didn’t see a thing.” He tries to turn around, but with me still on his shoulder in the narrow entryway of our hotel room, he can’t without walking all the way into the room.

Laughter rolls through his entire body as he rushes into the open space. The way his shoulders shake from his uncontrolled amusement mimics how an earthquake must feel.

“Rod, just put me down, you lunatic.” Now I’m laughing too.

“Nope. We’re leaving right now. Right this instant.” He whirls around and rushes back to the door. “Kevin, just plan on sleeping in here tonight. Daisy’s staying with me.”

“Good. Now get the fuck out.” Kevin’s response only makes us laugh harder.

“We’re batting a thousand tonight, aren’t we? Good thing we know for certain my room is empty now.” Rod takes off in a jog toward his room, jostling me the entire way and garnering more attention from the innocent bystanders we encounter.

“God, let’s hope no one is crashing in your room for some reason after all this.” Since he refuses to put me down, I have no other recourse than to stare at his fine ass and how muscular it looks under his tight costume. Curiosity gets the best of me, so I poke it with my finger.

“What are you doing back there?” He jerks forward and jumps a foot off the ground at the same time.

“I wanted to see if your outfit is padded or if that’s your actual ass.”

“Satisfied now?”

“I’m satisfied with the answer to that question, yes. I’m happy to report your ass is not artificially enhanced.” Our snickers and cackles echo down the hall. Anyone who was already asleep is wide awake now.

“Fuck, we’re finally here. We need a fucking GPS to get from your room to mine.” When Rod opens the door, the unmistakable sound of snoring rattles the windows and reverberates throughout the suite. “You’ve got to be shitting me. Jace, wake up!” Rod yells before we even reach the bedroom. “I know you’re in here. Get the fuck out of my room right now.”

“Dude, quit fucking with me. This is my room and I need some rest. I’ve only had a few hours of sleep the entire time we’ve been here, not including when you left me passed out at the fucking dock.” Jace is on his stomach and doesn’t bother to open his eyes when he speaks. Then he slides deeper into the bed, gathering the pillow in his arms as he prepares to go back to sleep.

Rod grips me tighter with one hand while jerking the covers off Jace with the other. Then he grabs Jace’s foot and drags him off the bed until his ass hits the floor, leaving him shocked and bewildered.

“Go back to your own room, fucker. I’m locking the adjoining door so you can’t come back in here.”

Jace grumbles and the stench of alcohol emanating from him fills the room. He’s had way too much to drink, but he finally staggers to his suite next door.

Rod locks the main door and the connecting one before he deposits me onto the bed. The question in his eyes only confirms I’ve made the right choice. To reassure him I haven’t changed my mind, I sit up and move to the edge of the bed. He’s standing between my legs, so I run my fingers up his legs and palm his erection. The spandex material of his costume leaves little to my imagination.

When I glance up at him, he pulls the helmet off his head and tosses it across the room. “I’m the only man you’ll think about tonight. No masks, no costumes, no characters. Just me—your Hot Rod.”

“Hot Rod with the hot bod, you’re definitely the only man on my mind. No question about that.”

I peel his pants down and his erection springs free. When I slide my tongue across my lips to wet them, he groans out loud. In a split second, he flings his shirt to the floor. Before I lose my nerve, I take him into my mouth as far as I can, and he thrusts his hands into my hair. He’s not controlling, but he’s guiding with expert skill. There’s no hint of demanding in his touch, only urging and encouragement. He’s not dominating, but he's empowering me by giving me silent control of the situation.

He draws in a sharp breath between his teeth before bringing my ministrations to an abrupt end. “That’s definitely wish number one. You feel so fucking good. You have no idea how much it hurts me to stop you. But I have too many other plans for your body tonight to let it to end this way.”

“I like the sound of that. What’s wish number two?”

His cocky, sexy grin sends shivers down my spine. “For my second wish, I wish you would take off those clothes. All of them.”

“Yes, Master.” I playfully bat my

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