my cock, searching for release. I grasp her ass and surge upward, burying myself as deep inside her as I can go.

Her nails claw into my back and she releases a loud cry before digging her heels into my ass and urging me on. The water sloshes, her moans increase, and her inner muscles tighten around me, milking me for everything I have to offer her. Our foreheads are still pressed together as we try to regain control of our senses. When we finally come up for air, and our eyes meet once again, I realize the dire mistake I just made.

Before I can apologize profusely for my lapse in judgment, she shakes her head. “It wasn’t all your responsibility, Rod, so stop feeling so guilty. I’m just as much to blame for not keeping my head on straight. We both got carried away. Just so you know, I haven’t been with a man in, let’s just say it’s been a very long time. You have nothing to worry about with me. I’m clean and I’m covered.”

“To be perfectly honest with you, I’m ashamed of myself, Daisy. I’ve taken a lot of pride in never having had sex without protection, even when I was a teenager. I’m clean, regardless, so you can rest easy about that. But I won’t be the least bit offended if you want to be tested for everything. I’ll even pay for it. This isn’t exactly the sweet pillow talk I had in mind for you today.”

“It’s real life talk, Rod. I’d rather have that than unobtainable fairy tales any day.”

“I’m willing to let you thoroughly inspect me, make sure there’s nothing suspicious on any inch of my member. You can get as close and personal as you’d like.”

“And he’s back, folks. There’s the Hot Rod I know.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’ve been trying to introduce you to Hot Rod this whole time.”

Now that we’ve dispelled the tension and restored our easygoing banter, we can move on to more important things. I turn off the water, grab a towel, and rub it over her skin, everywhere, without missing a single spot. When I finish, that heated expression is back in her gaze and her skin is flush. I fucking love how my simplest touch affects her, something I rarely pay much attention to with other women.

Maybe Daisy is the missing link in my life. No one else has ever made me want to pay close attention before her.

“If you keep looking at me like that, you’ll have me for breakfast instead of the bacon and eggs we ordered.” I arch one eyebrow at her in a direct threat.

“I’m not hearing a downside to this ultimatum. Is there supposed to be one?” She has the nerve to smile at me.

“I’ve created a monster. You will be the death of me. You know that, right? No food. No drinks. No sunlight. Locked inside a suite, pleasuring my woman day and night.”

“Again, exactly what are you trying to persuade me to do? I’m not clear.”

“Get out of this shower before I tan your backside.” I wrap the towel around her to hide her gorgeous body from my overactive libido.

“Really, Rod. It’s as if you’re intentionally trying to provoke me.”

She steps out of the shower and purposely drops her towel on the floor. She swings her hips from side to side, knowing damn well I’m watching her like a stag in rut, my tongue hanging out of my mouth, and my eyes unblinking.

“I’m changing your name, Daisy Nash.” I announce as I follow her into the living area. “Daisies are sweet little dainty flowers. They’re delicate and elegant. They don’t try to kill people.”

She’s visibly amused at my sudden outburst. “Is that so? What is my new name then?”

“I have to do some research on that subject before I announce it.”

“Because you have no clue what the other flowers are, do you? Besides a rose. Everyone knows that one.”

“You’re not a rose either.” I pitch a T-shirt to her, mere seconds before there’s a knock at the door. “Room service is here. We’re not finished with this conversation.”

Her smile nearly splits her face in two. “No, we’re certainly not. Now peel my grapes and feed me, man slave. I’m hungry.”

I’m enjoying this time with her way too much.



“Aha! I’ve got it!” Rod exclaims, rather loudly, as we pick up more bottles of spiced rum and Tortuga Rum Cakes from a small store in town.

“You’ve got what?” I glance around the small store, noting all the eyes intently fixed on the two of us.

“Your new name. It just came to me.”

“Oh, God. Let’s hear it then.”

“You’re no longer Daisy. You’re Mahoe.” He grins broadly, proud of himself.

I’m stunned speechless. The snickers from around the store are quickly covered by fake coughs and hands firmly placed over mouths. This isn’t embarrassing at all.

“Rod. Did you seriously just call me your ho? And you think I’ll be all right with that?”

“No, I didn’t call you my ho. I said Mahoe.”

“You’re not making this any better.”

“It’s also called a sea hibiscus. A Mahoe.” He spells out the name, but my deadpanned expression doesn’t change.

“Again, you’re not making this any better for yourself. Do you honestly think I’ll answer to ‘ma-ho’ when you call me that in public?”

“Hmm. I see what you mean. That could pose a slight problem. How about I only call you my ho in private then?” He waggles his eyebrows and I can’t help but smile in return.

With a roll of my eyes, I shake my head. “No, not even in private. Find another nickname.”

“That’s the state tree of Jamaica, if that makes you feel any better.”

“It doesn’t.” I walk off to grab a bottle of banana-flavored rum, leaving him alone with his Mahoe thoughts.

“Your husband is hilarious.” The lovely woman behind the counter smiles at me, then cuts her eyes toward Rod. Our banter over the nickname he tried to give me amuses her.

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