learn in school so they can be more successful adults. We have experts from various fields come in and give us a glimpse into their lives. We recognize everyone isn’t cut out for college, so we have focused time on technical vocations. We arrange internships for the older teens to work with mentors and give them on-the-job experience to put on their résumés. Plus, we cover room and board for the kids to ensure they have a full stomach and a safe place to sleep.”

“Not to pry, but how is this program funded? Do you get government grants for it?” He turns in his seat and faces me, fully engaged in the conversation.

“I’ve tried, but there never seems to be enough money left over to help those who are trying to help themselves. Our funds come from local corporate sponsors who want to invest in the community. They get tax credits for their donations, and we get to stay open for another summer. But our model is too dependent on corporate donations. Changes in the stock market could wipe out all our hard work, so I’m looking into different funding options for future camps. I won’t give up.”

“You are amazing. Instead of letting your past make you cold and unfeeling, you used your experiences to make you more compassionate and giving. Not many people are like you, Daisy. You’re absolutely one of a kind.” He rubs the pad of his thumb along my jawline, slowly and seductively. A shiver runs up my spine from the contact and intimate expression in his eyes.

“The kids are the amazing and resilient ones. They keep me going the days I feel defeated. I know I can’t wallow in my pity party because they’re counting on me.”

“That’s a lot of responsibility to put on your shoulders.” He searches my eyes. What is he looking for?

“Who else will step up and help them if I don’t? I can’t wait and hope someone else feels compelled to undertake the project. I’d never be able to sleep at night.”

He’s not sure how to respond, so he simply shakes his head in disbelief instead.

“What are you thinking, Rod? Do I not qualify for ho status anymore?”

“You never did. I hope you know I was only kidding about all of that. I’d never disrespect you like that.”

“If I thought you were serious, I wouldn’t be here right now. I’m a big girl, I know how to call my own cab and everything. You’ve mentioned your sister a couple of times and how close you two are. I don’t think any man who cares about his sister the way you do would purposely hurt another woman.” I link my fingers between his, reinforcing my message.

“You’re incredibly perceptive. My sister and I have been close all our lives, not in a creepy way or anything. We also had a rough childhood and learned to lean on each other to get through life in general. Even though we’re both grown, I’m still overprotective of her. She’s used to it by now, though.”

“I get the sense she doesn’t have much of a choice in the matter.” I chuckle, picturing Rod as a big brother.

After we reach the hotel, I’m unsure of where I should go, back to my room or to Rod’s room with him. Maybe he wants some time alone before dinner? Maybe he’s had enough of me for the day? My insecurities rear their ugly heads again. Before I have a chance to say anything to embarrass myself, Rod grabs my hand and silently answers all my questions.

When we walk into his suite, my packed suitcase is there waiting for me. We quickly check the closet and drawers and find Kevin’s belongings are missing. Apparently, our friends decided a swap in roommates was in order without consulting the other two people in this scenario. Rod and I stare at my bag for a moment before turning our gaze to each other. He shrugs one shoulder.

“Works for me. Now I have full access to gawk at your body at any time of the day or night.”

“Funny, I was just thinking the exact same thing.”

“I fucking love that smart, sassy mouth. Come here.” He places the shopping bag on the desk and scoops me up, tossing me over his shoulder with ease.

The mattress hits my back and a sexy muscular body covers my front. When his lips touch mine, my entire body lights up like a Christmas tree. He takes his time moving his mouth over every inch of me. His fingers tease and explore. His tongue licks and flicks. He accepts my every moan as a challenge to elicit another. Every cry becomes a scream. When my entire body is spent and shuddering uncontrollably under his touch, he falls over the edge with me.

When he collapses on top of me, our bodies meld into one. He slides his arms underneath my back and squeezes me closer to him. I’m lying here cradled in his arms, and I know one thing without a doubt.

I’m in way over my head now.



“When are you and Tracy getting married?” I intentionally throw that unexpected bomb at Kevin during our early morning run to see how he’ll respond.

“Married? What are you talking about?” He stops jogging and his eyebrows lift well over his sunglasses. “When are you and Daisy getting married?”

“We’re not, and you damn well know it. This is a vacation fling—nothing more. I’ve made that clear from day one.”

“So you’ve said. But you’ve been with the same woman for a week now, not even looking at all the other hotties running around here in their thong bikinis. You don’t want to admit it, even to yourself, but you’ve got it bad for little Miss Daisy.”


“I’m not wrong. The day Daisy and Tracy went off together and left us out, you were in a foul mood the entire time because you couldn’t get your Daisy fix.”

“Lies and slander.”

He laughs, but it’s the sardonic,

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