eyes and stand, my body skimming his as I rise. Then I take my time unbuttoning and unzipping until my complete belly dancer costume is in a pile on the floor. “Wish number two granted.”

His eyes roam across my skin, taking in every inch of my naked body without a shred of shame or embarrassment. “I just realized something… I don’t have nearly enough wishes to last the rest of the night.”

“We’ll just take it one at a time then and see where the night leads us.”

I lift on my bare toes and stretch to reach his lips. He bends to meet me and slides his hands under my bottom. When he straightens his back, he lifts me until my legs wrap around his waist. Then he carries me toward the door leading to the balcony. He stops to grab protection from the bedside drawer then walks outside, still holding me up with one arm.

“Don’t worry. It’s dark, and it’s late. No one will see us.”

Their balcony is much larger and more private than ours. The table and four chairs sit in one corner while two lounge chairs are in the other. The teak flooring meets full walls on either side, completely blocking the view from other rooms. He walks over to a lounger, straddles it, and places me on the thick pad. Then he moves backward, grabs my legs behind my knees, and lowers his chest. The first touch of his mouth on me draws a loud, involuntary moan from my throat. My fingers grip his hair in a tight fist, tugging as I ride the wave of pleasure.

When his hands slide under my ass and lift me off the seat, I’m not sure what to think or what his plan is, but he wastes no time in showing me.

“Just like eating watermelon.” He lifts his brows then dives back in, voraciously licking, sucking, and biting every bit of me.

Then he makes this weird flipping and rolling movement with his tongue, and suddenly I don’t care who hears me or sees us. The climax tears through my body with the force of a thousand flippy-rolly tongues. The inky night sky above us parts, rays of sunshine beam down on us, and a chorus of angels sing glorious notes of harmony in celebration.

Then his name falls from my lips like a breathy prayer.

“That was wish number three, to hear you calling my name in ecstasy. Now I know what it sounds like and I want to hear you scream it over and over.”

He continues his sensual onslaught. The sensation of his fingers filling me doesn’t quench the fire in me. It becomes a raging inferno of need. “Rod, now.”

Those two words are all I can manage to speak, but that’s enough. He makes quick work of the wrapper and condom, but still pauses, waiting for permission before proceeding. My response is to dig my heels into his ass and pull him toward me. His blue eyes darken to a deep blue-gray while they’re locked on to mine when he thrusts his hips and fills me to the hilt.

His mouth and tongue move along my neck as he stretches my delicate skin with every move. He wraps his lips around my nipple, grazing the tip with his teeth, and making my back arch off the chair while driving into me harder and harder. The humid air only adds to the perspiration already covering our bodies, making our skin slicker and harder to grab on to. My nails scrape across his chest and his back in my desperate attempts to delay the total body explosion that’s imminent. Time passes in the blink of an eye as he repeatedly reduces my body to a shuddering, shaking mess. At the end, we find the edge of the cliff together, neither able to hold out any longer.

We lie in each other’s arms under the stars to let our racing hearts return to normal. We’re out of breath and our chests heave with exhaustion, but soon the cocoon of warmth mixed with the gentle breeze from the ocean lulls me to sleep in Rod’s arms.

When I stir again, the sun is rising, people begin to stir, and Rod and I are still naked outside.



The morning sun rouses me from the deepest sleep I’ve had in years. The warm body lying beside me all night certainly didn’t hurt.

Then my eyes fly open. We fell asleep outside last night.

Voices carry from all around us as the other guests enjoy breakfast and mimosas on their balconies. Daisy is stirring beside me, probably trying to figure out how to run inside the room without flashing half the hotel in the process.

“Good morning, gorgeous.” I pull her tighter against me and throw my leg over her, covering her backside from any prying eyes. “Sleep well?”

“Yes, apparently a little too well.” She chuckles over our predicament as she lifts her head and looks around. “Should we make a run for it now?”

“Now’s as good a time as any. We’re in a high-rise hotel, sweetheart. It’s not as if the people down there will get a good look at anything.”

“What about the people leaning against the railing behind you? The ones staring at your fine bare ass and snapping pictures with their phones? Will they get a good look at anything?” She tosses my words back at me with an arched brow.

“No more than the people behind you gawking at your luscious bare ass will.”

Her lips part and a surprised gasp immediately follows. I can’t help but smile, despite my best efforts to keep a straight face. “Are you serious, Rod? Are they really looking at me?”

For a moment, I consider teasing her more, but the horrified expression in her eyes won’t let me. “No, there’s no one there. Even if there were, they wouldn’t see anything except my leg. Even if someone saw that fine ass you have, it wouldn’t be the end of the world. Not yours

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