is, so the most likely explanation is she’s giving me the space and privacy I’ve insisted on since we met. While she bares her soul to me. Without fail, the topic returns to the summer camp she coordinates and the kids who have touched her heart. Her passion is contagious and makes me want to sign up as a camp counselor.

But what endears her to me more than anything is how unpretentious she is about the selfless work she’s doing. She runs it as a true nonprofit, only taking enough money in donations to keep the doors open and the lights on. Every penny she takes in goes to the kids in some form or fashion. During one conversation, she let it slip that she’d bought clothes and shoes for one girl using her own money because the camp didn’t have the extra money to spare. The others had made fun of the little girl for wearing the same clothes a few days in a row when she didn’t have a choice.

I’d never been so glad to have the lights off. I clamped my eyes shut, rested my forehead against the back of her head, and fought back the demons trying to take me back to my childhood. It didn’t work.

One day when I picked Juliana up from elementary school, I heard a couple of little snot-nosed girls making fun of her off-label clothes. They laughed and pointed at her tattered jeans and out-of-style shirt. Her bottom lip quivered, and she was so ashamed she wouldn’t even make eye contact with me. Maybe it was wrong of me, since I was sixteen at the time and they were much younger, but I shut them up when no one was looking. A little rough talk and a threat of public humiliation resulted in two scared former mean girls.

Looking back on it now, I wonder if I only made the conditions at school worse for Juliana, only she never told me out of fear of what else I’d do. The truth today is the same as it was back then, there’s not much I wouldn’t do to protect my little sister. But I wonder what Daisy would think of me if I shared the deep secrets of my heart the way she has. Would she find the honorable man she thinks I am?

Or would she see the real me?

The man who pursued success more out of vengeance than passion. The selfish side of me that simply wants to live my life with no one expecting anything, without additional obligations or responsibilities on my shoulders. The guy inside who screams to have the young and carefree life I was robbed of when I was only fourteen. I had no choice but to grow up, literally overnight, and I’ve resented that for as long as I can remember, despite how much I love Juliana.

Do I expose Daisy to the real Rod Stone, or let her live with a lie of a man?

For the next couple of days, I’ll keep those thoughts to myself and maintain the happy go lucky fantasy world version of my personality. If she mentions seeing me again after this trip is over and we’ve returned to the real world, I’ll slowly introduce her to the parts of me that aren’t so attractive or appealing.

Then I’ll watch her run away as fast as she can, because no one wants to be around that guy.



The sun soaks my skin in its warmth as I relax on beach chairs closest to the water at our luxe resort. We have front row seats to the most beautiful scenery on the island, oceanfront with a light breeze. Tracy lies beside me, snoring after complaining she didn’t get enough sleep last night. Rod and Kevin got up early for a run on the beach, which woke Tracy and me earlier than we’d prefer while on vacation. Rather than waste the sunlight, I dragged her lazy ass out of bed to spend time with me.

I got about five minutes of girl time out of her before she dozed off.

More beachgoers emerge from the resort, claiming the surrounding chairs and chatting about the various water sports they’ve reserved for the day. Since my partner in crime wimped out on me, I lean back and close my eyes, enjoying the quiet time. My black shades provide just enough cover to shield my eyes from the rising ball of fire in the sky. Sleep tugs at my senses, pulling me under its warm blanket with help from the sound of waves lapping at the shore.

“Holy shit, man. Would you look at these ladies? Where have they been all our lives?”

“I don’t know, but we have to convince them to change this egregious oversight. It would be a shame to let this chance for true love pass us by.”

When I open my eyes, two familiar guys wearing swim shorts, designer sunglasses, and broad smiles stand at the end of our lounge chairs. The one with blond hair smiles, then blows a kiss at me. The dark-haired guy wears a sexy smirk and waggles his eyebrows.

“Sorry, guys, we’re not interested. We’re both already taken.”

“You have to give me a chance to change your mind. I’ve never seen a more beautiful woman in my life. From the first second I laid eyes on you, I knew I had to meet you. Fate has spoken, and she wants you and me to be together forever. Not with some loser you’ve wasted your time around.” The blond lays the charm on thick, but I see right through his bullshit.

“Hunter, get the fuck out of here. She said she’s not interested in you or your shitty lines.” Rod approaches from my left, fresh from his beach run.

He wordlessly motions with his head, but I know exactly what he wants. I sit up, slide forward, and he sits behind me. With his legs on either side of mine, I lean back against his

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