left on the Jet Ski rental. Are you up for going full throttle with a powerful engine between your legs and squealing loud enough for the entire island to hear you?”

“Sure, but we did all that in your room last night. How is this any different?” I lean back and give him my best seductive grin.

“Fuck, I love that sassy mouth of yours. We’ll put it to better use later. For now, I want to hear you scream in public.”

After we’re back in our original positions, Rod hits the throttle and we skim across the top of the water at what feels like blinding speeds. Instead of squeezing my eyes shut and holding on for dear life, I release my anxiety and allow myself to feel everything. I feel the wind in my hair, the sun on the face, the spray of water on my body, and the freedom of giving up my tight control on life so I can live again.



Today marks one week since I met Daisy—the day she first arrived. One week I’ve spent every day and well into the night with her. Seven days and nights that she’s been on my mind, in my arms, or in my bed, often a combination of all three.

I’m not an idiot. There’s no such thing as instant love. It’s not a feeling that just needs a dash of salt, sand, and surf to create. All the free flowing liquor in the world can’t create feelings that aren’t there. But I do believe two people can have instant chemistry and a strong physical attraction to each other and build on that foundation. There’s so much more I have to learn about her and details about her life I want to know, need to understand.

Somewhere between day one and day seven, we’ve started a new chapter in the book of Rod and Daisy, and now all I want is to find out where this plot twist will take us.

If that means we end up back in Atlanta together, so be it. Worse things could happen. I’ve lived through enough of them to know. We’ve shared vague references of where we live in our time together, mostly in the getting-to-know-you stage, so I’m sure there’s a way we can work it out to see each other after we leave here.

That makes our new relationship all very real.

“You’re drinking bourbon?” Kevin steps out onto the balcony where I’m sitting alone with my thoughts.


He sits across the table from me and leans back in his chair, his eyes narrowed while carefully scrutinizing my face. He props his elbow on the armrest and covers his mouth with an open fist. That’s his signature move when he’s concerned, but knows he should approach cautiously.

“This is the first time I’ve seen you drink bourbon in a long time, a very long time. Want to tell me what’s going on?”

“I told Daisy I love her.”

He’s silent for a couple of minutes, shocked beyond words. “You actually said those three words?”

“Well, no, not verbatim, but in a roundabout way.”

“I’m confused. How did you say, ‘I love you,’ without saying the actual words?”

“I told her I want the fairy-tale life, and I want it with her. I said I don’t want to be without her.” I shrug, trying to appear aloof and nonchalant about the entire conversation. The truth is I’m still freaked out about it on so many levels, even though I meant every word.

“Well, that’s a start, I guess. What was her response?”

“Long story short, she returned the sentiment, so we’re on the relationship track now.” I empty the tumbler of bourbon and pour another shot from the decanter.

“Don’t bolt on her, Rod. She deserves to be treated better than your usual dates.”

“Did you hear what I just said, what I told her?”

“Yeah, I heard the words, but I also see the actions. The only time you drink bourbon is when you’re dealing with the devil, and he makes you do stupid things. You don’t listen to the expert advice your best friend gives you. But you need to hear what I’m saying, Rod, because I mean every word. If you turn your back and hurt her, don’t expect me to help you put the pieces back together.”

“Wow. I can’t believe the best friend I’ve ever had just said that to me.”

“It’s called tough love, brother. You’ve sabotaged yourself for as long as I can remember, and I’ve helped you back on your feet every time. I’ve enabled you in your dysfunction and made it too easy for you to make excuses for your behavior. Because I have mad love for you, I can’t do that anymore.

“Put the bourbon away and deal with the demons causing your confusion. You took the first step and admitted she means a lot to you. Now prove you’re a man of your word and not a lame loser who can’t live up to his promises.”

“Don’t you need to go make sure Tracy hasn’t lost your balls in her purse?” Even though I hate that he’s right, I put the stopper back in the decanter and push it out of my reach.

“She and her purse are off shopping with your girlfriend. Daisy was excited about some secret date you’ve arranged for this evening. They’re buying new jewelry and whatever else they find to dress her up.”

“She told me.” He waits for me to elaborate on my plans with an arched eyebrow and a disgusted expression. “Fine. It’s a romantic dinner on a catamaran, just the two of us, besides the crew.”

“You’re going all out for her. I like it. Let’s up the stakes. You ready?”

“Hit me.”

“Tonight, give her your cell number and your address, and take hers, to show you really do want to continue this relationship after this vacation is over. Nothing says commitment like sharing street addresses.”

Have I mentioned how much I hate my best friend?

“That’s kid stuff. I don’t even have to wait until we leave

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