d'oeuvres while we wait to cast off. We explore the ship together until we feel the movement as we pull out of the slip. We’re escorted to the sole table at the front of the wide deck, giving us the best view of the sky and water in every direction.

“Rod, this is incredible. I can’t believe you arranged this, but thank you so much for this experience. I love everything about it.”

“It’s my pleasure, Daisy. I’m happy you’re enjoying it.”

The small band plays softly in the background as we enjoy the multi-course meal. We’ve already had an emotion filled day, but this romantic atmosphere seems to amplify it. After the waitstaff clears the table, we move our chairs to sit side by side and enjoy the view together. With my arm draped around her and her head against the crook of my shoulder, we watch the sun disappear into the water on the horizon. Dusk turns to dark, and stars sparkle in the nighttime sky.

Daisy lifts her head and looks up at me, an innate innocence shines in her eyes. “I’ve loved every second of today, Rod. And…” She swallows hard but doesn’t avert her gaze from mine. “I’m falling in love with you.”

I dip my head to capture her lips in response, but I can’t bring myself to say those words yet.



When the bright sun streaks through the curtains, the warmth of a hard body behind me brings an instant smile to my face. His arm is slung over my side, holding me close in his sleep. It’s early still, and his rhythmic breathing confirms he’s still in a deep sleep. My mind drifts back to the events of yesterday and last night. The feelings he shared were so unexpected, I was in complete shock at first. But then I let go of the fear and embraced the truth.

The time we spent together last night on the boat was nothing short of pure magic. Sunset in the arms of the man I’m crazy about, a romantic cruise under the stars twinkling in the black sky, and a full night of him ravaging my body until all my energy was completely spent. He ordered midnight room service as an extra dessert, an ice cream sundae will all the toppings. But he was the sweet one, being so attentive, affectionate, and adorable.

For the first time in years, I’m happy and have hope for a genuine relationship, one where we can grow and flourish together. Even though I wouldn’t have believed it from my first impression, I think Rod feels the same. But I also think he’s much more afraid of admitting his feelings than I am. Seems we both have our own hang-ups and ghosts from the past still haunting our present. Mine has kept me from pursuing love … and accepting it. That’s how I knew Rod didn’t feel worthy to be loved. It’s easier to see the signs in someone else than to see them in myself. It’s also easier to tell him he deserves it than to convince myself of the same sentiment.

From the cadence of his gentle snores, I don’t think he’ll wake anytime soon. Instead of waking him, I close my eyes and allow sleep to pull me back under its alluring spell. I’m safe and secure in Rod’s embrace, and no dream is better than the real thing.

When I feel him stirring later, I wake again with a smile that seems to be permanently affixed to my face. He’s no longer pressed against my back, so I carefully turn to see him, so I won’t disturb him if he’s still asleep. The tortured expression on his face steals my breath. He’s so deeply lost in another world he doesn’t even realize I’ve moved beside him. He fixes his eyes on the ceiling, draws his eyebrows down, and a painful grimace mars his handsome features.

Then he drags his hand down his face and exhales a forceful breath. He squeezes his eyes shut and covers them with his forearm. Without knowing which demon he’s wrestling with this morning, I’m hesitant to strike up a conversation out of the blue. But I can’t lie here and pretend everything is all right either.

“After seeing that gorgeous sunset last night, I almost woke you up a couple of hours ago to watch the sunrise. But you were sleeping so good I didn’t want to interrupt your slumber.”

He lowers his arm and turns his gaze toward me, but his eyes are distant and cold. “You probably should have woken me after all.”

“Maybe tomorrow morning I will. Want to tell me what’s going on in that handsome head of yours?”

“It’s nothing. I’m going to shower, then we can head down to the restaurant for breakfast.”

“Okay.” Normally at this point, I say I’ll join him in the shower, but the detached tone in his voice keeps me at bay.

We walk down to breakfast in awkward silence. He holds my hand, but the intimacy I felt last night is gone, replaced by an enormous gulf separating us. When we reach the table, he pulls my chair out for me before taking his seat, then he disappears behind the menu.

“Rod?” I love rollercoasters, but not this one.


“Can you look at me for a minute?”

He slowly lowers the menu, and his gaze follows it to the table. But I’m determined to wait him out. He’s an intelligent man. He’ll pick up on the social cue, eventually. When he finally gives me his undivided attention, I reach across the table and take his hand in mine.

“Talk to me. Tell me what’s wrong, what’s on your mind. You’re not acting like yourself this morning.”

“You know the old cliché it’s not you, it’s me? In this case, it’s entirely true. Memories I’d rather forget reared their ugly heads in my dreams last night. Sometimes it takes me a while to shake off the bullshit and get back to my normal, charming self.”

“Maybe I can help move that along. You

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