don’t seem to be in the mood for crowds or company today. How would you like to rent a couple of kayaks and do our own river tour? Later this afternoon, we can have a couple’s sunset massage on the beach. What do you say?”

“That’s a great idea. Let’s get away from everyone and escape from reality for a while. In fact, I’ll have the concierge arrange it right now. If you’ll order our breakfast, I’ll go take care of the reservations before they’re all booked.”

Though he still doesn’t seem overjoyed, at least he is livelier than he was a few minutes ago. I’m counting on the rest of the day and evening alone to help pull him out of this depressive funk. I can sympathize with bad dreams dredging up memories that are better forgotten. There was a time mine would throw me into a near catatonic state for a day or two while I dealt with the aftermath.

After a lot of therapy sessions and a lot of introspection, I realized I wasn’t handling my problems constructively. That’s when I changed my mindset and started the summer camp project, putting my focus on helping others rather than wallowing in my self-pity. It wasn’t easy, by any stretch of the imagination, but my behavior had negative effects on more than just me.

Some people are worth the extra effort, regardless of how hard it is or how much effort it takes to change.

The waitress stops by our table, and I give her both orders while waiting for Rod to return. Tracy, Kevin, Hunter, and Jace walk in and spot me sitting alone, so they fill the empty chairs.

“Hey, guys. What are you up to today?” I greet them with a smile.

“Since Hunter and Jace have alienated every single woman left at this resort, Kevin and I get the absolute pleasure of spending the day with them. If they’re left to their own devices, they’ll end up either in jail or killing each other.” Tracy rolls her eyes exaggeratedly, clearly irritated with her situation.

While I feel bad for her, there’s no way I’ll volunteer to babysit those overgrown boys for her.

“Where’s Rod?” Kevin looks around the restaurant.

“He went to make arrangements for our trip today. He should be back any minute now.”

“What are you two doing today?” Tracy cuts her brown eyes at me and flashes a sly grin.

“Kayaking today and a couple’s massage later this evening.”

“The whole paddling the boat thing is too much work. I think we’ll take the brats to a water park and let them play.” She laughs at the shocked expressions on Hunter’s and Jace’s faces.

Rod rounds the corner just as Tracy finishes. “You know, I like that idea better. Let’s go with them today, Daisy. We can cancel the kayaking trip and still spend the day playing in the water.”

He slides into his seat beside me and starts chatting with the guys. Tracy shoots me a look that says she’s sorry, but she’s also confused. To say the least, I’m puzzled too. Not only because of his sudden shift in behavior, but I thought he wanted to be alone with me. But then again, he came here with his friends, not me. If he wants to spend the day having fun as a group, I can’t begrudge him that time. The expression on Tracy’s face, however, says differently.

After breakfast, Rod and I quickly change then meet the others to ride to the water park together. The crowds have already descended, looking for another fun day in the sun. Kids run past us, elbowing their way through the masses to reach the next ride, while we wait in line for a locker to store our belongings. A group of young women wearing little more than dental floss strut by us, and one purposely slows her gait, wordlessly offering an open invitation for Rod to join her.

When I glance up at him to see his reaction, my heart plummets to my feet. One brow is arched, a sexy smirk covers his face, and his eyes wander up and down the length of her body. I stare at him in disbelief for several seconds, unable to verbalize my feelings. I’m not the type of person who thinks a man can never look at another woman, that’s just not feasible.

But he is doing more than looking, more than admiring a pretty face and nice body. He’s bordering on accepting that invitation with me standing right beside him. That’s one of the cruelest ways to disrespect someone he supposedly cares about. When he finally turns his attention to me, his face drops and his lips part as if he’s about to say something, but he quickly closes them again.

Tracy and Kevin openly gawk at Rod—one with pure contempt and the other with utter shock. Rod’s eyes dart between the three of us before he draws his bottom lip between his teeth. He knows he crossed a line that he never should’ve gotten close to, much less stepped over.

He clears his throat nervously, then drops his eyes to the ground.

I’m teetering on the edge of leaving the park altogether, or sending Rod with his fuck-buddy wannabe, while I spend the day with the rest of the group. At the moment, I feel like the dumbest woman on the planet. Staying with him today will make me appear weak, and I’ve worked too hard not to feel that way ever again. Walking away will make me question if I’m overreacting and being too emotional.

“That was a real dick move, Rod.” Tracy can’t hold her tongue any longer. “If I were Daisy, I’d knee you in the balls until you puked then walk away laughing. Have you ever tried not being a piece of shit?” She throws her bag in the locker along with Kevin’s stuff and slams the door.

Our four companions take a few steps away to give us room to access our locker. While Rod unlocks it and empties his pockets, I make my

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