make our way to the front door. When I press the doorbell, elegant chimes ring throughout the multi-level entryway. Within seconds, a staff member dressed in a stylish suit welcomes me inside.

The tailor-made suits, expensive watches, and overall wealthy air that Rod exudes in person never could’ve prepared me for the opulence I see all around me. I feel very underdressed and overwhelmed simply standing in this enormous living room while we wait for the lord of the manor to arrive.

“Hi. You must be Daisy and Landen.” I turn to find a stunning young woman smiling at us from the doorway. Her head is covered with a long stylish scarf that matches her outfit. “It’s so nice to meet you both at last. I’m Juliana, Isabelle’s mom.”

“There’s no doubt about that.” I laugh lightly as I extend my hand. “Isa looks exactly like you.”

“She’s my mini-me, that’s for sure.”

Isa comes bounding into the room, full of energy and smiles. She wraps her arms around her mom’s leg and looks up at her with the most adoring expression for a moment. The bond between mother and daughter is made of steel, that much is clear. Then she turns her attention to Landen and me with a shy smile and red-tinged cheeks.

“Hi, Miss Daisy.” She waves at me by wiggling her little fingers up and down.

“Hi, sweetheart. Do you remember Landen from the other day?”

“Uh huh.” She nods enthusiastically and her cheeks turn a deeper shade of red.

“Yeah, I remember you too.” Landen smiles at Isa.

“Why don’t you two come in the kitchen? Louise, the house manager, made an entire buffet of delicious food for us. Then the kids can enjoy the playroom while we chat.” Juliana absently strokes Isa’s hair, but I see the signs of a loving family very clearly. Isa knows she’s loved by both of her caretakers, but her sense of security comes from her mother.

“That sounds perfect, but I hope you didn’t go to any trouble for us.”

“It’s my pleasure, and it’s no trouble at all. I’m grateful to have an adult female to talk to for a change. My best friend, Karen, has been traveling for work a lot, so I’ve been stuck here with Rod. Alone. I love my brother and I don’t know what I’d do without him, but there’s only so much testosterone I can take.”

“Oh, I already like you. You and I will become best friends, I can tell.”

“I certainly hope so. I can’t whip my brother into shape by myself. If twenty-five years as his sister has taught me anything, it’s that he’s as stubborn as he is generous. Come on, let’s feed these kids so we can have some girl time.”

We follow her into the enormous gourmet kitchen. My jaw drops when I see the expansive spread with too many types of food to count. An older lady is busy at the double wall oven, removing hot scones that smell so good they make my mouth water.

“This is Louise. She manages everything related to the house, the staff, and she keeps Rod in line in her spare time.” All three of us laugh, knowing there’s not much chance of that, and Louise and I exchange hellos.

“Make yourself at home, my dears. The house may look formal, but nothing could be further from the truth.” Louise plates the desserts and urges us to eat as much as we want.

When I look to Juliana to let her go first, I realize the walk between the living room and kitchen depleted any energy she had when I first arrived. Her skin is pale, and she’s gripping the back of the chair to remain standing.

Though I’m not certain of exactly what she’s going through, I know Rod has temporary custody of Isa. Glenna said Juliana has cancer, but she didn’t have more information than that. Nothing about the prognosis, type, or how long she’ll be out of commission. The scarf tied around her head and draped over her shoulder must be to hide her hair loss, so my best guess is she’s undergoing treatments now.

“Juliana, why don’t you have a seat with the kids, and I’ll make our plates. You’ve already done so much, it’s the least I can do.”

She manages a slight smile, but her eyes reveal the truth. “You’re so polite, and I appreciate it, but it’s really not necessary. We can talk openly. Isa knows everything about what’s happening to me. I’ve taken a lot of time to explain my condition to her. I have a form of leukemia, so the high doses of chemo and radiation make it difficult to perform even the easiest tasks. But I’m not in inpatient isolation anymore, so I consider that progress.”

Louise sets a plate in front of the chair where Juliana stands, then winks at me when she returns to the oversized island for more food. “It’s no wonder Rod’s wrapped around your little finger. You are beautiful on both the inside and outside.”

“Um, I think you have me confused with someone else.” I pick up two plates and pile them with food for both Landen and me, while Louise makes Isa’s. “If you know about me, then you know Rod and I didn’t part on the best note.”

“Why don’t I move the kids into the playroom and let you ladies have the kitchen to yourselves?” Louise takes Landen’s food from me and calls for them to follow her.

After I take the seat opposite Juliana, she studies me closely for a moment before speaking. “Louise is right, you know. I’d never betray my brother, but he’s betraying himself in this case. Did you know he called me from Punta Cana and told me all about you?”

My chest feels like it’s been hit by a two-by-four at full force. My lungs seize and I can’t breathe for a moment. Why would he call her to talk about me? I’m too curious about this conversation to remain cool and unaffected by her revelation. Now I need

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