introduced him to most of my key contacts and have tried to steer them in his direction when they continue coming to me for assistance. For the most part, the transition is as seamless as I anticipated. But there’s always that one client who refuses to deal with anyone else. That one client, in this case, happens to be a vitally important one to our company.

For them, I’ve still attended every meeting and answered every email, keeping Kevin on copy as an added emphasis. Today, that client is experiencing multiple issues with the integration of our software with their new interface. Downtime for any business is deadly to the bottom line, so we’re all-hands-on-deck to find the mismatched data and correct it. My assistant clears my schedule so Kevin and I can work with the team of developers to locate the problem. We roll up our sleeves and return to the trenches where we started, all packed in one room so we can quickly share discoveries.

After hours of combing through data, I glance at my watch and realize it is already time to pick Isabelle up from school. With the bumper-to-bumper Atlanta traffic between my office and her school, there’s no way I’ll make it there before the staff leaves.

“Kevin, can you give me Daisy’s number, please? I’m late leaving work to pick up Isabelle, and I need to ask if she can stay in Daisy’s classroom until I get there.”

He’s torn, but ultimately, he understands there’s no other way. He texts her contact information to my phone and I call her as I rush out to my car. She’s been coming to my house a few afternoons during the week to help Isa with her work and distract her from Juliana’s absence.

“Hello?” Her tone is tentative over the unknown number calling her.

“Daisy, it’s Rod. Don’t hang up. This is about Isabelle.”

“What do you need, Rod?” She’s strictly business with me, cutting me no slack.

I explain the situation and make my request. She’s silent for a moment, but then she replies. “I’ll bring her to your house, so just meet me there. I promised Juliana I’d still work with Isa after school, and that promise is even more important now that Juliana’s back in the hospital.”

“That’s even better. I can’t thank you enough. I’ll be there as fast as humanly possible in Atlanta rush-hour traffic.” I hurry out the door and jump into my car, winding through traffic and cursing the red lights until I finally reach my house.

When I pull into the circular drive, Daisy and Isabelle are already there waiting for me. I meet them at the front door and invite Daisy inside with us.

“Thanks again. You saved my neck.”

“Today is one of the days I’d be here to work with Isa, anyway. There’s no need for you to leave work early every day. If you update the documentation in the office, she can ride home with Landen and me after school. Technically, she wasn’t supposed to leave with me since I wasn’t on the approved list.” Daisy keeps her tone all business, not giving an inch on her no Rod’s allowed stance.

“You’re right. Consider it done. I’ll also give you a spare key so you can come and go as you please, even when my house staff isn’t here. I appreciate your help more than I can tell you.”

“Will she stay here with Louise while we’re out of school?”

“Yes, she will.” I don’t bother to tell her I’ve taken off work to spend time with Isa and Juliana starting then.

“I’ll come over earlier in the day during the school break so I won’t interrupt your evenings.”

“Whatever time is best for you works for me. You’re not interrupting anything. It’s time for an after-school snack. Landen, are you hungry?”

“Yes, I’m starving. Lunch feels like it was forever ago.”

“Let’s go to the kitchen and see what Louise made for us today. I bet it’s something good.” Landen takes one hand, Isabelle takes the other, and three of us venture off to find food. When we turn the corner, I catch Daisy smiling after us.

“Louise always has something good for us.” Isa seems to be in a better state of mind today than she was last week, and for that I’m grateful.

When Juliana was first admitted into the hospital, daytime wasn’t as bad for Isa as nights were. She cried uncontrollably, her entire body shook, and she couldn’t release her hold on me. I held her in my arms all night, trying to soothe her fears and reassure us both that Juliana would still be alive in the morning. With the breaking of dawn, we’d call the hospital and Juliana would muster her strength to tell her baby how much she loved her. Juliana asked that we not come to the hospital while she was in the medically required isolation room. With Isa’s increasing anxiety issues, seeing each other without being able to comfort became harder on both little ladies with each visit.

Juliana started improving again over the weekend. It was enough to give us hope her immune system will be strong enough to come home for the upcoming holidays. Isa latched on to every improvement and every upturn her mother made. My ardent prayers were fixed on her continued recovery, because her daughter couldn’t cope with anything less. To be honest, I wasn’t so sure I’d be able to handle anything else myself.

This morning when we called, Juliana’s voice sounded much stronger than it had in the past several days. She was eager to be released and come home to her family.

“Mom, come look at what Miss Louise made. It smells so good.” Landen yells for Daisy as he approaches the buffet of food.

She walks in, ruffles his hair, and looks at Louise. “You spoil us too much. Next thing you know, we’ll be over here every day, demanding to be fed like a bunch of stray cats.”

“Wouldn’t that just be terrible? I suppose I’ll have to be more

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