takes care of himself, and has the most gorgeous blue eyes I’ve ever seen in person. The gold flecks around the center sparkle in the sun. His black hair is purposely messy on top and short on the sides, tempting any woman with a pulse to run her fingers through it.

The moment his gaze lands on me, his eyes darken, becoming more gray than blue, as I watch in awe. I’ve read about this happening but never experienced it firsthand. The reason behind the instant attraction I feel is apparent. This guy is all man and no boy, with a devastatingly handsome face and an air surrounding him that quietly, but undeniably exudes his powerful essence. With his perfectly pressed designer clothes, expensive watch, and name-brand shoes, I’d automatically say he’s a player, visiting a singles resort to add several more notches to his bedpost.

The worn bird pendant on the strand of leather around his neck is at odds with the rest of his attire and makes me think there’s more to him than what meets the eye. That worthless piece of jewelry conveys a story contrary to the rest of his clothes and demeanor combined. The sentimental value outweighs the importance he places on the more expensive material things, even if he hides it from the rest of the world.

None of that explains the way my soul recognizes his, or why I know instantly that somehow, he and I are kindred spirits, without even knowing his name or hearing his voice.

“Hello, ladies. Hope we’re not crashing a private party.” His voice matches his face—masculine and oozing sex appeal.

My reaction to him is entirely out of character for me. I’m not an inexperienced little girl who falls in love with the first guy who pays attention to her. I’m a grown woman who has lived through events that would cripple lesser people. My real-life experiences made me grow up, whether or not I wanted to. Being tongue tied in front of any man is not in my DNA.

And yet… I can’t speak.

“Not at all, guys. We’re just enjoying these amazing views. Can you believe this place? This is Daisy, and I’m Tracy.” She extends her hand to the second handsome man, not at all affected by their presence, while I want to wipe my hand on my clothes in case it’s sweaty and clammy. But I can’t because that would be too obvious with how close we are.

All I can think of is how to get out of shaking hands.

I wrap both hands around my frosty glass that’s still full of my frozen concoction, for just a couple of seconds, as I move it to my left hand. That’s all the excuse I need. Thank God for condensation. After I quickly dry my hand on my shorts, I extend it toward my soul mate and give him a smile that’s not too awkward.

“Nice to meet you.”

“It’s very nice to meet you too, Daisy. My name’s Rod, and this is Kevin. But you don’t have to remember his name—only mine.” He steps around Tracy to move directly in front of me.

The blush starts at the base of my neck and slowly creeps toward my face. I feel the heat increase with every blink. The way my name rolled off his tongue felt like a lover’s caress, filled with so many naughty promises whispered in the dark. When his hand slides into mine and his fingers curl around my skin, I feel the electric current flash through my veins and strike the center of my chest.

“Rod? I’ve never met anyone with that name, though I am a huge Rod Stewart fan.” I don’t know why I said that. Are there any holes around I can crawl into?

“I’ve never met a Daisy either. It’s obvious we’re both one of a kind.” His comfortable laugh puts me at ease. I appreciate a man who knows how to cover up a gaffe, rather than make fun of it.

“Oh, yes. You’re exactly right.” I laugh with him, and we forget the stupid comment, just like that.

“Have you seen the pool area yet?”

“Only on their website. We just got here, so this is as far as we’ve made it on our tour of the grounds. I bet the pool is more unbelievable in person.”

“They really went all out to make it a paradise oasis. Shall we?” His hands are in his pockets, but he extends an elbow toward me.

“Sure. Why not?” I wrap my hand around his arm, and we fall in step together. Tracy and Kevin follow several yards behind us, lost in their own conversation.

“Kevin and I arrived a few days ago with two other friends, Hunter and Jace. They’re around here somewhere. We’ve spent most of our time around the pool, listening to music and drinking beer by the bucket.”

“That sounds fun. You’re not dressed for the pool today, though.”

“No, Kevin and I went into Punta Cana to check out what it has to offer. We decided the resort has everything we need, so we came back. We were just talking about grabbing some dinner soon.”

“The reviews for the formal dining restaurant said it’s out of this world. I think Tracy already confirmed our reservations tonight. You should try it out.” Suggesting he should go to the same restaurant feels a little forward for me, but I’m enjoying his company.

This man would break my heart if I let him, I can tell by a single glance. And yet, I can’t make myself walk away from him just yet. There’s a kindness in his eyes that draws me in, compelling me to get to know him better. There’s a familiar air about him that encourages me to spend time with him, exploring his mind and finding out everything there is to know about him. Under his confident exterior and name-brand clothing, he’s a different man. I’m sure of it.

We reach the pool area, and the encompassing scene shocks me speechless. From the waterfall surrounded by palm

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