trees, to the zero-entry pool that I’d swear was an actual beach, to the tiki hut bars with the massive sound system, this area is a tropical paradise. A group of women walk by, wearing thin pieces of floss for bathing suits, and I instantly feel inferior and self-conscious. I’ll never be one of them, walking with confidence and pride while wearing next to nothing. Judging by Rod’s handsomeness, I can’t help but think he’d prefer one of these beauties over me. When I chance a glance at him, his eyes are glued blatantly to the ass of one girl who just passed us.

“Well, thanks for the tour. We should see if our room is ready now.” I extract my arm from his and put a little distance between us. His ass-trance breaks, and he immediately notices my obvious move away from him.

“You know, you look so familiar. I’d swear I know you from somewhere. Do you work at Subway by any chance?”

“Um, no, I don’t.” I’m more focused on making my retreat than his ridiculous question.

“That’s funny because you just gave me a foot-long. What do you say to sharing it with me?”

He did not just say that out loud. Why did he have to ruin everything with his gawking and idiotic pickup line?

“What do I say?” I hide my disgust long enough to throw him off his game. Then I grab the waistband of his designer shorts, pull it toward me as far as it’ll go, and pour my icy drink on his crotch. “I say you need to cool your engines before you blow a gasket, Hot Rod.”

Tracy openly gapes at me for a few seconds, unblinking and unable to make any sound. Then she simultaneously bends at the waist and releases the loudest laugh I’ve ever heard. It echoes all around us. I can imagine it floating on the wind, being carried to the rest of the resort so everyone else can join in on the fun.

Hot Rod jumps around on his tiptoes, trying to get the thick blended ice off his junk before he suffers from frostbite while yelling, “what the fuck,” repeatedly. The crowd around us breaks out into fits of laughter at his expense.

“Come on, Daisy, I’ll buy you another drink. You deserve one after that move. That was the funniest shit I’ve seen in a long time.” Tracy throws her arm around my shoulders and guides me past Rod and Kevin.



“Did it freeze and fall off? Are you a eunuch now?” Kevin asks from outside the bathroom door. The fucker isn’t even trying to hide his laughter.

“You worry about your own cock and balls, and I’ll take care of mine. I don’t need your help.” I drop my wet, sticky shorts on the floor and jerk my shirt over my head before stepping into the shower.

Kevin opens the bathroom door so he can continue to razz me about my blatant strike out with the first girl I approached on the island. “Are you that rusty, man?”

“What are you talking about now?”

“That lame pickup line you used on that girl. That was terrible.” He bursts out in uncontained laughter again. “I mean, you’re lucky she only doused you with a cold drink. She could’ve kneed you in the balls and put you out of commission for the entire trip. That would really suck.”

I sigh and shake my head, the droplets of water flying in every direction. He’s right. It was a stupid line to use on her. Despite my obvious humiliation, I think of imaginative ways to run into her again, accidentally on purpose. “Yeah, I should’ve known better than to say that. It was supposed to be funny, like an icebreaker to move out of the friend zone, but it didn’t have that effect on her.”

“Uh, no, not at all. They bill this place as a chance to meet someone you can have a genuine connection with and possibly explore a long-term relationship. But we both know what can sometimes happen when men and women meet on an exotic vacation. They lose inhibitions. They throw normal standards out the window. But with a classy lady like her, that probably wouldn’t happen before you’ve taken her to dinner, though.”

“Dude, I had to wait forever in soaked, sticky shorts with wet, sticky junk before our maid finished cleaning our room. I’m not in the mood to be made fun of the rest of the day.” I turn off the water and run a towel across my wet skin.

“You’re exaggerating again. The maid wasn’t in here that long. Just be glad Jace and Hunter weren’t around to witness that.”

“Don’t you fucking dare tell them either.” I pin him with my don’t-fuck-with-me glare.

“Your secret’s safe with me.” He holds up his hands in mock surrender. “They won’t even be back in their room tonight.”

“Are they still with the same girls they met yesterday?”

“Yeah. Can you believe it? Jace sent me a text saying he’s officially in love.”

“After one night together? Come on.”

“Hey. When you know, you know.”

“Man, I barely believe love exists, so there’s no way love at first sight is real.”

“Is that right? Then why are you taking so long to get dressed for dinner? Hoping you’ll run into Daisy again to change that shitty first impression you made?”

“Nope.” Yes.

After I dress, we head out to grab some dinner. Daisy confirmed my suspicion that she’s the formal dining type, so the dress slacks and button-down shirt I packed came in handy for the on-site four-star restaurant.

Why am I even looking for her after the disaster earlier? I don’t have a solid answer for that question, but there’s no way in hell I’ll let Kevin know I want to see her again. She’s gorgeous and spirited and plucky. That’s a combination I haven’t encountered before in any woman I’ve met and one I’d like to get to know better.

We head to the resort’s more formal dining room and find our assigned seats for the evening.

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