me, knowing how much I missed my family.

“It is,” I replied, “but it’s more than just a family visit. My father gives me messages, sort of a glimpse of what is to come and how I can get through the trials ahead. He gives me advice, but it’s never straightforward.”

“But it all comes to pass,” Xander continued for me. “Dreamscapes are always to be taken seriously. Emi, what did he tell you?”

“I..” I looked between my two mates. “I think we should include Amos in this and I really only want to say it once.”

They both nodded their understanding and the three of us walked out of the room and straight to Amos’ office. He was walking out the door, probably going to breakfast when he saw us approach. He sighed and opened the door back up, and held out his arm allowing us to enter inside.

When we were all inside the room and Amos closed the door behind us, he leaned against it and sighed again, as if exhausted already with the day.

I felt bad for bothering him with this because he had enough on his plate already, but it felt as if I should include him. Like he’d want to be included.

“I talked to my father last night,” I blurted out loud. Amos quickly pushed himself off the door, standing up straight and walked toward me.

“Eric? What did he say?”

“Well, he said I needed to go somewhere to find the answers to the questions I have. It’ll be filled with danger but it’s the only way forward for me and I’ll need all of my mates.”

My eyes slid to Xander and he shut his eyes tightly in anger and pain. He, himself said everything an ancestor told us in a dreamscape should be taken seriously.

“Where do we need to go?” Matias asked. He was trying to keep the conversation moving.

“The place where I lost my heart, wherever that is. Xan, do you think it could be Dev’s cabin? That was where you and I reconnected. It was where Dev and Anisley first made me feel loved. It’s the only place I can think of.”

I slid over to Xander and wrapped my arms around his waist.

“Yeah, I guess,” he breathed out and rubbed his forehead. “I mean, it’s the only logical place. But what answers can we get there?”

“Your uncle was a caster right?” Amos asked, joining in on the conversation. “There could be spellbooks and other artifacts left behind.”

“Yeah, maybe. But the cabin was on its way to being destroyed when Xan and I ran from there. I would think not much of it still stands. The Council…”

My throat caught and I couldn’t finish my sentence. Xander held me tighter, knowing how I was feeling about it. It had been too long since I thought about that night and what fate may have fallen upon Dev and Ainsley. Devlin told me not to look for them and I’d been trying hard to do as he asked, but I ended up feeling like I failed him instead of honoring his wishes. My uncle who looked after me my entire life in one way or another. He didn’t keep me from all harm, no one could, but he tried his best. And Ainsley. He made me laugh after not being able to for so long. I felt like I had failed them both.

“Tell me again what happened that night,” Amos said, pulling me toward the armchairs in front of the fireplace.

I sat down and did just that. I left out the part about Xander drugging me to get me away, but other than that, I told him and Matias everything I could remember. Even about Ronan and how he led the Council to us. To me.

“Emelia, I think your uncle’s cabin is exactly where you’re supposed to go. You left your heart there. I can tell by the way to talk about it. You haven’t gotten over it and who would blame you? I, of all people, know the feeling.”

We all sat in silence, absorbing the conclusion my grandfather came to after hearing my story. I was right to include him. Amos was so incredibly wise and caring, like I always imagined a grandfather to be.

“Did your dad tell you anything else?” Xander asked, breaking through the quietness of the room.

I turned my attention away from Amos and looked at my dragon mate as I tried to recall the exact wording my father used. The way he told me things seemed to be as important as the message itself, so I wanted to get it right.

“He said to never lose hope because hope is all we have.” I looked back at my grandfather. “If I decide to go to the place where I lost my heart, to not go alone. Never go alone. I’m at my weakest when I’m alone. He also told me to follow my heart, wherever it leads me.”

I decided to leave out the stuff my dad said about Amos, at least until I could talk to him in private. He needed to know how his son felt about him, but I didn’t think Amos would appreciate it being said in front of others.

The three men thought over my message for several minutes, then Amos called for someone to bring us some breakfast. My grandfather, mates, and I sat in the office for most of the day and made a plan for the journey to Dev and Ainsley’s cabin on the other side of the country.

Xander and Matias would be coming with me, without a doubt, and I convinced Amos to stay behind in case we needed back up. But the problem was, my casting abilities were messed up. How could I get us there? The only option we could think about was to bring another caster, and Camille was the only one I trusted enough to do the job. She was a snarky bitch, but she was my snarky bitch.

Amos brought her in to ask if

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