you come undone? I want to see it again, this time with your mouth wrapped around my cock.” His gaze drifted over my shoulder to Matias, who was listening to our interaction. “You think you can make her cum again?” he asked.

“I’d love to, my friend,” Matias told him and he ripped the panties away from my body in one quick motion, making me gasp.

Xander, not to be outdone, pulled the shirt up and over my head, leaving me completely naked in between them. He then situated our bodies so they were flush and our mouths were fused together in a passionate kiss.

Matias pulled my hips back toward him until I had no choice but to go down on all fours. I kissed my way down Xan’s chest and stomach until I came to his boxer shorts, pulling them down his legs and off his body.

I continued licking and kissing all around his dick and balls but never actually touching the place he wanted my mouth the most. My fangs lengthened into sharp points and I smiled seductively up at him. Then without any other warning, I sunk them into his inner thigh. He cried out, as his dick grew impossibly hard, but he didn’t cum. I pulled back seconds before he had the chance to.

“Oh god, I hate you,” he panted heavily. I just chuckled.

But then it was my turn to cry out as Matias lined up his huge dick with my pussy and slammed it home. He pulled it out once, then thrust right back in, making me scream again. With my mouth open wide, Xander pushed the head of his dick into my mouth and began fucking my face in time with Matias’ thrusts behind me. If I didn’t know better, I’d think they’d talked about a situation like this one with me between them.

Xan’s movements became more rigid and I knew he was close. I reached between my legs and rubbed my clit, sending another wave of intense pressure to my core and I moaned around the cock in my mouth.

“Oh fuck!” Xan screamed as he came hard down the back of my throat.

Once he was spent, he pulled his softening dick out of my mouth and reached over, pinching my nipples. The extra pressure from another pair of hands was exactly what I needed. Then it was my turn and I screamed as the waves of pleasure hit me over and over again.

Matias was last. He came, screaming my name, then we all collapsed on the bed just in time for the alarm to go off. I began to laugh, which made Matias and Xan start laughing too. It was insane what just happened, but oh so good.

“A good fucking before the sun rises is supposed to be good luck, right?” I joked.

“Definitely,” Matias agreed, and Xander piped up with a grunt of annoyance at my bad joke.

I really loved my men.

* * *

After we all showered and got dressed, the three of us made our way down to Amos’ office where we were supposed to meet my grandfather and Camille. However, there was a third person we didn’t expect to be there that we should have.

“I’m not letting Camille go out there without me,” Grayson demanded.

“I told you, I’ll be fine,” she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest, but I could tell by the little smirk on her face she loved his protectiveness. She talked a good game, but she loved her bear shifter fiercely and he loved her too.

“Grayson, I don’t know if I can teleport with four extra people. Three, more than likely, but four...” I said to him. “My magic has been messing up a lot lately and I just don’t know what I can handle.”

“Well, she’s not going if I don’t go too. You have your mates to look out for you, but who will look out for her, huh?”

“You don’t think we can protect Camille too?” Xander sneered toward him.

“I don’t need protecting, Grayson!” Camille screamed at the same time and all three of them began yelling over each other.

All of a sudden, there was a loud whistle and everyone became silent, all turning their heads toward Matias, who’d definitely had enough.

“Camille, do you think you can give Emelia enough of a boost to teleport all five of us?” he asked my friend.

“I don’t know, maybe.”

“Then I say we try it. If it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work,” Amos piped in. “I, for one, will feel better knowing you have another set of eyes to watch your backs. But Grayson, they need Camille and I believe they can all take care of each other if things go bad. You understand me?”

“Yes, sir,” Grayson frowned.

“If it doesn’t work and you can’t be teleported, then you have to let her go.”

The two shifters locked eyes for several seconds before Grayson looked away and nodded his understanding.

“Okay, then. Emelia, Camille, whenever you’re ready.” Amos motioned toward the center of the room where all the furniture had been pushed back, leaving plenty of room for us to congregate.

Camille stood in front of me and held out both of her hands. I slid my hands into hers and immediately felt a jolt of magic. Since I was the caster who was familiar with the location of the cabin, the other three grabbed onto my skin wherever the could. Matias stuck his hand around my waist under my shirt while Xan and Grayson held onto my forearms.

I closed my eyes and pictured the woods outside of the cabin, just beyond the treeline. It was the same place Xan and I hid when the cabin was under attack, where I met Ronan for the first time. I remembered the trees, the rocks, everything.

When twenty seconds passed and nothing happened, I asked Camille for more help. Almost immediately, I was hit with power I wasn’t ready for even though I asked for it and the five of us were off.

We reappeared

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