she’d do the job and she accepted without hesitation, like I knew she would.

“Abso-fucking-lutely,” she smiled. “I’m in.”

With that, we included her in the strategy session, which lasted until dinner time.

The plan was we, Matias, Xander, Camille, and I, would leave early in the morning, well before the sun rose for the day the next day. I would use what casting ability I could manage to teleport the four of us there, since I knew where we needed to go, with a boost from Camille if I needed it. We’d all carry backpacks with us in case we find something that could be useful, and we’d look for any clues that might tell us what happened to Dev and Ainsley.

Amos made a contingent plan to get us out if things went south and I couldn’t teleport us home, which included another cell of the rebellion that was situated near Dev’s cabin. I didn’t like involving outsiders, but I agreed back-up plans were necessary for success.

With the plan in place, we all left Amos’ office to get some rest and prepare ourselves for the next day’s mission.

“I’ll catch you guys at dinner,” I told my mates just outside the office door. They both looked a little worried, so I felt like I needed to give them more. “I want to talk to Amos about something else my dad said.”

“I thought you told us all of it?” Matias said to me. He wasn’t happy to be left out of something important.

“This doesn’t have anything to do with the trouble ahead, I promise. It’s something private, okay?”

It took a second, but they seemed to understand and each kissed me before walking away. When I was completely alone in the hallway, I knocked on the door and cracked it open before Amos could answer it.

“Everything okay, Emelia?” he asked, getting back up from his desk. “You having second thoughts about the plan?”

“No, nothing like that,” I replied. “I just… my dad said you are a great dragon and an even better man. I, I thought you’d want to know how he felt about you, even after all this time.”

Amos stared at me, his mouth gaping open and tears began to glisten in his eyes. He turned away and rubbed the moisture away with the heels of his hands.

“Did he say anything else?”

“Just that I need you as much as you need me and we should be good to one another.”

He let out a huff of a laugh. “Sounds like your dad. Thank you for telling me, Emelia. Now, go rest. You have a busy morning ahead of you.”

For a second I felt like I had done the wrong thing by telling him, but then I realized he was trying to not appear weak in front of me. When he turned around and I hadn’t moved toward the door, he gave me a puzzled look.

I walked across the floor and wrapped my arms around his neck in a hug. He didn’t return it for a second, but then he gave in. I closed my eyes as I felt his warmth envelop me. It was what we both needed and until that moment, I believed Amos didn’t realize what he was missing. I surely didn’t.

We were family and would rely on each other. We needed to be good to each other and hope for the best because like my dad said, hope was all we had.

“I’ll see you at dinner?” I asked as I walked back toward the door.

He nodded with a smile, a genuine smile and I knew I had made the right decision after all by telling him about my dad’s words.

I hoped what just happened was an indication things were finally going to start going in the right direction for me. I was full of hope for it.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

My grandfather sat next to Matias, across from me at dinner like he promised and he told us about his life. It was exactly the light-hearted evening we all needed.

I went to bed with both of my mates again like I did the night before and fell asleep in the exact same way, curled into Xan’s side with Matias holding me from behind. I loved having them both close and I was glad things had worked out for us. I didn’t care where I was as long as I had them by my side.

I slept dreamlessly, not that I expected to talk to my father again, and woke up before the alarm Xander set. Matias’ hand that was on my hip, went under my nightshirt and trailed up my skin until he was cupping my breast.

I parted my lips to moan, but he covered my mouth with his other hand.

“Shhhh. We don’t want to wake the dragon,” he said. “Or do we?”

I looked at him in horror, but then I melted into the idea of having them both at the same time. Outside of the feeding incident where I went down on Xan in front of Matias, we hadn’t done anything like that as a threesome. I wondered if Xan would be okay with the idea too? Matias obviously was by the tone of his voice and how hard his cock grew as he ground it into my ass.

Matias removed his hand from my mouth and it trailed south, dipping below the waistband of my panties and finding the slick heat of my pussy. He pressed down on my clit with his thumb and rubbed it in small circles as his other digits teased me to the point I couldn’t keep quiet any longer.

I whimpered softly as an orgasm washed over me, and when I opened my eyes after the feeling began to lessen, I saw Xander’s eyes locked on my face, intently.

“Fucking beautiful,” he said, easing my sudden embarassment. “I didn’t think I’d be okay with this sort of thing, watching you get off to someone else, but that was the most beautiful fucking thing I’ve ever seen. Watching

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