I roll my eyes, and Quinn punches him in the chest. It’s playful, but he still makes an “oomph” sound that makes me smile.
The guys all must hear him because they filter into the kitchen, Jase first. “You motherfucker. You can’t use a goddamn phone?”
Finn laughs, pulling him into a quick hug. “It fucking died. Power went out. I’m fine.”
“You stayed the night with your hookup?”
He shakes his head, like it’s a shame. “Yeah. Kind of had to. Slept in her basement. We were mid-fuck when the sirens started going off.”
Tommy gives his shoulder a squeeze. “You kept going didn’t you?”
He wags his eyebrows and smirks. “You know it. Why stop?”
I stare at them all, dumbfounded that they’re now joking around when only moments ago, most of us were thinking the worst.
Finn grows serious as he eyes Logan and Quinn. “I drove to Lyrics and Ink first. I’m so fucking sorry.”
I feel the sorrow in the room now. “We’ll figure it out,” Quinn says with the same determination she did earlier. “You all lost all of your things.”
I didn’t even think about the fact that the loft is destroyed, taking most of our worldly possessions.
“They’re things.” Jase wraps an arm around Finn’s neck. “We’ll be fine.”
James nods in agreement. “The town over is offering discounted hotel rooms.” He turns to me. “I booked three rooms. So you can make Jase room with Finn, or have mercy on him and let him stay with you.”
I smile, finally letting the relief wash over me.
Finn is safe. We’re all okay.
Fucking Finn, leave it to him to scare the shit out of everyone and be totally fine. I can’t express how glad I am that he’s okay.
It’s been days since the tornado. Tommy, James, Finn, Mya, and I are staying in a shitty hotel in another town while Quinn and Logan get everything figured out.
Logan calls a meeting with Finn, James, and me in Finn’s room, and all I can think about is getting back to Mya.
She’s been quiet since the tornado. I think it scared her more than she wants to admit.
“So, what’s up?” Finn leans back on his elbows and looks at Logan, who looks nervous as fuck.
He runs his fingers through his hair. “Look, guys . . . We’ve talked to the insurance company, and it’s going to take a while to be able to reopen.” Not surprising. The tornado tore Nashville apart. “And I talked to Rhys last night . . .”
Finn and I share a quick look, before I say, “Just tell us.”
He drops his hand with a sigh. “He needs more tattoo artists. His shop is growing by the day, and all he has is Christian who’s still his apprentice.”
“You’re moving to St. Louis,” Finn says it, but we all know it’s true.
He nods his head. “Now that we’ve started our family, I think Quinn wants to be around Phillip and Gillian.” It makes sense. Phillip is Logan’s dad, and Gillian is his wife.
I smile. “That’s fucking great.”
He offers a weak smile. “It is. I think it’ll be great. Only a few hours from KC, and Rhys hasn’t even given his place a name. Maybe we can talk him into Lyrics and Ink. Who knows. I think Quinn can rebuild the bar next door.”
“When do you leave?”
He answers me quickly, “Not just me. You can come too. Start new. It wouldn’t be Lyrics and Ink without you guys.”
Finn laughs, “Rhys is a dick. No way he wants all three of us too.”
“Rhys is smart, he knows he needs help. With us there, business will triple.”
“I can’t.” We look over at James, who’s smiling, which feels strange in this somber moment.
“Why?” Logan looks almost hurt.
James stands and places a hand on Logan’s shoulder. “Tommy and I started the adoption process. We just found out yesterday. We’re getting our kid. We’re looking for a house, if there are any left. The kid is five, already in school. We can’t change that.”
Logan nods his head in understanding and gives him a hug. “I’m so fucking happy for you guys.”
“Lucky kid.” I grin over at James, who has tears in his eyes. They’ve wanted this for a while.
Even Finn is smiling. “That’s fucking awesome. Shitty timing.”
I punch him in the arm. “You staying or going, fucker?”
He shrugs. “You know me. I’m always up for a new adventure. What about you?”
My mind instantly goes to Mya. She doesn’t want to live in St. Louis—that, I know for sure. “I don’t know.”
Finn laughs. “Gotta check with the missus, huh?”
I shrug. “We’ll see.”
Logan gives a nod. “Okay. We’re moving in a week. I know it’s fast, but no matter what, you’ll all always have a place there.”
Afterward, I go into the room I’m sharing with Mya. She’s sitting on the bed, flipping through the channels.
“What was that about?”
I take a seat on the bed. “Quinn and Logan are relocating Lyrics and Ink. They’re merging with Rhys.”
She puts the remote down, her brown eyes on me. “St. Louis?”
I nod. “Yeah. Finn seems ready to go.”
I sense the pain she’s feeling, and it slices through me. “And you?”
I take her small hand in mine. “I’m not going anywhere without you.”
I mean it. I haven’t known her long, but I can’t survive without her. I don’t want to.
“I can’t go back there.”
I knew that already, and she lays her head on my shoulder, looking so damn lost. “They aren’t rebuilding here?”
“No. But I could. I have plenty saved.” I could get a loan and start over.
She shakes her head from side to side. “You can’t do that for me. They’re your family. I won’t tear you apart.”
“So, I’m supposed to go and leave you here?”
Her shoulder shrugs. “We could make it work. It’s not either of us running. It’s circumstances.”
I turn toward her as she lifts her head and cup her angelic face in my hands. “I won’t lose