I sigh into him. Safe. That all sounds safe for the first time in my life. It’s my dream.
“You’ll be bored.”
Again he laughs and pulls back enough to look down into my eyes. “Yeah, there’s no fucking way life with you could ever be boring. And running our own businesses, we’ll be busy.”
Tommy and James now join us. James is smiling in my direction. “Yeah, you have some investors already. And soon, they’ll be more than silent partners.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” My eyebrow arches in question.
Jase answers, “Tommy and James are going to invest in our tavern.”
I turn to him, shocked. “Tavern? You’re a tattoo artist.”
“And hopefully, I can open a small shop. But for a while, the tavern is already established, and the owner is looking to sell and retire. It’s perfect.”
I turn to Tommy. “You’ll be joining us?”
My heart squeezes with anticipation because I want them to. In the short time I’ve been here, they’ve become my family. “Yeah. After we get acquainted with our son and make sure the schools there will be adequate.”
I nod. “Of course.”
Tommy shrugs. “I’m anxious to live in a safe small town too. Although . . .” he looks at his husband. “they might not be ready for us.”
“Fuck their ready,” I say with more confidence than I feel. I hadn’t thought about the small-town aspect, that they might not be as welcoming to a Black woman or a Black man with an Hispanic husband. I feel an uncomfortable fear slide through me, but Jase grips my shoulders.
“It’s a great place. It is. I promise. And if you hate it, or you don’t feel safe, we can move, but it’s pretty diverse. No serious crimes in years. They don’t seem to have any violence issues.”
“Sounds like heaven.”
“It will be.”
He’s always so damn sure of everything. “Do you really have enough for this?”
“I have enough saved for a down payment, especially with our partners here.” He smiles over at Tommy and James and then looks at me. “Why? Are you a gold digger?”
“Don’t make me stab you.”
He chuckles, but I’m not sure I can do this.
“You’ve saved your whole life for that money. You love to save people and take care of them. This is just you saving me.”
“There’s nothing wrong with being rescued, Mya. Have faith. You’re what I want.”
“Why are you doing this?”
“Because I love you.”
“I love you too.”
He smiles, pressing a kiss to my lips. “I know. Now let’s go back to our room and get started on our plan. After we fuck, of course.”
I roll my eyes and shove him playfully away from me. “So damn romantic.”
For once though, I’m going with it. I’m going to put myself first and go after what I want.
Because I want Jase.
6 months later
“Sing for me.” It’s a quiet command that sends shivers through me.
“Bossy.” Jase grins at me, his smile bright and beautiful. He flips the sign on our tavern to “Closed” and locks the door.
“It’s just us.”
The sale of this place happened surprisingly fast. Tommy and James are moving here in a month, and their son, Milo, couldn’t be happier. He talks about it every time we FaceTime with them or they visit.
The town is small, but it’s warm. Everyone seems to know each other, which was intimidating at first. But it was like they adopted us right away, bringing us pies and casseroles and welcoming us to town.
One thing we added to the small tavern that had three booths, two tables, a jukebox and a pool table, was a stage. A stage with one microphone in the center. Every Friday, we have a live show featuring different bands and singers who sign up.
It’s been soothing to my soul. I’ve grown to love this tavern and its patrons. I can’t wait for James and Jase to open their tattoo parlor. I know he misses it, even if he seems to enjoy working here.
And we both enjoy the live music and seeing people dancing in the middle of the small tavern.
Still, Jase wants me up there. And how can I deny my husband of that?
A simple ceremony two months ago has bound us together forever. Quinn, Logan, and Finn flew in. Rhys surprised me by showing up with his wife. And so did Sean.
A piece of me ached to not have Charity there even if I knew that was next to impossible. I pray she’s alive, but after this long . . . the odds aren’t great.
There will always be some guilt tied to her. I wish I could have done more. I wish she would have reached out.
I know I need to let that go.
I walk up onto the stage and grip the metal microphone with my hands.
I stare out at him. Free, freer than I’ve ever felt in my life.
He isn’t an addict, but he still goes to meetings. He found one here at the local church. He found a couple of people to sponsor too. He’s a healer whether he realizes it or not.
I sing. And I release my pain.
Some of it will always stay with me, but I’ve learned to have faith. To trust that there’s still good in the world.
Who knows? Maybe someday there’ll be justice for my little brother. Or his story will spark change. Maybe guilt will eat his killer alive, and he’ll confess to his crimes.
Sometimes the hope of all of that is stifling and painful. But I know one thing, Jase is good.
And he’s mine.
My mother never had that. She never brought a good man around. I never saw any of my friends with good parents. I didn’t know good existed. I saw small flashes but was never immersed in it until I met him.
And he looks at me, like I’m the good. Like I bring him hope. Why or how I have no idea, but I never want to stop being that for him.
When I finish the song, he’s on me like a flash, his mouth devouring mine.
“My voice really does get